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ther by the authority with which he was invested or by obtaining it from a higher power, my preference as to the route was accorded. I told him that some of the men with me were on parole, and that they all were riding their own horses—private property—that I would be glad if they should be permitted to retain them, and I have a distinct recollection that he promised me it should be done; I have since learned that they were all deprived of their horses, and some who were on parole, viz., Major Moran, Captain Moody, Lieutenant Hathaway, Midshipman Howell, and Private Messec, who had not violated their obligations of parole, but had been captured because they were found voluntarily traveling with my family to protect them from marauders, were sent with me as prisoners of war, and all incarcerated, in disregard of the protection promised when they surrendered. At Augusta we were put on a steamer, and there met Vice-President Stephens, Hon. C. C. Clay (who had voluntarily surrendered h
e, 167, 191. Missionary Ridge, Battle of, 365. Mississippi. Reconstruction, 635-38, 642-43. Mississippi (warship), 178, 180, 189, 190-91. Missouri. Subversion of state government, 399-401. Mitchell, General, 43, 46, 55, 184, 191. Mobile, Ala. Harbor defense, 172-73, 175-76. Monahan, Michael, 200. Monitor (frigate), 67, 85, 167, 169. Fight with the Virginia, 168. Monroe, John T. Extract from reply to Farragut, 194-95. Moody, Captain, 596-97. Moore, General, 339. Moran, Major, 596-97. Morgan, Gov. E. D., 89. Gen. John Hunt, 37, 324-25, 444, 472,473, 580. Morgan (gunboat), 173. Morris, Captain, 468. Capt. C. M., 219-20. Robert, 230. Mott, Col., Christopher, 82. Mouton, General, 349-50, 352, 455, 456. Mudd, Samuel A., 417. Mulford, General, 510. Mulhern, Terence, 201. Mumford, William B., 242, 499, 500. Munford, Colonel. Extract from address on fall of Ft. Donelson, 30. Address at Memphis, Tenn., 46. Murfreesboro, Tenn., Battle of, 325-26, 356