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Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) 942 140 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. Search the whole document.

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Fort Hamilton (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
1+ 38th Ohio Jonesboro Baird's 360 72 20+ 41st Ohio Shiloh Nelson's 371 43 11+ 41st Ohio Pickett's Mills T. J. Wood's 271 40 14+ 49th Ohio Pickett's Mills T. J. Wood's 475 83 17+ 63d Ohio (9 Cos.) Corinth Stanley's 275 39 14+ 65th Ohio Stone's River T. J. Wood's 405 52 12+ 73d Ohio Manassas Schenck's 335 39 11+ 73d Ohio Gettysburg Steinwehr's 300 40 13+ 82d Ohio Gettysburg Schurz's 312 35 11+ 101st Ohio Stone's River Davis's 460 51 11+ 11th Ohio Battery Iuka Hamilton's 105 19 18+ 8th Penn. Reserves Fredericksburg Meade's 264 44 16+ 11th Penn. Reserves Fredericksburg Meade's 394 49 12+ 26th Pennsylvania Gettysburg Humphreys's 382 65 17+ 45th Pennsylvania Cold Harbor Potter's 315 41 13+ 46th Pennsylvania Cedar Mountain Williams's 504 55 10+ 49th Pennsylvania Spotsylvania Russell's 478 109 22+ 52d Pennsylvania Fair Oaks Casey's 249 29 11+ 53d Pennsylvania Fredericksburg Hancock's 283 39 14+ 56th Pennsylvania Gettysburg Wadsworth'
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ton's 445 52 11+ 27th Indiana Antietam Williams's 409 41 10+ 27th Indiana Gettysburg Williams's 339 40 11+ 48th Indiana Iuka Hamilton's 434 48 11+ 73d Indiana Stone's River T. J. Wood's 331 38 11+ 87th Indiana Chickamauga Brannan's 380 61 16+ 3d Iowa (Cavalry) Pea Ridge ---- 235 27 11+ 3d Iowa (Inf.) Jackson Lauman's 241 36 14+ 5th Iowa Iuka Hamilton's 482 62 12+ 7th Iowa (8 Cos) Belmont Grant's 410 74 18+ 9th Iowa Pea Ridge E. A. Carr's 560 74 13+ 13th Iowa Atlanta (July 22) Gresham's 410 55 13+ 32d Iowa Pleasant Hill Mower's 420 86 20+ 39th Iowa Allatoona Pass Corse's 280 43 15+ 1st Kansas Wilson's Creek Lyon's 644 106 16+ 8th Kansas Chickamauga Davis's 406 61 15+ 8th Kansas Nashville Beatty's (S.) 140 16 11+ 5th Kentucky Stone's River Johnson's 320 32 10+ 17th Kentucky Shiloh Hurlbut's 250 27 10+ 1st Maine (H. A.) Petersburg Birney's 950 210 22+ 3d Maine Gettysburg Birney's 210 30 14+ 4th Maine Fredericksburg Birney's 2
Chapter 3: percentage of killed in regiments in particular battles — comparison of such losses with those of European regiments. The loss sustained by a regiment in any battle can be properly estimated, only when the number of men engaged is known and taken into consideration, The small battalion in which fifty men were killed must not be classed, in point of loss, with the large regiment losing the same number. The 31 men killed in the One Hundred and Forty-first New York, at Peach Tree Creek, was as severe a loss as the 102 killed in the Eleventh Illinois at Fort Donelson. The percentage of loss in each case was the same, and the one faced as hot a fire as the other. In proportion to the number engaged, the greatest loss sustained by any regiment, during the war, was that of the First Minnesota at Gettysburg. This regiment was then in Harrow's Brigade, Gibbon's Division, Second Corps. On the afternoon of the second day at Gettysburg, the Union line was driven back in con
Halbert E. Paine (search for this): chapter 3
Wisconsin Manassas Hatch's 511 87 17+ 2d Wisconsin Gettysburg Wadsworth's 302 46 15+ 3d Wisconsin Antietam Williams's 340 41 12+ 4th Wisconsin Port Hudson Paine's 222 45 20+ 10th Wisconsin Chaplin Hills Rousseau's 376 52 13+ 14th Wisconsin Vicksburg (May 22) McArthur's 256 30 11+ 15th Wisconsin Dallas T. J. Wood's's 286 35 12+ 17th U. S. Infantry Gettysburg Barnes's 260 43 16+ 18th U. S. Infantry Stone's River Rousseau's 603 102 16+ 5th U. S. Colored Chaffin's Farm Paine's 550 85 15+ 6th U. S. Colored Chaffin's Farm Paine's 367 61 16+ 79th U. S. Colored Poison Springs Thayer's 463 111 23+ Unlike other tabulations in thePaine's 367 61 16+ 79th U. S. Colored Poison Springs Thayer's 463 111 23+ Unlike other tabulations in these pages, the above list is not an exhaustive one. Although showing losses of over ten per cent., it does not include every loss which exceeded that ratio. It is impossible, in many cases, to ascertain the number of muskets taken into action; regimental commandants seldom stated it, although it always would have formed an importa
John Sedgwick (search for this): chapter 3
210 26 12+ 12th Massachusetts Antietam Ricketts's 334 74 22+ 15th Massachusetts Antietam Sedgwick's 606 108 17+ 15th Massachusetts Gettysburg Gibbon's 239 38 15+ 18th Massachusetts Manassin Williams's 339 41 12+ 30th New York Manassas Hatch's 341 66 19+ 34th New York Antietam Sedgwick's 311 41 13+ 38th New York Fredericksburg Birney's 374 41 10+ 40th New York (5 Cos.) FairOaks Kearny's 231 24 10+ 40th New York Manassas Kearny's 244 37 15+ 42d New York Antietam Sedgwick's 345 58 16+ 44th New York Malvern Hill Morell's 225 23 10+ 48th New York Fort Wagner Seyson's 309 53 10+ 57th New York Fredericksburg Hancock's 192 20 10+ 59th New York Antietam Sedgwick's 381 71 18+ 61st New York Fair Oaks Richardson's 435 44 10+ 63d New York Antietam Richarsworth's 374 48 12+ 80th New York Gettysburg Doubleday's 287 47 16+ 82d New York Antietam Sedgwick's 339 41 12+ 82d New York Gettysburg Gibbon's 305 65 21+ 83d New York Fredericksburg Gibb
Jacob G. Lauman (search for this): chapter 3
linois Stone's River Johnson's 354 36 10+ 35th Illinois Chickamauga Davis's 299 34 11+ 38th Illinois Chickamauga Davis's 301 33 10+ 41st Illinois Jackson Lauman's 338 44 13+ 43d Illinois Shiloh McClernand's 500 78 15+ 51st Illinois Chickamauga Sheridan's 209 26 12+ 53d Illinois Jackson Lauman's 219 33 15+ 55thLauman's 219 33 15+ 55th Illinois Shiloh Sherman's 512 83 16+ 75th Illinois Chaplin Hills Mitchell's 709 71 10+ 79th Illinois Stone's River Johnson's 437 44 10+ 82d Illinois Chancellorsville Schurz's 359 47 13+ 84th Illinois Stone's River Palmer's 357 67 18+ 93d Illinois Alatoona Pass Corse's 290 34 11+ 14th Indiana Antietam French's 32na Stone's River T. J. Wood's 331 38 11+ 87th Indiana Chickamauga Brannan's 380 61 16+ 3d Iowa (Cavalry) Pea Ridge ---- 235 27 11+ 3d Iowa (Inf.) Jackson Lauman's 241 36 14+ 5th Iowa Iuka Hamilton's 482 62 12+ 7th Iowa (8 Cos) Belmont Grant's 410 74 18+ 9th Iowa Pea Ridge E. A. Carr's 560 74 13+ 13th Iowa Atla
Walton Dwight (search for this): chapter 3
rch Williams's 358 47 13+ 111th New York (8 Cos.) Gettysburg Alex. Hays's 390 88 22+ 111th New York Wilderness Barlow's 386 59 15+ 114th New York Opequon Dwight's 315 44 13+ 114th New York Cedar Creek Dwight's 250 39 15+ 121st New York Salem Heights Brooks's 453 97 21+ 121st New York Spotsylvania Russell's 346 60Dwight's 250 39 15+ 121st New York Salem Heights Brooks's 453 97 21+ 121st New York Spotsylvania Russell's 346 60 17+ 124th New York Chancellorsville Whipple's 550 57 10+ 124th New York Gettysburg Birney's 238 32 13+ 126th New York Gettysburg Alex. Hays's 402 64 15+ 134th New York Gettysburg Steinwehr's 400 60 15+ 137th New York Wauhatchie Geary's 206 31 15+ 141st New York Peach Tree Creek Williams's 142 31 21+ 147th Newrmont Savage Station W. F. Smith's 400 72 18+ 5th Vermont Wilderness Getty's 475 63 13+ 6th Vermont Wilderness Getty's 441 69 15+ 8th Vermont Cedar Creek Dwight's 156 26 16+ 10th Vermont Cedar Creek Ricketts's 277 27 10+ 1st Wisconsin Chaplin Hills Rousseau's 407 77 18+ 2d Wisconsin Manassas Hatch's 511 87 17+
James B. Steedman (search for this): chapter 3
ille Ferrero's 150 28 18+ 3d Michigan Manassas Kearny's 260 41 15+ 4th Michigan Gettysburg Barnes's 342 40 11+ 5th Michigan Fair Oaks Kearny's 330 43 13+ 7th Michigan Gettysburg Gibbon's 165 27 16+ 8th Michigan James' Island Stevens's 534 61 11+ 13th Michigan Stone's River T. J. Wood's 225 32 14+ 13th Michigan Chickamauga T. J. Wood's 217 26 11+ 16th Michigan Gettysburg Barnes's 218 29 13+ 17th Michigan Spotsylvania Willcox's 226 30 13+ 22d Michigan Chickamauga Steedman's 584 88 15+ 24th Michigan Gettysburg Wadsworth's 496 94 18+ 1st Minnesota Gettysburg Gibbon's 262 75 28+ 12th Missouri Vicksburg (May 22) Steele's 360 39 10+ 2d New Hampshire Manassas Hooker's 332 37 11+ 2d New Hampshire Gettysburg Humphreys's 354 48 13+ 3d New Hampshire Deep Bottom Terry's 198 28 14+ 5th New Hampshire Fredericksburg Hancock's 303 In Hancock's official report, the number engaged is stated at 303; but, Colonel Cross in his official report says that h
Rappahannock Sta (search for this): chapter 3
6 20+ 39th Iowa Allatoona Pass Corse's 280 43 15+ 1st Kansas Wilson's Creek Lyon's 644 106 16+ 8th Kansas Chickamauga Davis's 406 61 15+ 8th Kansas Nashville Beatty's (S.) 140 16 11+ 5th Kentucky Stone's River Johnson's 320 32 10+ 17th Kentucky Shiloh Hurlbut's 250 27 10+ 1st Maine (H. A.) Petersburg Birney's 950 210 22+ 3d Maine Gettysburg Birney's 210 30 14+ 4th Maine Fredericksburg Birney's 211 33 15+ 4th Maine Gettysburg Birney's 202 27 13+ 6th Maine Rappahannock Sta. Wright's 321 56 17+ 7th Maine Antietam W. F. Smith's 181 25 13+ 8th Maine Ware Bottom Ch. Ames's 190 19 10+ 9th Maine Petersburg Ames's 102 20 19+ 16th Maine Fredericksburg Gibbon's 427 76 17+ 16th Maine Gettysburg Robinson's 248 27 10+ 17th Maine Wilderness Birney's 507 54 10+ 19th Maine Gettysburg Gibbon's 440 68 15+ 20th Maine Gettysburg Barnes's 386 41 10+ 2d Massachusetts Cedar Mountain Williams's 474 56 12+ 2d Massachusetts Gettysburg Williams's 316
Edward Ferrero (search for this): chapter 3
4 12+ 19th Massachusetts Gettysburg Gibbon's 141 17 12+ 20th Massachusetts Fredericksburg Howard's 238 48 20+ 25th Massachusetts Cold Harbor Martindale's 310 74 23+ 57th Massachusetts Wilderness Stevenson's 545 94 17+ 9th Massachusetts Bat'y Gettysburg Reserve Artillery 104 11 10+ 5th Michigan (Cavalry) Hawes' Shop Torbert's 150 15 10+ 6th Michigan (Cavalry) Hawes' Shop Torbert's 140 17 12+ 1st Michigan (Infantry) Manassas Morell's 320 55 17+ 2d Michigan Knoxville Ferrero's 150 28 18+ 3d Michigan Manassas Kearny's 260 41 15+ 4th Michigan Gettysburg Barnes's 342 40 11+ 5th Michigan Fair Oaks Kearny's 330 43 13+ 7th Michigan Gettysburg Gibbon's 165 27 16+ 8th Michigan James' Island Stevens's 534 61 11+ 13th Michigan Stone's River T. J. Wood's 225 32 14+ 13th Michigan Chickamauga T. J. Wood's 217 26 11+ 16th Michigan Gettysburg Barnes's 218 29 13+ 17th Michigan Spotsylvania Willcox's 226 30 13+ 22d Michigan Chickamauga Steedman's 5
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