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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. Search the whole document.

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December 21st, 1837 AD (search for this): chapter 11
red a resolution, providing: That all memorials, etc., on the subject of the abolition of Slavery, should be laid on the table, without being referred or printed, and that no further action should be had thereon. Which was adopted-Yeas 129; Nays 69--the Nays mainly Northern Whigs, as before. All debate was precluded by the Previous Question. And still the agitation refused to be controlled or allayed; so that, on the meeting of the next Congress, Mr. Patton, of Virginia, December 21, 1837. offered the following as a timely sacrifice to the peace and harmony of the country: Resolved, That all petitions, memorials, and papers touching the abolition of Slavery, or the buying, selling, or transfer ring of slaves in any State, District, or Territory of the United States, be laid upon the table without being debated, printed, read, or referred; and no further action whatever shall be had thereon. The Previous Question having against been ordered, this resolve was adop
, at the old Court House--Faneuil Hall having been asked for, and refused, to a petition headed by Rev. William E. Channing--to consider the circumstances attending the death of Mr. Lovejoy. The District of Columbia was originally composed of a hundred square miles of territory, lying on both sides of the river Potomac, at the head of navigation on that stream. The forty square miles south of that river, forming the county and including the city of Alexandria, were ceded to the Union in 1789 by Virginia, and retroceded to that State in 1846--the movement for retrocession having, doubtless, some covert reference to the probability or prospect of disunion. The sixty square miles lying north of the Potomac — forming the county of Washington, and including the cities of Washington and Georgetown — were ceded by Maryland in 1788, and now compose the entire District; so that Washington is commanded, within easy shelling distance, by hights which, in case the separation of Virginia fro
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