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aint attack upon the troops on my right, when those brigades moved forward, and I moved mine forward also, until they had gained the creek, getting in the bed of it. Here our line was halted until a general concert of action could be had, by which their attention might be diverted to the extreme right from those in the immediate front. At this time, I brought up a section from each of three batteries I found in the plain in the rear. One of these was from the Donelson artillery, under Lieutenant Moran, who shelled them with spirit and effect, his men being exposed to a galling fire from the enemy's sharpshooters, not two hundred yards off, in the rifle pits. The section of Andrews's battery (Maryland) was under Lieutenant Dimint, who also did fine service. Captain Andrews, as usual, was present, chafing for a fight. I do not know to whose battery the other section belonged. We moved forward soon after crossing the run and mill-race, with great difficulty. The Thirty-fourth North