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Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): entry democratic-party
and early development of the party, see the article Republican party. Its main tenets were strict construction of the Constitution and opposition to extension of the federal powers. Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were members of the then dominant party, and under the last-named President party lines for a short time disappeared in the so-called era of good feeling. Soon afterwards the Democrats came under the leadership of Jackson, and were opposed to the National Republicans and Whigs. Jackson's successor, Van Buren, was a Democrat. A Whig interval (1841-45) ensued. Then followed the Democratic administration of Polk, succeeded (1849-53) by another Whig administration. Pierce and Buchanan were the last Presidents elected by the party for a long period. In the general confusion caused by the increasing prominence of slavery the Democrats at first profited, while the Whigs disappeared. In the Civil War many war Democrats acted temporarily with the Republicans. McClellan, thou
on and opposition to extension of the federal powers. Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were members of the then dominant party, and under the last-named President party lines for a short time disappeared in the so-called era of good feeling. Soon afterwards the Democrats came under the leadership of Jackson, and were opposed to the National Republicans and Whigs. Jackson's successor, Van Buren, was a Democrat. A Whig interval (1841-45) ensued. Then followed the Democratic administration of Polk, succeeded (1849-53) by another Whig administration. Pierce and Buchanan were the last Presidents elected by the party for a long period. In the general confusion caused by the increasing prominence of slavery the Democrats at first profited, while the Whigs disappeared. In the Civil War many war Democrats acted temporarily with the Republicans. McClellan, though defeated, received a large popular vote in 1864. Seymour in 1868, Greeley in 1872 were defeated. In 1876 the Democrats came n
Democratic party. For the origin and early development of the party, see the article Republican party. Its main tenets were strict construction of the Constitution and opposition to extension of the federal powers. Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were members of the then dominant party, and under the last-named President party lines for a short time disappeared in the so-called era of good feeling. Soon afterwards the Democrats came under the leadership of Jackson, and were opposed to the National Republicans and Whigs. Jackson's successor, Van Buren, was a Democrat. A Whig interval (1841-45) ensued. Then followed the Democratic administration of Polk, succeeded (1849-53) by another Whig administration. Pierce and Buchanan were the last Presidents elected by the party for a long period. In the general confusion caused by the increasing prominence of slavery the Democrats at first profited, while the Whigs disappeared. In the Civil War many war Democrats acted temporarily
Democratic party. For the origin and early development of the party, see the article Republican party. Its main tenets were strict construction of the Constitution and opposition to extension of the federal powers. Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were members of the then dominant party, and under the last-named President party lines for a short time disappeared in the so-called era of good feeling. Soon afterwards the Democrats came under the leadership of Jackson, and were opposed to the National Republicans and Whigs. Jackson's successor, Van Buren, was a Democrat. A Whig interval (1841-45) ensued. Then followed the Democratic administration of Polk, succeeded (1849-53) by another Whig administration. Pierce and Buchanan were the last Presidents elected by the party for a long period. In the general confusion caused by the increasing prominence of slavery the Democrats at first profited, while the Whigs disappeared. In the Civil War many war Democrats acted temporarily
George B. McClellan (search for this): entry democratic-party
higs. Jackson's successor, Van Buren, was a Democrat. A Whig interval (1841-45) ensued. Then followed the Democratic administration of Polk, succeeded (1849-53) by another Whig administration. Pierce and Buchanan were the last Presidents elected by the party for a long period. In the general confusion caused by the increasing prominence of slavery the Democrats at first profited, while the Whigs disappeared. In the Civil War many war Democrats acted temporarily with the Republicans. McClellan, though defeated, received a large popular vote in 1864. Seymour in 1868, Greeley in 1872 were defeated. In 1876 the Democrats came near success (see electoral commission; Hayes, Rutherford Birchard; Tilden, Samuel Jones). The House was now frequently Democratic, but the Presidency was again taken by their competitors in 1880. In 1884 they succeeded in a close campaign. The two wings of the party, revenue reform and protectionist, long refused to work together. Under the leadership of
, though defeated, received a large popular vote in 1864. Seymour in 1868, Greeley in 1872 were defeated. In 1876 the Democrats came near success (see electoral commission; Hayes, Rutherford Birchard; Tilden, Samuel Jones). The House was now frequently Democratic, but the Presidency was again taken by their competitors in 1880. In 1884 they succeeded in a close campaign. The two wings of the party, revenue reform and protectionist, long refused to work together. Under the leadership of Morrison, Carlisle, and Cleveland, tariff reform became the dominating issue. Defeated in 1888, the Democrats gained a sweeping victory in 1890, and in 1892 regained control of all departments, only to lose all again in 1896, when the party allowed itself to be diverted from its original principles by the Populists and silver men. In 1900 the same elements controlled it, with the addition of the Anti-Expansionists. In both 1896 and 1900 it lost its national ticket. See Bryan, William Jennings.
n, though defeated, received a large popular vote in 1864. Seymour in 1868, Greeley in 1872 were defeated. In 1876 the Democrats came near success (see electoral commission; Hayes, Rutherford Birchard; Tilden, Samuel Jones). The House was now frequently Democratic, but the Presidency was again taken by their competitors in 1880. In 1884 they succeeded in a close campaign. The two wings of the party, revenue reform and protectionist, long refused to work together. Under the leadership of Morrison, Carlisle, and Cleveland, tariff reform became the dominating issue. Defeated in 1888, the Democrats gained a sweeping victory in 1890, and in 1892 regained control of all departments, only to lose all again in 1896, when the party allowed itself to be diverted from its original principles by the Populists and silver men. In 1900 the same elements controlled it, with the addition of the Anti-Expansionists. In both 1896 and 1900 it lost its national ticket. See Bryan, William Jennings.
sued. Then followed the Democratic administration of Polk, succeeded (1849-53) by another Whig administration. Pierce and Buchanan were the last Presidents elected by the party for a long period. In the general confusion caused by the increasing prominence of slavery the Democrats at first profited, while the Whigs disappeared. In the Civil War many war Democrats acted temporarily with the Republicans. McClellan, though defeated, received a large popular vote in 1864. Seymour in 1868, Greeley in 1872 were defeated. In 1876 the Democrats came near success (see electoral commission; Hayes, Rutherford Birchard; Tilden, Samuel Jones). The House was now frequently Democratic, but the Presidency was again taken by their competitors in 1880. In 1884 they succeeded in a close campaign. The two wings of the party, revenue reform and protectionist, long refused to work together. Under the leadership of Morrison, Carlisle, and Cleveland, tariff reform became the dominating issue. Defe
Democratic party. For the origin and early development of the party, see the article Republican party. Its main tenets were strict construction of the Constitution and opposition to extension of the federal powers. Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were members of the then dominant party, and under the last-named President party lines for a short time disappeared in the so-called era of good feeling. Soon afterwards the Democrats came under the leadership of Jackson, and were opposed to the National Republicans and Whigs. Jackson's successor, Van Buren, was a Democrat. A Whig interval (1841-45) ensued. Then followed the Democratic administration of Polk, succeeded (1849-53) by another Whig administration. Pierce and Buchanan were the last Presidents elected by the party for a long period. In the general confusion caused by the increasing prominence of slavery the Democrats at first profited, while the Whigs disappeared. In the Civil War many war Democrats acted temporarily
n, though defeated, received a large popular vote in 1864. Seymour in 1868, Greeley in 1872 were defeated. In 1876 the Democrats came near success (see electoral commission; Hayes, Rutherford Birchard; Tilden, Samuel Jones). The House was now frequently Democratic, but the Presidency was again taken by their competitors in 1880. In 1884 they succeeded in a close campaign. The two wings of the party, revenue reform and protectionist, long refused to work together. Under the leadership of Morrison, Carlisle, and Cleveland, tariff reform became the dominating issue. Defeated in 1888, the Democrats gained a sweeping victory in 1890, and in 1892 regained control of all departments, only to lose all again in 1896, when the party allowed itself to be diverted from its original principles by the Populists and silver men. In 1900 the same elements controlled it, with the addition of the Anti-Expansionists. In both 1896 and 1900 it lost its national ticket. See Bryan, William Jennings.
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