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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). Search the whole document.

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Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.12
Editorial paragraphs. The reunion and banquet of the Society of Confederate States army and Navy in the State of Maryland, came off at the Eutaw House, Baltimore, on the night of February 21st, and was a really magnificent affair. The beautiful tables groaned beneath all of the delicacies of the season, sweet music enlivened the occasion, the committee in charge and the Maryland soldiers generally were all attention and courtesy to their guests, the speeches seemed to be heartily enjoyed, and the mingling together of old comrades a delightful recalling of the hallowed memories of the brave old days of ‘61-‘65. The regular toasts were as follows: 1. The Army and Navy of the Confederate States. This was responded to in an eloquent and effective speech by Hon. Charles E. Hooker, of Mississippi, whose empty sleeve gave touching testimony to the faithfulness with which he served as a private soldier in the Army of Northern Virginia. He was loudly applauded. 2. Our Cavalry
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.12
Editorial paragraphs. The reunion and banquet of the Society of Confederate States army and Navy in the State of Maryland, came off at the Eutaw House, Baltimore, on the night of February 21st, and was a really magnificent affair. The beautiful tables groaned beneath all of the delicacies of the season, sweet music enlivened the occasion, the committee in charge and the Maryland soldiers generally were all attention and courtesy to their guests, the speeches seemed to be heartily enjoyed, and the mingling together of old comrades a delightful recalling of the hallowed memories of the brave old days of ‘61-‘65. The regular toasts were as follows: 1. The Army and Navy of the Confederate States. This was responded to in an eloquent and effective speech by Hon. Charles E. Hooker, of Mississippi, whose empty sleeve gave touching testimony to the faithfulness with which he served as a private soldier in the Army of Northern Virginia. He was loudly applauded. 2. Our Cavalry.
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.12
Editorial paragraphs. The reunion and banquet of the Society of Confederate States army and Navy in the State of Maryland, came off at the Eutaw House, Baltimore, on the night of February 21st, and was a really magnificent affair. The beautiful tables groaned beneath all of the delicacies of the season, sweet music enlivened the occasion, the committee in charge and the Maryland soldiers generally were all attention and courtesy to their guests, the speeches seemed to be heartily enjoyed, and the mingling together of old comrades a delightful recalling of the hallowed memories of the brave old days of ‘61-‘65. The regular toasts were as follows: 1. The Army and Navy of the Confederate States. This was responded to in an eloquent and effective speech by Hon. Charles E. Hooker, of Mississippi, whose empty sleeve gave touching testimony to the faithfulness with which he served as a private soldier in the Army of Northern Virginia. He was loudly applauded. 2. Our Cavalry
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.12
o us brighter just now than for some time past. We owe nothing on account of current expenses, and we believe that we shall, before long, be able to liquidate our old debt which has lapped over from ‘76, and raise enough for permanent endowment to place us on a firm basis. But in order to do this, our friends must help us. If you cannot join seven of our friends, who pledge $100 each, or pay $50 for a life membership, or give us $25, or $10, or $5, as others have done, you can at least send us $1 besides keeping up your subscription, and we beg you will do so at once. General George D. Johnston, of Alabama, we are most happy to announce, has again entered the service of the Society as our General Agent. General Johnston is too well known as a gallant soldier, a genial companion, an accomplished speaker, and a high-toned Christian gentleman, to need any commendation from us. And we are sure that we need not ask our old Confederates that they will help him in his work.
Wade Hampton (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.12
te soldier in the Army of Northern Virginia. He was loudly applauded. 2. Our Cavalry. As General W. H. F. Lee rose to respond to this toast he was greeted with enthusiastic cheers, frequently repeated as he proceeded to make the speech of the occasion. After expressing his pleasure at meeting old comrades, General Lee said that it was quite probable that he was too partial to the cavalry, since it had been his proud privilege to follow the feather of Jeb Stuart and the leadership of Wade Hampton on so many glorious fields. He remembered the jibes at the cavalry in which the infantry used to delight; but he thought a full answer to them all was the unanimity with which the infantry claimed that the battle of Gettysburg was lost because the cavalry was not up in time. But pleasantry aside, he desired to say that the artillery, infantry, and cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia had alike done their duty and won their share of the glory of that grand old army. He desired to s
Hollywood (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.12
success. In the death of Captain John Hampden Chamberlayne, editor of the Richmond, Va., State, there has passed from our midst a gallant soldier, a chivalric gentleman, a pure patriot, an able editor, a fine scholar, a true friend, a noble man. He was the friend of our University days, our comrade in the army, our coworker in vindicating the truth of Confederate history, and we shall sadly miss his genial presence, kind encouragement, and trenchant pen. He sleeps in beautiful Hollywood, amid orators, poets, statesmen, patriots, soldiers, and among them all there breathed no nobler, truer spirit, no more devoted son of the grand old Commonwealth he loved so well and served so faithfully. Peace to his ashes! Renewals are now very much in order, and we beg that each subscriber before laying this down will satisfy himself that if he owes his annual fee ($3.00) the proper thing to do is to remit at once, and send along also at least one new subscriber. The fin
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.12
ough this sometimes required him to be in the thickest of the fight. He made an eloquent and every way admirable speech, and was enthusiastically applauded by his old comrades with whom he is evidently a great favorite. In response to calls, General Bradley T. Johnson, General I. R. Trimble, General George H. Steuart, Hon. Spencer Jones, and others, made happy speeches, and the whole affair was a splendid success. In the death of Captain John Hampden Chamberlayne, editor of the Richmond, Va., State, there has passed from our midst a gallant soldier, a chivalric gentleman, a pure patriot, an able editor, a fine scholar, a true friend, a noble man. He was the friend of our University days, our comrade in the army, our coworker in vindicating the truth of Confederate history, and we shall sadly miss his genial presence, kind encouragement, and trenchant pen. He sleeps in beautiful Hollywood, amid orators, poets, statesmen, patriots, soldiers, and among them all there brea
Spencer Jones (search for this): chapter 1.12
ave been more appropriately called on to respond to this toast than Rev. Dr. John Landstreet, one of those faithful chaplains who was ever at the post of duty, even though this sometimes required him to be in the thickest of the fight. He made an eloquent and every way admirable speech, and was enthusiastically applauded by his old comrades with whom he is evidently a great favorite. In response to calls, General Bradley T. Johnson, General I. R. Trimble, General George H. Steuart, Hon. Spencer Jones, and others, made happy speeches, and the whole affair was a splendid success. In the death of Captain John Hampden Chamberlayne, editor of the Richmond, Va., State, there has passed from our midst a gallant soldier, a chivalric gentleman, a pure patriot, an able editor, a fine scholar, a true friend, a noble man. He was the friend of our University days, our comrade in the army, our coworker in vindicating the truth of Confederate history, and we shall sadly miss his genial p
W. H. F. Lee (search for this): chapter 1.12
testimony to the faithfulness with which he served as a private soldier in the Army of Northern Virginia. He was loudly applauded. 2. Our Cavalry. As General W. H. F. Lee rose to respond to this toast he was greeted with enthusiastic cheers, frequently repeated as he proceeded to make the speech of the occasion. After expressing his pleasure at meeting old comrades, General Lee said that it was quite probable that he was too partial to the cavalry, since it had been his proud privilege to follow the feather of Jeb Stuart and the leadership of Wade Hampton on so many glorious fields. He remembered the jibes at the cavalry in which the infantry used Confederacy takes its place in the galaxy of history it will shine with increasing lustre as the years go on. This imperfect report gives but a poor idea of General Lee's splendid effort which was rapturously received. He was greeted with three rousing cheers as he took his seat. 3. Our Infantry. General R. D. Lilley of Vi
George D. Johnston (search for this): chapter 1.12
even of our friends, who pledge $100 each, or pay $50 for a life membership, or give us $25, or $10, or $5, as others have done, you can at least send us $1 besides keeping up your subscription, and we beg you will do so at once. General George D. Johnston, of Alabama, we are most happy to announce, has again entered the service of the Society as our General Agent. General Johnston is too well known as a gallant soldier, a genial companion, an accomplished speaker, and a high-toned Chrs $1 besides keeping up your subscription, and we beg you will do so at once. General George D. Johnston, of Alabama, we are most happy to announce, has again entered the service of the Society as our General Agent. General Johnston is too well known as a gallant soldier, a genial companion, an accomplished speaker, and a high-toned Christian gentleman, to need any commendation from us. And we are sure that we need not ask our old Confederates that they will help him in his work.
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