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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1 38 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Don Mariano or search for Don Mariano in all documents.

Your search returned 19 results in 3 document sections:

William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 4: a lost Capital. (search)
n be called a street, winds in and out among a group of villas, dancing-booths, barbers' shops and billiard rooms. No side walk interferes with man and horse. An open sewer runs through the town, a cesspool poisons every yard. Two nieces of Don Mariano live in a villa with an open drain in front. Nobody dreams of covering up that drain. The plaza is as shapeless as the street; a scatter of white houses, built of earth and plank, mostly one story high; these people living in a constant feanging fruit? But while you make your sketch, the owner smokes and smirks, convinced that you admire his wall and fruit trees, not because they make a picture, but because they are his wall and fruit trees. A saintly and a regal city, says Don Mariano with a flush of pride; San Carlos is our patron saint, Don Carlos is our founder king. A regal name is Monterey; rey de los montes-king of the mountains. Dons and caballeros sneer at San Francisco as an upstart city, built by nobody, not
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 5: Don Mariano. (search)
way of long descent would be surprising in Don Mariano; even though his race ran up to Adam, like f California. In one sense he is right. Don Mariano's story is that of nearly every Mexican of is young republic must incline. To which? Don Mariano, shaving like an English marquis, turned hiice. Such, in substance, is the picture of Don Mariano, presented thirty years ago, to President P, where they may hope to keep their own. Don Mariano's lands have slipped from him by many avenukept by all good Catholics and Mexicans. Don Mariano shows me a printed notice of this festival; Good Catholics, true caballeros, whispers Don Mariano, as he bows adieu; you see we keep the festa big chief, in the fashion of his country, Don Mariano has squandered not a little of his vast ests grant. All Mexicans are fond of law, and Don Mariano never goes into some court except to lose some part of his estate. Don Mariano is a type, not only of the Lost Capital, but the Retiring Race[6 more...]
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 7: Hybrids. (search)
Chapter 7: Hybrids. we cannot now undo what has been done, Don Mariano sighs, when we are talking of the bad blood in his province. The Franciscan fathers tried to check this evil by keeping White men and Red women apart. They failed; the customs of the country were too strong for them. No one has yet succeeded in arresting an evil which baffled the Franciscan fathers. Too well we know the mischief, for this mixture of White with savage blood is giving us a vicious and unstable race. White female faces are not often seen in the southern parts of California; thirty years since they were never seen outside a military post. The Spaniards are not planters of Free States. They came to take possession of the country for their king, the people for their Church. To find new homes for men desirous of a wider field and freer atmosphere, was not an object of their voyage. Sailing in search of gold and spices, they left the coast when they had found these articles and filled t