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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1 16 0 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 6 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 6 0 Browse Search
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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 4: a lost Capital. (search)
lse, Buchard lowered his boats, and sent his men ashore. Don Jesus left his guns, and bolted for the woods, firing a powder train, which blew the castle into dust. Buchard gave the town to pillage, and his crews, a riff-raff of all nations, Spanish, French, and Algerine, spared neither age nor sex. Fire swept the lanes and alleys, so that nothing but the church, an edifice of stone, remained to mark the site of royal Monterey. Five years elapsed before a soul returned. A Scot, named David Spence, a man dealing in skins and hides, came first. Then don and caballero ventured back, and raised their shanties from the dust. Poorer than ever, they built of sand and logs, but gave their sheds poetic names. A hut was called a house, a shed a hall. No house in Monterey is bigger than an English cottage, and the public rooms are often low and mean. Entering one of the pretentious villas, you find the gate unhinged, the balcony rotten, the garden heaped and messed. Nature does somethi
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 6: White conquerors. (search)
e lake has grown into a city of three thousand souls! Already Salinas is a more important place than Monterey. A White colonist has three main ways of taking possession of Californian soil. The first plan is to marry an estate, like David Spence. Dark women like fair men, and if a half-breed girl is taken from her people young, she may be trained in English ways, until she learns to be a decent wife. If there are brothers in the house, the fields and runs must be divided; but the lads nty Linlithgow! The lands all round Salinas are in English and American hands. Jackson, one of the first arrivals in San Francisco; Hebbron, lately a detective, practising his art in London; Beasley, one of three brothers living in the place; Spence, the first English colonist in Monterey; Johnson, a sheepherder, who has given his name to a high peak; Leese, the gentleman who wedded Vallejo's sister; Beveridge, a young and thriving Scot; these are the chief owners of land around Salinas. T
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 7: Hybrids. (search)
ere single men. The soldiers and the friars were not allowed to marry. A trapper was of course at liberty to woo and wed; but in a land with no White women he could only woo a squaw. If the stranger made a home, he took such females as an Indian lodge supplies. A governor of Monterey might bring his family from Mexico, but such a luxury as the companionship of wife and children was reserved for persons of exalted family and official rank. When I first came into these parts, says David Spence, the only White people near Monterey were the fathers at San Carlos, and the soldiers in the citadel. No other White men had a right to dwell in Monterey. We bought our licences to live and trade, but after paying our money, we held these licences at the governor's will. On any whimsey, he could put us on board the fleet, or drive us into the mountains. No civil rights were known. At gunshot, soldiers drove us into camp, and when the curfew tolled these soldiers compelled us to put
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 13: the Jesuits. (search)
lost her ancient empire on the coast, and they are cnarged with a commission to restore that empire to the Papal chair. When I first came to Monterey, said Spence to me the other day, every man in this country was a Catholic, every woman a devout Catholic. The Roman sentiment was in the air. You could no more avoid going ta Presbyterian, like my father, but a Presbyterian could not stay in Monterey, so I was forced to seem a Catholic, in order to stay and carry on my trade. When Spence proposed to marry, he had to go further still. Not for his blue eyes and yellow locks would his senorita wed a heretic. Her priest forbade such wickedness, and Spence, in order to secure his prize, was forced to ask admission to the Catholic fold. But things are changed. Though Catholic feeling still runs high, and some old ladies use big words, nobody dreams of asking an American suitor to renounce his creed in order to obtain a woman's hand. An upper class now reigns in Monterey co
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 14: Jesuits' pupils. (search)
e methods of instruction are devised with an austerity that strikes an English eye as almost penal. With elaborate art these rules and methods are designed to bring about one great and uniform result; a habit of deferring to the Church, to the abandonment of personal will and independent thought. To give the college something of a liberal air, Santa Clara opens her door to lads of every race and creed. A Jew, a Buddhist, or an Anglican may send his son to Santa Clara. As in the case of Spence at Monterey, the lad must go to mass, but only for the sake of order and uniformity. Let him sit through mass and vespers daily, and a boy may keep his father's creed; but every pupil of the college must attend religious worship, and the only exercises of religion at Santa Clara are those of Rome. Compared with Christ Church and Trinity, the college is a prison. The scholastic year consists of one session of ten months, lasting from the first week in August to the first week in June.