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wenty-second, Colonel Kidder, at the right centre; and the Sixth, Colonel Ames, on the left. Colonel Holman's small brigade formed the second line. In this order the troops struggled through the swampy and tangled and almost impassable woods, the rebels shelling them furiously all the distance. As our line emerged irregularly from the woods, the rebels threw canister with terrible effect. The Fourth received their whole concentrated fire. Captain King was instantly killed, and Lieutenant Brigham mortally wounded. The whole regiment suffered severely. Both wings were forced to return and remain in cover for a short time, until the lines could be reformed; but, at the word, the right wing charged with exultant shouts up the slope and through the murderous fire. The rebels fled in confusion to the woods in their rear, leaving one gun behind, which was instantly turned upon them by some of the negroes of Colonel Kidder's regiment, under the direction of Private John Norton, of