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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore). Search the whole document.
Found 44 total hits in 19 results.
Winchester (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 169
157.-fight at Trinity, Alabama.
Colonel Walker's report.
headquarters Thirty-First Ohio volunteers, Winchester, Tenn., August 8. Adjutant-General Charles W. Hill:
General: I beg leave to report that at about four o'clock on the afternoon of the twenty-fourth ult., Lieut. M. B. W. Harman, in command of company E, Thirty-first O. V. I., with one platoon of his company, numbering twenty-five men, including non-commissioned officers, who were stationed at a place called Trinity, near Decatur, Ala., for the purpose of guarding the Memphis and Charleston Ralroad, were attacked by a force of rebel cavalry, which numbered about three hundred and fifty men. The attack was made when Lieut. Harman and his little band were engaged in erecting a stockade-fort, and they were without immediate possession of their arms, which were stacked near at hand.
At the first fire they sprang to their arms and commenced the most Spartan-like resistance which the history of this war, so far,
Trinity (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 169
157.-fight at Trinity, Alabama.
Colonel Walker's report.
headquarters Thirty-First Ohio volunteers, Winchester, Tenn., August 8. Adjutant-General Charles W. Hill:
General: I beg leave to report that at about four o'clock on the afternoon of the twenty-fourth ult., Lieut. M. B. W. Harman, in command of company E, Thirty-first O. V. I., with one platoon of his company, numbering twenty-five men, including non-commissioned officers, who were stationed at a place called Trinity, nTrinity, near Decatur, Ala., for the purpose of guarding the Memphis and Charleston Ralroad, were attacked by a force of rebel cavalry, which numbered about three hundred and fifty men. The attack was made when Lieut. Harman and his little band were engaged in erecting a stockade-fort, and they were without immediate possession of their arms, which were stacked near at hand.
At the first fire they sprang to their arms and commenced the most Spartan-like resistance which the history of this war, so far,
Courtland, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 169
Hornady (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 169
James Maxwell (search for this): chapter 169
Charleston Ralroad (search for this): chapter 169
M. B. Walker (search for this): chapter 169
157.-fight at Trinity, Alabama.
Colonel Walker's report.
headquarters Thirty-First Ohio volunteers, Winchester, Tenn., August 8. Adjutant-General Charles W. Hill:
General: I beg leave to report that at about four o'clock on the afternoon of the twenty-fourth ult., Lieut. M. B. W. Harman, in command of company E, Thirty-first O. V. I., with one platoon of his company, numbering twenty-five men, including non-commissioned officers, who were stationed at a place called Trinity, n the railroad during the same day. Near Courtland, Ala., eighty of the Tenth Kentucky volunteers were taken prisoners, and two companies of the Tenth Indiana driven away, and in addition to which bridges and trestlework all along the line between Courtland and Decatur were destroyed.
This report would have been finished sooner, but for the reason that we have been upon the march ever since the fight occurred.
Respectfully submitted, M. B. Walker, Colonel Commanding Thirty-first O. V.I.
Charles W. Hill (search for this): chapter 169
157.-fight at Trinity, Alabama.
Colonel Walker's report.
headquarters Thirty-First Ohio volunteers, Winchester, Tenn., August 8. Adjutant-General Charles W. Hill:
General: I beg leave to report that at about four o'clock on the afternoon of the twenty-fourth ult., Lieut. M. B. W. Harman, in command of company E, Thirty-first O. V. I., with one platoon of his company, numbering twenty-five men, including non-commissioned officers, who were stationed at a place called Trinity, near Decatur, Ala., for the purpose of guarding the Memphis and Charleston Ralroad, were attacked by a force of rebel cavalry, which numbered about three hundred and fifty men. The attack was made when Lieut. Harman and his little band were engaged in erecting a stockade-fort, and they were without immediate possession of their arms, which were stacked near at hand.
At the first fire they sprang to their arms and commenced the most Spartan-like resistance which the history of this war, so far, h
M. B. W. Harman (search for this): chapter 169
L. Bard (search for this): chapter 169