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ons. I immediately sent for General Granger, and in the evening had Colonel Anderson and Major Browne on board, and the agreement was signed by all parties. At seven A. M., August eighth, Fleet Captain Drayton, on the part of the navy, and Colonel Myer, on the part of the army, proceeded to the Fort to carry out the stipulations of the agreement, and at forty-five minutes past nine, the Fort surrendered, and the Stars and Stripes were hoisted on the staff amid the cheers of the fleet. Inclowhich is in conformity with the custom of the most civilized nations toward prisoners of war. Third. Private property, with the exception of arms, will be respected. This communication will be handed you by Fleet Captain P. Drayton, and Colonel Myer of the U. S. army, who fully understand the views of General Granger and myself. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, D. G. Farragut, Rear-Admiral. G. Granger, Major-General U. S. Army. Colonel C. D. Anderson, Commanding Fort Gaines.