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Meadow Mills (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 209
thrown to the heights on the south side of Cedar creek, which had brisk skirmishing during the eveforce thus cut off, and many escaped across Cedar creek. Simultaneous with this charge, a combin in and more fully initiate the rout. At Cedar creek, Getty's division of the Sixth corps, and M   Fisher's Hill September 22 11 47 2 60   Cedar Creek October 19 243 1,352 893 2,488   Reconnoisshing slightly with the enemy. Arriving at Cedar creek, on the Valley pike, the Third brigade (Colserve brigades moved to the right, crossing Cedar creek about a mile from the Valley pike, and moveh line, a short time, the command recrossed Cedar creek and went into its former position. At da-General Devin's brigade, which was left at Cedar creek (in rear of the main army), marched across old position, and I returned to the army on Cedar creek. Brigadier-General Custer made a reconnoissd in crossing — infantry and cavalry — over Cedar creek on the right of the army. But the gallant [29 more..
Kabletown (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 209
into position near White Post; the Sixth corps moved via the Charleston and Summit Point road to Clifton; the Nineteenth corps moved on the Berryville pike, to the left of the position of the Sixth corps at Clifton; General Crook's command via Kabletown, to the vicinity of Berryville, coming into position on the left of the Nineteenth corps; and Colonel Lowell, with two small regiments of cavalry, was ordered to Summit Point; so that on the night of August tenth, the army occupied a position she morning of the second of September the cavalry moved back to Charlestown, Virginia, in two columns; the First division (Brigadier-General Merritt) via the Charlestown and Berryville pike, and the Third Division (Brigadier-General Wilson) via Kabletown. At 5 P. M., same day the First and Third divisions (Brigadier-Generals Merritt and Wilson) moved to Berryville by the Winchester and Berryville pike. The next morning (the third) at daylight, both divisions moved via Millwood and White P
Cedar Creek (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 209
d although unable to dislodge the division, held all the ground gained. The rebel division during the night moved off. Next day Crook moved from Stony Point to Cedar creek, Emory followed; the cavalry moved to the same point, via Newtown and the valley pike, and the Sixth corps followed the cavalry. On the night of the twelfth, Cy to Fisher's Hill, where this strong position gave him some protection against our cavalry; but the most of his transportation had been captured, the road from Cedar creek to Fisher's Hill, a distance of over three miles, being literally blocked by wagons, ambulances, artillery, caissons, &c. The enemy did not halt his main forpetuosity which they could not stand. The rebel army was soon routed and driven across Cedar creek in confusion. The cavalry sweeping on both flanks crossed Cedar Creek about the same time, charged and broke the last line the enemy attempted to form (it was now after dark), and put out at full speed at their artillery and train
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 209
ntrate at Halltown, four miles in front of Harper's Ferry. After my interview with the Lieutenant-General, I hastened to Harper's Ferry to make preparations for an immediate advance against the enemy I refer to that at Halltown, in front of Harper's Ferry. Subsequent experience has convinced me trt, and I sent Wilson's division around by Harper's Ferry to watch its movements. Averell in the melumn to protect my right flank and line to Harper's Ferry, while the cavalry threatened the enemy's le forces without delay in the vicinity of Harper's Ferry, leaving only such railroad guards and garthirty-first. It was concentrated at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, by the night of the ninth of August ision as the Third brigade. I left Harper's Ferry, Virginia, August tenth, with the First divisio, to Brigadier-General Stephenson, at Harper's Ferry, Virginia; the balance of Brigadier-General Dufrigadier-General Custer), to cross at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. The First division (Brigadier-Gen[5 more...]
White Plains (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 209
under the following instructions: headquarters Middle military division November 27, 1864. Brevet Major-General Wesley Merritt, commanding First Cavalry Division. General — You are hereby directed to proceed to-morrow morning at seven o'clock with the two brigades of your division now in camp to the east side of the Blue Ridge, via Ashby's gap, and operate against the guerillas in the district of country bounded on the south by the line of the Manassas Gap railroad as far east as White Plains, on the east by the Bull Run range, on the west by the Shenandoah river, and on the north by the Potomac. This section has been the hot-bed of lawless bands, who have from time to time depredated upon small parties on the line of army communications, on safeguards left at houses, and on troops. Their real object is plunder and highway robbery. To clear the country of these parties that are bringing destruction upon the innocent, as well as their guilty supporters, by their cowardly
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 209
mmanding the Department of West Virginia, a copy of which is herewith attached. The Army of the Shenandoah at this time consisted of the Sixth corps, very much reduced in numbers, one division of the Nineteenth corps, two small infantry divisions under command of General Crook, afterwards designated as the Army of West Virginia, a small division of cavalry under General Averell, which was at that time in pursuit of General McCausland, near Moorefield, McCausland having made a raid into Pennsylvania and burned the town of Chambersburg; there was also one small division of cavalry, then arriving at Washington, from my old corps. The infantry portion of these troops had been lying in bivouac in the vicinity of Monocacy Junction and Frederick City, but had been ordered to march the day I reported, with directions to concentrate at Halltown, four miles in front of Harper's Ferry. After my interview with the Lieutenant-General, I hastened to Harper's Ferry to make preparations for an
Chester Gap (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 209
column of the enemy moving up from Culpepper Court-house, and approaching Front Royal through Chester gap, having been received, caused me much anxiety, as any considerable force advanced through Froder General Torbert to accompany me to Front Royal, from whence I intended to push it through Chester gap to the Virginia Central railroad at Charlottesville, while I passed through Manassas gap to Pn December nineteenth General Torbert, with Merritt and Powell's division, was pushed through Chester gap to strike the Virginia Central railroad at Charlottesville or Gordonsville. An engagement toision West Virginia cavalry (Colonel Powell), moved from Millford creek to Front Royal, holding Chester and Manassas gaps. The next day (the ninth) I had received orders from Major-General Sheridaecond division, West Virginia cavalry (Colonel Powell), was ordered from Front Royal, through Chester gap in the Blue Ridge to Sperryville, and obtained important information. October eleventh.--T
Cedarville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 209
rteenth the Second brigade moved off to the left on to the Front Royal and Winchester pike, at Cedarville, about seven miles, and two miles from the Shenandoah river, for the, purpose of watching the l and Winchester pike, posting the Reserve brigade at Stony Point, about three miles north of Cedarville, and the First brigade at Cedarville. One regiment of the Third brigade was left at the crossCedarville. One regiment of the Third brigade was left at the crossing of Cedar creek, on the Valley pike. On the afternoon of the fifteenth the pickets of the First and Second brigades were attacked near the Shenandoah river, by two brigades of infantry of Kersharritt's on the valley pike to Cedar creek, and Brigadier-General Wilson's via Stephensburg and Cedarville on the Front Royal pike. The enemy were overtaken posted in a strong position at Fisher's H-General Merritt's division went through Front Royal, crossing the Shenandoah, and stopping at Cedarville; in the mean time having a skirmish with Mosby's guerillas at Front Royal, killing two officer
Georgetown (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 209
rigade was sent on each flank, two to attack in front, and one held in reserve. Soon after the attack was commenced it was found that we were fighting infantry (a division of Breckenridge's corps), while on the march in the direction of Shepherdstown, Virginia. The attack was so sudden and vigorous the division was thrown in complete confusion and back three-fourths of a mile. The enemy lost about two hundred and fifty killed and wounded, together with one brigade commander. I then coack,which was done in good order — the Third division (Brigadier-General Wilson) taking the road from Kearneysville, via Duffield station, to the right of the army, the First division (Brigadier-General Merritt) taking the direct road to Shepherdstown, Virginia, the enemy following up the latter column with infantry and artillery. Near Shepherdstown the First brigade (Brigadier-General Custer) was sent to the relief of a regiment of the Reserve brigade which was the rear guard, and which was a
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 209
Doc. 117. the Shenandoah campaign. Major-General Sheridan's report. headquarters military division of the Gulf, New Orleans, February 3, 1866. Brevet Major-General J. A. Rawlins, Chief of Staff, Washington, D. C. General — I have the honor to make the following report of the campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah, commencing August fourth, 1864. On the evening of the first of August I was relieved from the command of the cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac, to take commath July, 1864, I received an order to march the First division of cavalry, which I was then commanding, and which was at that time encamped near Lee's Mills, Prince George county, Virginia, to City Point, for the purpose of embarking it for Washington, D. C. The division moved according to orders, and commenced to embark on the night of the thirty-first. It was concentrated at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, by the night of the ninth of August following. On my arrival at Harper's Ferry, Virgin
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