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Found 34 total hits in 21 results.

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Crittenden, Thomas Leonidas 1815- Military officer; second son of John J. Crittenden; born in Russellville, Ky., May 15, 1815; studied law with his father, and became commonwealth's attorney in 1842. He served under General Taylor in the war against Mexico, and when the latter became President of the United States he sent Crittenden to Liverpool as United States consul. He returned in 1853, and in September, 1861, was made a brigadier-general and assigned a command under General Buell. For gallantry in the battle of Shiloh he was promoted to major-general of volunteers and assigned a division in the Army of the Tennessee. He afterwards commanded the left wing of the Army of the Ohio under General Buell. Then he served under Rosecrans, taking part in the battles at Stone River and Chickamauga. His corps was among the routed of the army in the last-named battle. He commanded a division of the 9th Corps in the campaign against Richmond in 1864. In March, 1865, he was brevett
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