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Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
18, Doc. 72 Guthrie, T. V., Col. of Ky., D. 55 Gwin, Wm. M. P. 55 H Habana, steamer, purchased by the, D. 29, 129 Habeas Corpus, writ of, refused by Major Morris, D. 69, 82 Hagen, J. C., poem by, P. 121 Hagerstown, Md., flag raising at, D. 47; Federal forces at, D. 107 Haggerty, Peter, Capt., D. 76 Haldeman, —, minister, D. 85 Hall, —, Judge, charge to the grand jury at Rochester, D. 84 Hallett, B. F. D. 49 Hamilton, Alexander, In D. 22; aroused; passes the war bill, D. 24; added to the military department of Washington, D. 83; volunteers first at Washington, See preface; D. 61; troops leave Philadelphia, D. 84; troops move from Chambersburg, pa., D. 95; regiments at Hagerstown, Md., D. 107; Northern Central Railroad of, D. 36; lines to speculators in, P. 115; First Regiment of Artillery of, D. 61; First Regiment of Infantry, D. 67 at Edward's Ferry, D. 105; Fourth Regiment of, D. 61; Fifth Regiment, publish a newspaper
Ithaca (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
s tender to Gov. Pickens, D. 16; notice of, D. 43; stationed at Harper's Ferry, D. 77; Cherokees in the Southern army, P. 126, 127 Ingraham, D. P., Judge, D. 40 Ingraham Henry, D. 27 Ink, Blood, and Tears, the taking of Fort Sumter, P. 90 Ireland, union with England, Int. 16 Irish Regular, anecdote of an, P. 57 Irishmen, among the rebels, D. 103 Ironton, Mo., lead seized at, D. 76 Irvine, Colonel, D. 83 Irving, Jim, notice of, P. 150 Ithaca, N. Y., volunteers from, D. 56 It is great for our Country to die, P. 105 Ives, T. P., commissioned in the revenue service, D. 71 J Jacobus, J. J., Mrs., P. 136 Jackson, Claiborne F., Gov. of Mo., his reply to Cameron, D. 30; secession sympathies of, D. 55; calls for 50,000 troops, D. 101; evacuates Jefferson City, Mo., D. 104; notices of, D. 47, 107; proclamation, June 12, Dec. 363 Jackson, Andrew, The Three Swords presented to, P. 138; notices of, Doc. 113, 115
Knoxville, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
, Capt., D. 98; report of the battle of Great Bethel, Va., Doc. 358 Kilburn, B. W., of Littleton, N. H., P. 71 Kimball, Auguste Cooper, P. 3 King cotton, a poem, P. 72 King, John E., D. 32 Kingston, N. Y., Union meeting, D. 32 Kingwood, Va., Union meeting at, D. 56 Kirkland, Charles P., speech to the officers and soldiers of the 14th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., Doc. 413 Kirkland, C. P., Jr., Doc. 156 Knights of the Golden Circle, D. 94 Knoxville, Ky., riot at, D. 69 Koch, Ignatz, Doc. 108 L Ladd, Luther C., killed at Baltimore, D. 53 Lafayette, Ind., first troops left, D. 29 Laisser, Aller, P. 13 Lake Borgne, La., D. 95 Lamon, —, Col., his interview with Gov. Pickens and Beauregard, D. 20 Lander, —, Col., at Philippi, Va., Doc. 335 Land of the South, P. 108 Lane, Joseph H., appointed Brig.-Gen. in the U. S. A., D. 105 Lane, Joseph, his orthography, P. 24 Lang, Louis,
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ation, Int. 14 Coffee, Andrew Jackson, P. 138 Colcock, —, collector of Charleston, S. C., his orders in reference to departure of vessels, D. 8 Coles, —, Captain, takes possession of Potosi, Mo., D. 71 Collamer, —, Senator, of Vt., D. 42 Collier, —, Lieut. of U. S. M., D. 53 Cologne Gazette, extract from, D. 74 Colt, Samuel, his patriotic offer, D. 52 Columbia Artillery, arrived at Charleston, S. C., D. 8 Columbia, Ark., negro plot in, D. 92 zes the Star of the West, Doc. 119; captures U. S. troops at Saluria, Texas, Doc. 146 Vanity Fair, Joseph Lane's letter to, P. 24 Van Riper, Benjamin, D. 28 Van Wyck, Charles H., D. 86 Vermilyea, —, Rev. Dr., Doc. 110 Vermont, 1st Regt. of, D. 65; Doc. 231; at Hampton, Va., D. 78; experiences of the, at Fortress Monroe, D. 97; a private account of the operations of the, at Newport News, Va., Doc. 348 Victoria, Queen, proclamation of neutrality of, Doc. 245
Geneva, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
zure of the steamer Star of the West, D. 29; military companies formed in, D. 33 Garibaldi Guard leave N. Y., D. 84, notice of, Doc. 307 Gardner, —, Capt., D. 105 Garland, A. 11., D. 72 Garnett, —, of Va., announced the secession of S. C., D. 4 Gasconade river, Col. Siegel at, D. 101 Gatlin, Major, D. 43 Gayare, Charles, D. 5 Gazzani, E. D., D. 55 General Harney, lines by Lexington, P. 141 General Parkhill, ship, seized, D. 74 Geneva, N. Y., P. 40 Georgia, desires co-operation, D. 3; address of, D. 3; resolutions of the Convention of, in response to the resolutions of the legislature of New York, D. 15; the governor of, seizes New York ships, D. 17; bullying in the elections of, D. 12; secession of, D. 15; Doc. 21; reasons for secession, Int. 24; Governor of, prohibits payment to Northern creditors, D. 45; troops of, for Richmond, Va., D. 49; troops of, at Pensacola, D. 68; arms of the state of, not to be carried out of
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
m dedicated to the Knavish Speculators who, have robbed Pennsylvania, P. 115 Appleton, —. Gen., of Mass., speech of, a32 Call, R. K., Gov., letter to J. S. Littell, of Pennsylvania, Doc. 416 Cambridge, Mass., Union Meeting at, D. Cullum, Col. U. S. A., D. 96 Curtin, Andrew G., Gov. of Pa., D. 21; proclamation of, Doc. 119; D. 36, 39; Curtin, Camp, n Brownlow's definition of, P. 26 Henry, Alexander, of Pa., Doc. 178 Henry---, mayor of Philadelphia, his speech ter, D. 16; the seizure of, Doc. 28 Lewis, Colonel, of Pa., D. 67 Lexington, Ky., Union in, D. 89 Liberty, ith George Peabody in London, D. 76 William B., Col., Penn., Doc. 311 Manierre, B. F., D. 94 ---, Judge, of Chica861, Doc. 35 Pendergrast, —, Commander, D. 94 Pennsylvania, military preparations in, D. 22; aroused; passes the w orders for the protection of railroads in Maryland and Pennsylvania, Doc. 78; where he stands, Doc. 121; his views, Doc. 12
Waverly (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Cambridge, meeting at the, D. 48 Washington, George, rumored removal of the remains of, P. 127, 128; poem on the removal of the remains of, P. 127 Washington Home Guard, of Alexandria, Va., D. 77 Washington, John B., taken at Fairfax Court House, Va., D. 90; incident of his capture, P. 111 Washington Navy Yard, traitors arrested at, 47 Washington Oath, the, Doc. 158 Washita, Fort, D. 43 Watkins, W. W., D. 72 Waul, General, of Texas, D. 18 Waverly, N. Y., Union at, D. 35 Wayne Guards, the, of Erie, Pa, D. 26 Webber, —, Rev., D. 57 Weber, Max, Col., 20th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., D. 102; Doc. 366 Webster, Fletcher, D. 37 Weed, Thurlow, Doc. 5 Welch, —, Rev., D. D., D. 83 Weld, H. Hastings, Rev., P. 133 Weld, L. L., poem by, P. 103 Weller, M. L., Rev., a soldier in the rebel army, P. 131 Wells, T. D., D. D., D. 38 Wesendonck, Hugo, speech at the Union meeting, N. Y., Doc. 107 Wesle
Warsaw, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
r, casualties in, average of, P. 95 War in America, the London News on the, D. 85 War Questions to C. M. Clay, P. 62 War-Song, P. 19 War-Song, by T. P. Rossiter, P. 118 War-Song of the Free, P. 86 Ward, J. H., Capt., U. S. N., at the bombardment of Acquia Creek, Va., D. 88; report of the action, Doc. 320 Wardrop, D. W., Col., of Mass., D. 105 Warner, Andrew, Col., Doc. 362 Warren, Richard, Speech at the Union meeting, N. Y., Doc. 108 Warsaw, Mo., Southern Rights meeting held at, D. 47 Washburne, —, Lieut-Col., at Great Bethel, D. 98 Washington, D. C., secessionists to seize, D. 8; trouble anticipated at, D. 9; notice of, D. 10; military preparations at, D. 22; threatened raid on, D. 29; the capture of, advocated, P. 42 flag-raising at, D. 54, 76; council of, resolutions of, D. 51; scheme to attack, D. 59; Richmond Whig on the probability of capturing, D. 74; movement of troops at, D. 100; movement of troops from,
Pickawillany (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
D. 17 Pierce, E. W., Gen., appointed Brigadier-General, D. 83; Doc. 356; at Great Bethel, Va., D. 98; letter on battle at Great Bethel, Doc. 360 Pierpont, F. H., Gov. of Western Va., D. 57, 67, Doc. 328 Pierpont, John, Rev., P. 150 Pierrepont, Edwards, Doc. 114 Pike, Albert, song by, P. 106 Pillow, Gideon, Gen., Prentiss' reply to, P. 28; Brownlow's answer to, P. 129; Epigram on, P. 149 Pinckney, —, Colonel N. Y. 6th Regiment, ancedote, of, P. 71 Piqua, O., patriotism of, D. 29 Pittsburg, Pa., indignation meeting at, in reference to the removal of arms, D. 6; Union resolutions of, D. 6; Union meeting at, D. 25; war excitement at, D. 30; contraband notice at, D. 55 Piracy — defined by Judge sprague, of Mass., D. 71 Plattsburg, N. Y., P. 81 Plymley, Jonathan, on contraband, P. 68 Point of Rocks, Md., D. 96 Poisoning troops, D. 101 Political Lessons of the Hour. Wendell Phillip's Address, D. 15 Poore
Pawnee (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ricans in, D. 85 Passaic Academy, patriotism at, D. 75 Passaic, N. J., flag-raising at, D. 75, 142 Patriotic contributions, Doc. 197 Patriotic Song, P. 140 Patten, George F., D. 60 Patterson, —, Gen., threatened by a mob, D. 26; notice of, D. 77; at Chambersburg, Pa., D. 91, 92; crosses the Potomac, D. 107; proclamation of, June 3d, Doc. 337 Patterson, Colonel, D. 61 Patton, —, commissary of the 7th N. Y. Regiment Militia, adventure of, P. 77 Pawnee, U. S. gunboat, D. 22 Paxton, James W., Doc. 328 Peabody, Charles A., Doc. 135 Peabody, Ephraim, P. 63 Peabody, George, D. 76 Peace Convention organized at Washington, D. C., D. 17; its plan of adjustment, D. 18; plan o the, submitted to the U. S. Senate, Feb. 27, 1861, Doc. 35 Pendergrast, —, Commander, D. 94 Pennsylvania, military preparations in, D. 22; aroused; passes the war bill, D. 24; added to the military department of Washington, D. 83; volunteers fi<
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