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Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
icksburg, and the siege begins......May 18, 1863 United States forces assault the works at Vicksburg without success......May 21-22, 1863 President rescinds General Burnside's order concerning C. L. Vallandigham, and sends him into the Confederacy......May 22, 1863 Major-General Banks, investing the Confederate works at Port Hudson, assaults them without success......May 27, 1863 Fifty-fourth Massachusetts (colored), the first negro regiment sent from the North, departs for Hilton Head, S. C.......May 28, 1863 General Lee begins his movement for the invasion of the North......June 3, 1863 Cavalry battle at Beverly's Ford, Va., between Generals Pleasanton, Buford, and Gregg, and the Confederate Gen. J. E. B. Stuart......June 9, 1863 C. L. Vallandigham nominated for governor by the Ohio Democratic Convention......June 11, 1863 General Hooker begins the movement of his army northward from the Rappahannock......June 13-15, 1863 Battle of Winchester, Va.; General
Mosquito Coast (Nicaragua) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
erce issues a proclamation against the invasion of Cuba......May 31, 1854 Anthony Burns, arrested as a slave at Boston, Mass., is taken by the revenue cutter Morris, by order of President Pierce, conveyed to Norfolk, Va., and delivered to his alleged master, a Mr. Suttle......June 2, 1854 Treaty with Great Britain, reciprocity; the fishery difficulty settled......June 5, 1854 George N. Hollins, commander of the ship Cyane, bombards and destroys the small town of Greytown on the Mosquito coast, Central America......June 13, 1854 [This was an attempt to obtain redress for a personal insult to one of the officers of the government, and to enforce a claim of $24,000 indemnity.] Merrimac, a new steam war-frigate, launched at the Charleston navy-yard......June 14, 1854 [This was one of the vessels seized by the Confederates at the Norfolk navyyard, April, 1861.] Medal presented to Captain Ingraham, U. S. N., by a resolution of Congress, as a testimonial of the high sens
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
ix months imprisonment, and his associates to three months imprisonment for contempt of court (sentence to begin Jan. 8, 1895)......Dec. 14, 1894 Mosquito reservation formally incorporated with Nicaragua......Dec. 17, 1894 Brigadier-General Swaim, judge advocate-general retired......Dec. 24, 1894 Philological congress in the United States opens at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia......Dec. 27, 1894 Act to establish a national military park at the battle-field of Pittsburg Landing, or Shiloh, approved......Dec. 28, 1894 James G. Fair, United States ex-Senator from California, dies at San Francisco, aged sixty-three......Dec. 29, 1894 [Estate estimated at $40,000,000.] President nominates Col. G. N. Lieber to be judge advocate-general in place of Brig.-Gen. D. G. Swaim, retired......Jan. 3, 1895 Royalist uprising at Waikiki Beach, about 5 miles from Honolulu, for the purpose of overthrowing the government (easily suppressed)......Jan. 6, 1895 Brook
nd explores their coasts......1495-96 Returns to Spain to meet charges; reaches Cadiz......June 11, 1496 Patent from Henry VII. of England to John Cabot and his three sons......March 5. 1495-96 John Cabot discovers the North American continent......June 24, 1497 Columbus sails with six ships on his third voyage, May 30; discovers Trinidad, July 31; lands on terra firma without knowing it to be a new continent, naming it Isla Santa......Aug. 1, 1498 Discovers the mouth of the Orinoco......August, 1498 Alonso de Ojeda discovers Surinam, June; and the Gulf of Venezuela. Amerigo Vespucci accompanies him on this voyage......1499 Amerigo Vespucci's first voyage......1499 Vicente Yañez Pinzon discovers Brazil, Jan. 20, and the river Amazon......Jan. 26, 1500 Pedro Alvarez de Cabral, of Portugal, discovers Brazil, April 22, and takes possession of for the King of Portugal......May, 1500 Gasper Cortereal, in the service of Portugal, discovers Labrador......1500
Jamestown, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
904461,919,702702,54862,622,250 1219004574,607,2251,604,94376,303,387 States in the Union and date of their admission. Order.Name.Date of Settlement.Where first Settled.By whom Settled.Date of Admission.Area in Square Miles. 1Virginia1607JamestownEnglishThe 13 Original States.38,348 2New York1614New YorkDutch47,000 3Massachusetts1620PlymouthEnglish7,800 4New Hampshire1623Little HarborEnglish9,392 5Connecticut1633WindsorEnglish4,750 6Maryland1634St. Mary'sEnglish11,124 7Rhode Islandt......1525 Ayllon, Lucas Vasquez de, Spanish explorer, died in Virginia......Oct. 18, 1526 [Sailing, with three vessels and 600 persons, with supplies for a colony, along the coast, he enters Chesapeake Bay and attempts a settlement near Jamestown, where he died. His colonists returned to Santo Domingo in the spring of 1527.] Pizarro, Francisco, Spanish adventurer; born in Spain about 1471; assassinated at Lima, Peru, Jan. 26, 1541. The destroyer of the Peruvian government......1531
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
s in that State......Aug. 3, 1863 John B. Floyd, ex-Secretary of War and Confederate brigadier-general, dies at Abingdon, Va.......Aug. 26, 1863 Army of the Cumberland crosses the Tennessee in pursuit of General Bragg......Aug. 29–Sept. 3, 1863 Advance of General Burnside's command occupies Knoxville, E. Tenn.......Sept. 4, 1863 Confederates evacuate Fort Wagner on the night of......Sept. 7, 1863 General Wood's division of the 21st Corps, Army of the Cumberland, occupies Chattanooga, Tenn.......Sept. 9, 1863 President Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus by proclamation......Sept. 15, 1863 Battle of Chickamauga......Sept. 19-20, 1863 Eleventh and 12th Corps, Army of the Potomac, Major-General Hooker, ordered to middle Tennessee to reinforce the Army of the Cumberland......Sept. 23, 1863 Engagement at Bristow Station, Va., between the rear of the Army of the Potomac and A. P. Hill......Oct. 14, 1863 Maj.-Gen. U. S. Grant appointed to the Division of
ort of American pork......Sept. 8, 1891 Forest reservation in Wyoming, adjoining Yellowstone National Park, set apart by proclamation of President Harrison, March 30, and supplementary proclamation......Sept. 10, 1891 William Ferrel, meterologist, born 1817, dies at Maywood, Kan.......Sept. 18, 1891 President proclaims the ceded Indian lands in Oklahoma Territory open to settlement on Sept. 22......Sept. 18, 1891 Opening of the St. Clair River tunnel celebrated at Port Huron and Sarnia......Sept. 19, 1891 Russian man-of-war Alenta seizes an American sealer, the Lewis, at Bering Island and carries the crew to Vladivostock for trial......Oct. 2, 1891 Human Freedom League organized in Independence Hall, Philadelphia......Oct. 12, 1891 Boatswain, mate, and six sailors of the United States cruiser Baltimore injured by a mob in the streets of Valparaiso, Chile, resulting in death of two sailors......Oct. 16, 1891 Nathaniel Duncan Ingraham, formerly of the United Stat
Manila Bay (Philippines) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
tants of Cuba, and arms, munition, and military stores to the people of Cuba, authorized......May 18, 1898 United States auxiliary naval force authorized......May 26, 1898 Commercial treaty with France signed......May 30, 1898 The Trans-Mississippi International Exposition in Omaha, Neb., opens......June 1, 1898 Congress authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to present a sword of honor to Commodore George Dewey, and to cause bronze medals to be struck commemorating the battle of Manila Bay, and to distribute such medals to the officers and men of the ships of the Asiatic Squadron......June 3, 1898 House document No. 396, relating to the beet-sugar industry in the United States, authorized by joint resolution to be printed......June 4, 1898 Disabilities imposed by section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution removed......June 6, 1898 Appropraition to pay the Bering Sea awards......June 15, 1898 Commission appointed to collate information and to consid
Titusville (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
May 12, 1892 Spain removes restrictions on American pork......May 22, 1892 Senator Stewart's bill for free coinage of silver taken up by the Senate......May 26, 1892 Provision for closing the World's Fair government exhibit on Sundays adopted by the House of Representatives......May 26, 1892 James G. Blaine, Secretary of State, resigns......June 4, 1892 Dam at Spartansburg, Pa., bursts, causing a flood and the breaking of tanks of gasoline, which ignites on Oil Creek between Titusville and Oil City; flood and fire result in the loss of over 100 lives......June 5, 1892 Republican National Convention assembles at Minneapolis, Minn., June 7; Governor McKinley, of Ohio, permanent chairman, June 8; on first ballot Benjamin Harrison receives 535 1/6 votes; Blaine, 182 1/6; McKinley, 182; Reed, 4; Robert T. Lincoln, 1. On motion of Charles McKinley the nomination of Harrison is made unanimous. At the evening session Whitelaw Reid, of New York, is nominated for Vice-Preside
Fernandina, Fla. (Florida, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
cipal cities of the North......Nov. 2, 1864 Second session of second Confederate Congress convenes at Richmond......Nov. 7, 1864 McClellan resigns his command in the army......Nov. 8, 1864 At the general election, Lincoln and Johnson, Republican, carry twenty-two States; McClellan and Pendleton, three (New Jersey, Delaware, and Kentucky); eleven not voting......Nov. 8, 1864 Atlanta burned, and Sherman begins his March to the sea......Nov. 14, 1864 Blockade of Norfolk, Va., Fernandina, and Pensacola raised by proclamation of President......Nov. 19, 1864 Confederate incendiaries fire many hotels in New York......Nov. 25, 1864 Battle of Franklin......Nov. 30, 1864 Second session convenes......Dec. 5, 1864 Fourth annual message of President Lincoln......Dec. 6, 1864 Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, Ll.D., born 1793, dies at Washington, D. C.......Dec. 10, 1864 Fort McAllister, Savannah, Ga., captured by Hazen's division of Sherman's army......Dec. 13, 1864 Thom
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