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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 17 17 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight). You can also browse the collection for 283 BC or search for 283 BC in all documents.

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's pots. Paunch. 1. (Nautical.) A thickly thrummed mat of sennit wrapped around a spar or rope to keep it from chafing. 2. The rim of a bell. The part against which the clapper strikes. Paved way. A tramway whose tracks are of stone. Pave′ment. The hard covering of the surface of a road or foot-way. According to Pliny (A. D. 79), pavements are an invention of the Greeks. As usual, he forgets Egypt and is oblivious of India and China. Sosus of Pergamus (founded 283 B. C.) made ornamental mosaic pavements representing natural objects. The first Roman pavement in blocks of diamond (rhombal) form was laid in the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus during the third Punic war. The Greeks invented (says the same author) terrace-roof pavements, and he gives the following directions for their construction : — Begin with two layers of boards crossing each other and nailed together at their extremities, to prevent warping. Next place a layer of pounded pottery an