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Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
Doc. 43.--the Inaugural address. How it is received. The Baltimore papers discuss the tone of Mr. Lincoln's Inaugural Address. The American regards the address with favor. The tone of the speech is pacific ; that is to say, Mr. Lincoln avows his determination to preserve peace, so far as it may be done, in the performance of his duty as he understands it. He denies that he has the power to recognize the right or the fact of secession, and therefore denies that he has the liberty to refrain from the performance of what would be plain obligations if no such right or fact had been assumed to exist. While, therefore, he announces his intention to collect the revenue and to possess and defend the forts, he distinctly declares that he will do these things in such a manner as to avoid the necessity for strife, if it is possible to do so. It is perfectly evident, from the whole tenor of his Address, that he does not intend to be the aggressor, if peace may not be preserved.
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
cient instrument for the accomplishment of its purposes, without any appeal to the higher law of the fanatics, which is subversive of all human law and government, and impels the submission of all human thought and consideration and action to the whim or notion of an individual man. In Virginia the secessionists denounce it as a warlike document, and threaten immediate secession and fight. In the seceding States intense excitement was created by the reception of the Address. In North Carolina, the Inaugural was favorably received by the Unionists, who regarded it as a hopeful indication of the peace policy of the administration. The St. Louis Denmocrat says: We can only say this morning, that it meets the highest expectations of tihe country, both in point of statesmanship and patriotism, and that its effect on the public mind cannot be other than salutary in the highest degree. The St. Louis Republican says: We hoped for a more conservative and more conciliatory expres
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 44
nd to be the aggressor, if peace may not be preserved. No one will deny that he has met the issues presented with a firmness and frankness that are in themselves commendable. He does not expect to be misunderstood, and he foreshadows his policy with a directness that provides for no future evasions or change of programme. It is hardly probable that the citizens of the Southern Confederacy have waited for this Inaugural with the expectation that it was to contain a relinquishment of United States authority in the seceded states, or a promise to recognize the government there set up; and if they have, it is not probable that the Address will leave them in doubt upon this subject. Whatever may be the differences of opinion throughout the country upon the various subjects of which the address treats, it will be very generally received as an honest and outspoken avowal of the policy of the new administration. It is certain that it furnishes no pretext for disunion that has not ex
Abraham Lincoln (search for this): chapter 44
address. How it is received. The Baltimore papers discuss the tone of Mr. Lincoln's Inaugural Address. The American regards the address with favor. The tone of the speech is pacific ; that is to say, Mr. Lincoln avows his determination to preserve peace, so far as it may be done, in the performance of his duty as henion, and the death of hope. The Baltimore Exchange says, the measures of Mr. Lincoln mean war. The Baltimore Patriot believes, with the American, that Mr. LinMr. Lincoln means to avoid aggression, and adds: The reasoning and expositions of the Inaugural, in the virtues of patience, forbearance, &c., apply as well to Mr. LiMr. Lincoln as to the people of the several States, and as he expects the people to exercise those virtues, so must he allow tihe people to expect that he will apply the ce tribunal of the American people. We make this observation in reference to Mr. Lincoln as an enlightened and conscientious statesman, and not as an educated and co
Doc. 43.--the Inaugural address. How it is received. The Baltimore papers discuss the tone of Mr. Lincoln's Inaugural Address. The American regards the address with favor. The tone of the speech is pacific ; that is to say, Mr. Lincoln avows his determination to preserve peace, so far as it may be done, in the performance of his duty as he understands it. He denies that he has the power to recognize the right or the fact of secession, and therefore denies that he has the liberty to refrain from the performance of what would be plain obligations if no such right or fact had been assumed to exist. While, therefore, he announces his intention to collect the revenue and to possess and defend the forts, he distinctly declares that he will do these things in such a manner as to avoid the necessity for strife, if it is possible to do so. It is perfectly evident, from the whole tenor of his Address, that he does not intend to be the aggressor, if peace may not be preserved.
the seceded states, or a promise to recognize the government there set up; and if they have, it is not probable that the Address will leave them in doubt upon this subject. Whatever may be the differences of opinion throughout the country upon the various subjects of which the address treats, it will be very generally received as an honest and outspoken avowal of the policy of the new administration. It is certain that it furnishes no pretext for disunion that has not existed since the November election. The Baltimore Sun denounces the Address as sectional and mischievous, and adds that if it means what it says, it is the knell and the requiem of the Union, and the death of hope. The Baltimore Exchange says, the measures of Mr. Lincoln mean war. The Baltimore Patriot believes, with the American, that Mr. Lincoln means to avoid aggression, and adds: The reasoning and expositions of the Inaugural, in the virtues of patience, forbearance, &c., apply as well to Mr. Lin