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Fort Fisher (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): volume 2, chapter 22
never had a fear, however, for the result. Since you left Atlanta no very great progress has been made here. The enemy has been closely watched, though, and prevented from detaching against you. I think not one man has gone from here, except some twelve or fifteen hundred dismounted cavalry. Bragg has gone from Wilmington. I am trying to take advantage of his absence to get possession of that place. Owing to some preparations Admiral Porter and General Butler are making to blow up Fort Fisher (which, while hoping for the best, I do not believe a particle in), there is a delay in getting this expedition off. I hope they will be ready to start by the 7th, and that Bragg will not have started back by that time. In this letter I do not intend to give you any thing like directions for future action, but will state a general idea I have, and will get your views after you have established yourself on the sea-coast. With your veteran Army I hope to get control of the only two thro
Jonesboro (Illinois, United States) (search for this): volume 2, chapter 22
but the fire did not reach the parts of Atlanta where the court-house was, or the great mass of dwelling-houses. The march from Atlanta began on the morning of November 15th, the right wing and cavalry following the railroad southeast toward Jonesboroa, and General Slocum with the Twentieth Corps leading off to the east by Decatur and Stone Mountain, toward Madison. These were divergent lines, designed to threaten both Macon and Augusta at the same time, so as to prevent a concentration at oThe first stage of the journey was, therefore, complete, and absolutely successful. General Howard soon reported by letter the operations of his right wing, which, on leaving Atlanta, had substantially followed the two roads toward Macon, by Jonesboroa and McDonough, and reached the Ocmulgee at Planters' Factory, which they crossed, by the aid of the pontoon-train, during the 18th and 19th of November. Thence, with the Seventeenth Corps (General Blair's) he (General Howard) had marched via M
Fort McAllister (Georgia, United States) (search for this): volume 2, chapter 22
d without hesitation to assault and carry Fort McAllister by storm. I knew it to be strong in heavw Sound, and across the Ogeechee River at Fort McAllister. About 2 P. M. we observed signs of comm Sherman. Then followed the question, Is Fort McAllister taken Not yet, but it will be in a minuteoving forward with a quick, steady pace. Fort McAllister was then all alive, its big guns belchingme years before, during a naval attack on Fort McAllister. Night had fairly set in when we discofrom the house where we had been, entered Fort McAllister, held by a regiment of Hazen's troops, ancould not communicate; but, now that we have McAllister, we can go ahead. We have already capturee three or four miles, till the lights of Fort McAllister could be seen, when she anchored, and we baw Sound, and, hearing of the capture of Fort McAllister, he had come up to see me. He described fortation I can, and collect the rest near Fort McAllister, covered by the Ogeechee River and intren[24 more...]
Palmetto (Florida, United States) (search for this): volume 2, chapter 22
, and from Lieutenant-General Grant, letters conveying their high sense and appreciation of the campaign just closed, resulting in the capture of Savannah and the defeat of Hood's army in Tennessee. In order that all may understand the importance of events, it is proper to revert to the situation of affairs in September last. We held Atlanta, a city of little value to us, but so important to the enemy that Mr. Davis, the head of the rebellious faction in the South, visited his army near Palmetto, and commanded it to regain the place and also to ruin and destroy us, by a series of measures which he thought would be effectual. That army, by a rapid march, gained our railroad near Big Shanty, and afterward about Dalton. We pursued it, but it moved so rapidly that we could not overtake it, and General Hood led his army successfully far over toward Mississippi, in hope to decoy us out of Georgia. But we were not thus to be led away by him, and preferred to lead and control events our
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (search for this): volume 2, chapter 22
ory. The Savannah River was found to be badly obstructed by torpedoes, and by log piers stretched across the channel below the city, which piers were filled with the cobble stones that formerly paved the streets. Admiral Dahlgren was extremely active, visited me repeatedly in the city, while his fleet still watched Charleston, and all the avenues, for the blockade-runners that infested the coast, which were notoriously owned and managed by Englishmen, who used the island of New Providence (Nassau) as a sort of entrepot. One of these small blockade-runners came into Savannah after we were in full possession, and the master did not discover his mistake till he came ashore to visit the custom-house. Of course his vessel fell a prize to the navy. A heavy force was at once set to work to remove the torpedoes and obstructions in the main channel of the river, and, from that time forth, Savannah became the great depot of supply for the troops operating in that quarter. Meantime, on th
Oconee (Georgia, United States) (search for this): volume 2, chapter 22
ough for any river we had to traverse; but habitually the leading brigade would, out of the abundant timber, improvise a bridge before the pontoon-train could come up, unless in the cases of rivers of considerable magnitude, such as the Ocmulgee, Oconee, Ogeechee, Savannah, etc. On the 20th of November I was still with the Fourteenth Corps, near Eatonton Factory, waiting to hear of the Twentieth Corps; and on the 21st we camped near the house of a man named Vann; the next day, about 4 P. M., ary college for the same purpose. These constituted a small battalion, under General Harry Wayne, a former officer of the United States Army, and son of the then Justice Wayne of the Supreme Court. But these hastily retreated east across the Oconee River, leaving us a good bridge, which we promptly secured. At Milledgeville we found newspapers from all the South, and learned the consternation which had filled the Southern mind at our temerity; many charging that we were actually fleeing for
Charlotte (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): volume 2, chapter 22
ce, or count the cost in life, or bother their brains about the great rivers to be crossed, and the food required for man and beast, that had to be gathered by the way. There was a devil-may-care feeling pervading officers and men, that made me feel the full load of responsibility, for success would be accepted as a matter of course, whereas, should we fail, this march would be adjudged the wild adventure of a crazy fool. I had no purpose to march direct for Richmond by way of Augusta and Charlotte, but always designed to reach the sea-coast first at Savannah or Port Royal, South Carolina, and even kept in mind the alternative of Pensacola. The first night out we camped by the road-side near Lithonia. Stone Mountain, a mass of granite, was in plain view, cut out in clear outline against the blue sky; the whole horizon was lurid with the bonfires of rail-ties, and groups of men all night were carrying the heated rails to the nearest trees, and bending them around the trunks. Colo
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): volume 2, chapter 22
tematically accounted for. While General Easton is collecting transportation for my troops to James River, I will throw to Port Royal Island all our means of transportation I can, and collect the reshe rear and out of the way, and until I have sea-transportation for the troops you require at James River, which I will accompany and command in person. Of course, I will leave Kilpatrick, with his you; but, as I wrote to you before, I will do nothing rash or hasty, and will embark for the James River as soon as General Easton (who is gone to Port Royal for that purpose) reports to me that he I am also very glad that General Grant has changed his mind about embarking my troops for James River, leaving me free to make the broad swath you describe through South and North Carolina, and swhich will put me in the spring on the Roanoke, in direct communication with General Grant on James River. In general terms, my plan is to turn over to General Foster the city of Savannah, to sally
Broad River (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): volume 2, chapter 22
ching the railroad itself, though he had a full division of troops, strongly intrenched, near Broad River, within cannon-range of the railroad. He explained, moreover, that there were at Port Roya. udent, because the same result could be better accomplished from General Foster's position at Broad River. Fort McAllister was captured as described, late in the evening of December 13th, and by tr, and may arrange to shift his force (now over above the Charleston Railroad, at the head of Broad River) to the Ogeechee, where, in cooperation with Kilpatrick's cavalry, he can better threaten thennah, and General Foster assures me that he has his force on that very road, near the head of Broad River, so that cars no longer run between Charleston and Savannah. We hold this end of the Charlesohn P. Hatch, belonging to General Foster's command, might be moved from its then position at Broad River, by water, down to Bluffton, from which it could reach this plank-road, fortify and hold it —
Bridgeport, Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): volume 2, chapter 22
Hood had closed upon him and had intrenched his position. General Thomas had furthermore held fast to the railroad leading from Nashville to Chattanooga, leaving strong guards at its principal points, as at Murfreesboroa, Deckerd, Stevenson, Bridgeport, Whitesides, and Chattanooga. At Murfreesboroa the division of Rousseau was reenforced and strengthened up to about eight thousand men. At that time the weather was cold and sleety, the ground was covered with ice and snow, and both partieslete a success in military operations, extending over half a continent, is an achievement that entitles it to a place in the military history of the world. The armies serving in Georgia and Tennessee, as well as the local garrisons of Decatur, Bridgeport, Chattanooga, and Murfreesboroa, are alike entitled to the common honors, and each regiment may inscribe on its colors, at pleasure, the word Savannah or Nashville. The general commanding embraces, in the same general success, the operations o
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