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left a strong guard in his intrenchments along the right bank of the Potomac, guarding the bridges and covering the roads to Alexandria, Fairfax, and Falls Church. The division in military occupation of Maryland under Gen. Banks, most of which is concentrated in and around Baltimore, consists of 7,400 men, with some field-guns. The corps at Fortress Monroe and Hampton, under Gen. Butler, is 11,000 strong, with two field batteries, some guns of position, and the fortress itself in hand. Gen. Lyon, who is operating in Missouri with marked success, has about 6,500 men. Gen. Prentiss at Cairo commands a division of 6,000 men and two field-batteries. There are beside these forces many regiments organized and actually in the field. The army under the command of Gen. Beauregard at Manassas Junction is estimated at 60,000, but that must include the reserves, and! a portion of the force in the intrenchments along the road to Richmond, in the immediate neighborhood of which there is a co
gel ordered his forces to press on towards Sarcoxie, where they arrived on Saturday morning. On Sunday afternoon the retreat was continued to Mount Vernon, Lawrence County, where he has since been reinforced by Col. Brown's regiment of Home Guards, and Gen. Sweeeny, with another detachment or Home Guards. Thus the first serious conflict between the United States troops and the rebels has been fought in Missouri, by our brave German Missouri volunteers, resulting in a brilliant victory. Gen. Lyon will perhaps repent that he delayed so long at Boonville, and was thereby prevented from being present and sharing the honors of this glorious victory with Col. Siegel. That Col. Siegel would fight, and when fighting be victorious, none who knew him ever doubted. He is, perhaps, the best educated tactician we have in Missouri, and has gained a valuable experience in actual warfare, in Schleswig-Holstein and Baden, during the revolutionary period of 1848. His soldiers love and admire h
of Lamar, on Thursday the 27th, and that they had received the first intimation of the United States troops in Springfield being on their march to the West. Concerning Rains' troops, it was reported to me that they had passed Papinsville, on Thursday evening the 27th, and were one day's march behind Jackson on the 28th. I at once resolved to march on the body of troops encamped at Pool's Prairie, and then, turning north, to attack Jackson and Rains, and open a line of communication with Gen. Lyon, who, it was reported, had had a fight on the 28th ult. on the banks of Little Osage River, near Ball's Mills, about fifteen miles north of Nevada City. I will remark, in passing, that I had sent several scouts in the direction of Ball's Mills, but only one of them returned, and he had no reliable news. Scarcely had our troops left Sarcoxie, on the morning of the 29th, when I received news that the camp in Pool's Prairie had been broken up the same morning, and the troops had fled t
ll. Forsythe has been noted for some time as being the rendezvous of some four hundred secessionists, who drilled there, and made it the basis of a series of predatory operations upon the property of Union men living in the vicinity. They were said to be fortified in the Court-house, and, by the character of the town, to an extent that would enable them to resist a much superior force. This fact or report, together with the one that they had plenty of arms, provisions, &c., determined Gen. Lyon to break them up. About three miles this side, ten men went forward to make a reconnaissance. A mile or so ahead they ran against three of the enemy's pickets--one of whom they captured, but the other two escaped and probably gave the alarm in the town. Companies C and D, under Capt. Stanley, and the Kansas Mounted Volunteers, under Capt. Wood, were ordered to charge immediately on the town, while the rest were directed to follow up in double-quick. The town is situated at the conf
with a view to her speedy regular union with her Southern sisters. It is almost unnecessry to announce that the operations of the Confederate States forces and the Missouri State troops cooperating with them, will be conducted according to the most humane principles of civilized regular warfare. Without determining in advance what reparation should be exacted for the inhuman outrages perpetrated in Missouri, under the countenance of the brutal proclamations issued by the Lincoln leaders, Lyon, Curtis, Pope, and others, I will give at least this assurance, that, expecting better things from Major-General Fremont, the State authorities will doubtless afford him an early opportunity of determining whether the war is hereafter to be conducted by his forces and partisans in accordance with civilized usages. The shooting of women and children, the firing into the windows of a crowded court of justice, at St. Louis, the cowardly acts of the Lincoln soldiery towards such respectable and
ere reported within twenty miles of the town and advancing from Cassville. On the 1st instant Gen. Lyon ordered his entire command, with the exception of a small guard, to rendezvous at Crane Creek, six guns, six and twelve-pounders. The whole column was under the immediate command of Major-General Lyon, while Brigadier-Generals Sweeny, Siegel, and Major Sturgis were intrusted with the most ik. Five prisoners were brought in by our skirmishers, one of which, upon being questioned by General Lyon, manifested considerable impertinence; his actions being suspicious he was carefully watched,hey saw our artillery coming up, when they inquired whose troops we were? Upon being informed Gen. Lyon's, they made a hasty exit into the dense woods, one of the staff officers ordering the men to other day's hardship and a night's repose, the morning dawned upon us with its fierce glare. General Lyon finding himself short of provisions, his men weary and footsore, many of them sick from intem
ns, composed as follows: The first, under Gen. Lyon, consisted of one battalion regular infantryor Schofield now informed me of the death of Gen. Lyon, and reported for orders. The responsibilited;) Major Wherry, volunteer aide-de-camp to Gen. Lyon; Major Shepard, volunteer aide-de-camp to Geuntil it was evident that the main corps of General Lyon had engaged the enemy along the whole line.ed. I thereupon presumed that the attack of Gen. Lyon had been successful, and that his troops wer the forces at Springfield, under command of Gen. Lyon, and commenced the march to Wilson's Creek, y. From that time our march, as directed by Gen. Lyon in person, lay through a small valley which perfectly succeeded, I received orders from Gen. Lyon to move my battery to the right--Captain Gra end of the camp, and sent word to him that General Lyon was engaged. This was a little after six A great victory over the enemy, commanded by Gen. N. Lyon. The battle was fought ten miles from Spri[26 more...]
otice J. P. Orr, of Paris, Mo., who bore our standard through the heat of the conflict, though badly wounded, and having his colors torn into shreds by the bullets of the enemy. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, John B. Clark, Brigadier-General, Third District M. S. G. Ben. McCulloch's despatch. Springfield, Mo., via little Rock, Ark., Aug. 12. Hon. L. P. Walker: The battle of Oakhill has been fought, and we have gained a great victory over the enemy, commanded by Gen. N. Lyon. The battle was fought ten miles from Springfield. The enemy were nine or ten thousand strong; our force was about the same. The battle lasted six and a half hours. The enemy were repulsed and driven from the field, with the loss of six pieces of artillery, several hundred stands of small-arms, eight hundred killed, one thousand wounded, and three hundred prisoners. Gen. Lyon was killed, and many of their prominent officers. Our loss was two hundred and sixty-five killed, eight hundre
arly five to one, the successes of our troops were nevertheless sufficiently marked to give to their exploits the moral effect of a victory. II. The General commanding laments, in sympathy with the country, the loss of the indomitable General Nathaniel Lyon. His fame cannot be better eulogized than in these words from the official report of his gallant successor, Major Sturgis, U. S. Cavalry: Thus gallantly fell as true a soldier as ever drew a sword; a man, whose honesty of purpose was pro. V. This order will be read at the head of every company in this Department. By order of Major-General Fremont. J. C. Kelton, Assistant Adjutant-General. A rebel shout of exultation. The victory in Missouri is gloriously confirmed; Lyon is killed and Siegel in flight and believed to be captured; Sweeney is killed, and Southwestern Missouri cleared of the National scum of invaders. All honor and gratitude to Ben. McCulloch and the gallant men with him, who met and scourged the mi
enemy now in large numbers is marching toward your borders. Every prominent point on your rivers is threatened with attack. Shall it be said that the numbers, whose object it is to sustain a Government as good as ours, are not one-third so large as those which are in arms to put it down! Shall the handful of our first volunteers be required to oppose vastly superior numbers? How long shall the brave Siegel in the unequal contest be forced to retreat? How long shall the blood of the noble Lyon cry from the ground unavenged? How long shall the fatal blunder and foul blot of Manassas stain our escutcheon? The cause in which you are to engage is a holy one. You are to fight for a Government you love; the very best Government on earth, endeared to you by the boundlessness of the blessings it confers; which has protected and nursed you with all the fondness of a mother for her child; which has secured our country respect at home and abroad, and made the title American citizen proud