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Lewiston, Me. (Maine, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-maine
women are swept away ......Jan. 28, 1874 Compulsory education act passed by the legislature......1875 Death penalty in Maine abolished by law......1876 Senator Lot M. Morrill, Secretary of United States Treasury......June. 1876 Fifty-two Swedes in New Sweden are naturalized......1876 Marble statue of Gen. William King, first governor of Maine, presented to the United States government and placed in Statuary Hall, Washington, January, 1878 State Greenback Convention held at Lewiston, 782 delegates; Joseph W. Smith nominated for governor......June 5, 1878 September election: Selden Connor, Republican, 56,544; Joseph L. Smith, Greenback, 41,371; Alonzo Garcelon, Democrat, 28,218; no choice by people......Sept. 9, 1878 Garcelon chosen governor by legislature......Jan. 3, 1879 Vote for governor: Daniel F. Davis, Republican, 68,766; Garcelon, Democrat, 21,688; Smith, National or Greenback, 47,590......Sept. 8, 1879 Republican press claims the Senate by seven ma
Brunswick, Me. (Maine, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-maine
ed with additional articles at Mare Point (now in Brunswick) between the whites and Indians......Jan. 7, 1699 hey attack the fort at St. George's River and burn Brunswick......June-July, 1722 One thousand men raised byction of Sagadahoc territory......Aug. 25, 1733 Brunswick incorporated......June 24, 1737 King in council.September, 1755 Skirmishes with the Indians at Brunswick, New Gloucester, Windham, where the Indian chief Pranted by the General Court for Bowdoin College in Brunswick......June 24, 1794 Augusta (the ancient Cushnocch 8, 1787, that Twenty-mile Falls, 20 miles above Brunswick, are the uppermost Great Falls in the Androscoggin Gosselin appointed to govern the province between Brunswick and Penobscot......1814 British sloop from Haliber to vote on the question, and send delegates to Brunswick the last Monday of September, who, if a majority o0, 1816 Convention of 185 delegates convenes at Brunswick; vote shows 11,961 yeas to 10,347 nays; the attemp
Topsham (Maine, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-maine
..March 5, 1739 Rev. George Whitefield visits Maine and preaches at York, Wells, and Biddeford......1741 First attack of Indians (the fifth Indian war) upon St. George and Damariscotta (New Castle), July 19; the provincial government declares war against all the Eastern tribes, and offers bounties for Indian captives or scalps......Aug. 23, 1745 Indian skirmishes and depredations throughout the Sagadahoc territory during......1746 By May 1, 1747, the whole frontier from Wells to Topsham is infested with Indians, who make an attack on Pemaquid, May 26, and unsuccessful attacks on forts Frederick and St. George......September, 1747 Indian hostilities in Maine brought to an end by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, signed......Oct. 7, 1748 A treaty based on Drummer's treaty of 1725 made with Indians at Falmouth by commission from Massachusetts......Oct. 16, 1749 Indians attack Fort Richmond, on the Kennebec, but, hearing that the garrison had been reinforced, they retir
Falmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-maine
hirty-nine delegates from nine towns in Cumberland county, held at Falmouth, at which meeting Sheriff William Tyng declared his avowal to obeyixty volunteers under Lieut.-Col. Samuel Thompson, while ashore at Falmouth. The sailing-master of the Canseau excites the people by threatento attack Quebec......September, 1775 Captain Mowatt arrives in Falmouth (now Portland) with four armed vessels, Oct. 17, with orders from clear sixteen acres in four years......1784 First issue of the Falmouth gazette and weekly Advertiser, the earliest newspaper established onsider the separation of the district from Massachusetts meets at Falmouth......Oct. 5, 1785 Convention appointed at the October meeting assembles at Falmouth and draws up a statement of particulars......Jan. 4, 1786 Massachusetts lands, 1,107,396 acres, between Penobscot an purchased by William Bingham, of Philadelphia......March, 1786 Falmouth divided and the peninsula with several opposite islands incorporat
Merrymeeting Bay (Maine, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-maine
itain......March 30, 1713 Berwick incorporated out of the northern settlements of Kittery......June 9, 1713 Fort George erected on the west side of the Androscoggin, opposite the lower falls......1715 Parker's Island and Arrowsick made a town or municipal corporation by the name of Georgetown......June 13, 1716 Name of Saco changed to Biddeford......Nov. 18, 1718 First violence of the Three years or Lovewell's War, the fourth Indian war, was the taking of nine families on Merrymeeting Bay by sixty Indians in canoes, June 13; they attack the fort at St. George's River and burn Brunswick......June-July, 1722 One thousand men raised by the general court to carry on the Indian war......Aug. 8, 1722 Capt. Josiah Winslow and sixteen men, in two boats on the St. George's River, ambushed and surrounded by about 100 Indians in thirty canoes, and all killed......May 1, 1724 Father Sebastian Rasle, a Jesuit long located at the Indian village of Norridgewock on the Kenneb
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-maine
o the eastern extremity of the State of Maine. Maine is the largest of the Eastern States, and, incil of Massachusetts to restore his province in Maine......Jan. 11, 1664 A part of the grant of t680 Baptists make their first appearance in Maine in 1681; William Screven, their leader, organi. of Harvard College, and that the boundary of Maine was up this river and the Cheputnatecook to a bling-block in the matter of the separation of Maine, is changed, and the eastern coast divided intherlands)......April 13, 1822 Wild lands in Maine surveyed and divided between Maine and Massach for the United States, fixing the boundary of Maine on the north, freeing navigation of the St. Jos of 1,000,000 acres of land and the claims of Maine on the government of the United States, for thy able-bodied foreign emigrant introduced into Maine by them......1864 William Pitt Fessenden, Sstatue of Gen. William King, first governor of Maine, presented to the United States government and[43 more...]
York, Me. (Maine, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-maine
m Maine: John Wincoln, of Kittery, and Edward Rishworth, of York......May, 1653 Wells, Saco, and Cape Porpoise declared t A part of the grant of the King of England to the Duke of York includes the territory between the St. Croix and Pemaquid a Four commissioners from Massachusetts hold a convention in York, commanding the people of the province of Maine in his Majeorganize the additional territory......May, 1674 Duke of York takes a new patent from the King, and commissions Sir Edmunesident Danforth as agreed at Wells on May 1, he returns to York and sends a reinforcement to Wells. Shortly after their arWar......Aug. 10, 1703 Enemy destroy Black Point, attack York and Berwick; legislatures of Massachusetts and New Hampshir1739 Rev. George Whitefield visits Maine and preaches at York, Wells, and Biddeford......1741 First attack of Indians ght in 1725, incorporated......Jan. 11, 1777 Counties of York, Cumberland, and Lincoln, by vote of Congress, erected into
.....1861 Hannibal Hamlin inaugurated Vice-President of the United States......March, 4, 1861 Extra three days session of the legislature, and provision made for ten regiments of volunteers for the Federal army, and a coast-guard if necessary......April 22, 1861 Office of the Democrat, a secession newspaper published in Bangor, entirely destroyed by a mob......Aug. 12, 1861 United States Secretary of State Seward permits passage of British troops across the State from Portland to Canada......1862 Officers and crew of the Confederate privateer Archer enter the harbor of Portland, capture the revenue cutter Caleb Cushing, and put to sea; being pursued, they take to their boats and blow up their prize, and are themselves captured......June 29, 1863 Foreign Emigrant Association of Maine incorporated, to which the State agrees to give $25 for every able-bodied foreign emigrant introduced into Maine by them......1864 William Pitt Fessenden, Secretary of the Treasury.....
Ghent, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-maine
and Griffiths land at Buck's Harbor, about 3 miles below Machias, and march against the fort, which the garrison desert and blow up......Sept. 12, 1814 British Maj.-Gen. Gerard Gosselin appointed to govern the province between Brunswick and Penobscot......1814 British sloop from Halifax, with a cargo invoiced at $40,000, on her passage to Castine is captured and carried into Camden......November, 1814 General court appoints a day of thanksgiving on news of peace and of the treaty of Ghent, Dec. 24, 1814......Feb. 22, 1815 British troops evacuate Castine......April 25, 1815 Between 10,000 and 15,000 inhabitants emigrate to Ohio......1815-16 County of Penobscot incorported (the ninth and last prior to the separation)......Sept. 15 1815 Meetings held in all towns and plantations of the district of Maine, and a vote taken on the question of separation from Massachusetts result in 10,393 yeas and 6,501 nays......May 20, 1816 First separation law takes effect, dire
Connecticut River (United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-maine
...Jan. 12, 1829 Governor Lincoln dying, Nathan Cutler, president of the Senate, succeeds him......Oct. 8, 1829 Cumberland and Oxford Canal, from Portland to Sebago Pond, completed......1829 William, King of the Netherlands, recommends as the boundary of Maine a line due north from the source of the St. Croix to the river St. John; thence in the middle of that river through the St. Francis to its source, and thence along the highlands southwesterly to mile tree and head of the Connecticut River......Jan. 10, 1831 Capital removed from Portland to Augusta; legislature meets......Jan. 4, 1832 Bangor and Orono Railroad, 10 miles in length, completed......1836 Rufus Mclntire, land agent for Maine, and two others, sent to drive trespassers from timber on disputed territory in the north of the State, are taken by an armed force as prisoners to Fredericton, but soon released by the governor of New Brunswick......Feb. 11, 1839 Lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick issues a
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