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Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 184 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 174 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 166 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 164 0 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 132 0 Browse Search
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James Buchanan, Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion 100 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) or search for Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) in all documents.

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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 2: Mission Indians. (search)
Fray Jose Maria, chief of the Carmelo friars; but neither writs nor rifles have been able to drive off Capitan Carlos, patriarch of the Carmelo camp. In dealing with Fray Jose Maria, the liberators had no more to do than close his church, disperse his brethren, seize his fields and orchards; but on turning to the native chief, they could neither free his tribe, undo the teaching of his priests, nor push him from the sanctuary of his patron saint. Yielding to force, Fray Jose Maria went to Mexico, where he has learned to serve another altar, and ceased to think of his mission on Carmelo Bay. Holding to his new creed with all a convert's ardour, Capitan Carlos hovers round his ancient home, knowing no second fane, and clinging to the saint whose name he bears. To him, and to such rags and tatters of his tribe as yet remain alive, San Carlos is a mighty chief, his porch an entrance to the land of souls. This Indian patriarch claims to be a hundred and twenty-five years old. Such
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 3: strangers in the land. (search)
ught they are always stolen, and the man is thought a decent wooer who comes with money in his pocket to an Indian lodge. No Rumsen or Tularenos ever gave away his squaw for love. He sold her as he sold a buffalo hide or catamount skin. Fray Junipero tried to stop this sale of girls, but his successors winked at customs which they had no means of putting down. Castro and Alvaredo hoped to crush this traffic, but their secular energies were worsted in the vain attempt. Neither Liberal Mexico nor Independent California was equal to the task of wrestling with this evil. Indians sold their children to Spanish dons and Mexican caballeros, just as Georgians and Circassians sold their girls to Greek skippers and Turkish pashas. Even under the Stars and Stripes, and in a region governed by American law, the trade goes on; less openly and briskly than in olden times; but still the Red man's daughters are bought and sold, even in the neighbourhood of American courts. It is a custom
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 5: Don Mariano. (search)
was called New Albion, and annexed to the domain of Queen Elizabeth. Russia had long possessed some points on the coast, notably the hills commanding the Golden Gate. America had the claims of neighbourhood, and a cession from the government of Mexico. What part was he to play? His bishops were in favour of submitting to the Spanish crown, Spain being their country and the bulwark of their Church. The other powers are all heretical. A Catholic seemed to have no choice; but Don Mariano, tho me in one of our drives, has been able to keep his lands. My case is hard, but not so hard as that of others; twenty years hence no Spanish don will be a citizen of the United States, You mean the Spaniards will retire? They will remove to Mexico, where they may hope to keep their own. Don Mariano's lands have slipped from him by many avenues of escape. His daughter chose an English mate; his sister chose an English mate. Much of his land is fenced and planted for the benefit of chil
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 7: Hybrids. (search)
n he could only woo a squaw. If the stranger made a home, he took such females as an Indian lodge supplies. A governor of Monterey might bring his family from Mexico, but such a luxury as the companionship of wife and children was reserved for persons of exalted family and official rank. When I first came into these parts into the soil; so deep, that when their time of service came to an end, they were unable to remove. Their families could not be carried into Spain, or even into Mexico. A viceroy had a puzzling question to resolve. The policy of his Church had been to exclude White settlers from the soil: a policy of prudence if the natives wethe soldiers, robbed the friars, and helped themselves to squaws. In every riot they are first and last; the first in outrage, and the last to be subdued. When Mexico threw off the yoke, they fought against the crown of Spain, and when that fight was done they turned against their comrades in the camp. Unstable as water, they
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 8: brigands. (search)
a ready market and a safe retreat. From Soto to Vasquez, every brigand in California has found his base of operations in Mexico. Los Angeles county is a mountain region, with a dozen trackless canons, opening into fertile plains. The soil was ow A brigand is always welcome to the people in an old Free Town. Capitan Soto led a rattling life. One day he fled to Mexico, where the customers for his stolen horses lived; another day he smoked his cigarette in San Quentin, the Newgate of Calio's band was scattered by the rangers, Procopio, with a younger member of the company, named Vasquez, sought an asylum in Mexico, but after staying in that republic some days the two brigands ventured to take ship for San Francisco, where they meant Yet none of these brigands have acquired the fame of Capitan Vasquez, the young companion of Procopio in his flight to Mexico. Vasquez is a greater idol in his country than Vallejo. Poets write sonnets to Vasquez, women swear by Vasquez, lads
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 9: Capitan Vasquez. (search)
lia's sight? To hold her, he must fly into the hills. Choice led him to the heights above Los Angeles, in the vicinity of that San Benito peak from which his mother sprang, among the ins and outs of which Leiva and Rosalia were at home. Some rival bands were in the district, led by Capitan Soto. On hearing that the rangers of Los Angeles were out, Vasquez joined his old leader, when a brush took place, in which the banditti were severely mauled. Vasquez fled across the frontier into Mexico, leaving Rosalia to her husband's care. On his return, after the death of Soto and the capture of Procopio, Vasquez rejoined Rosalia at Rock Creek, the caves and woods of which became his camp, proposing to avenge his slaughtered chief and captured friend. His plan was to announce his presence in the district by a sudden blow; a blow that should be echoed through the land. He had to rouse his people, and to show them they had still a leader in their front. A great crime, swiftly planned
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 12: Catholic missions. (search)
genius for affairs as Castro and Alvaredo, he might have caused a civil war and cost the State much blood and coin. These persons judge by what is going on in Mexico, a country very much like California, being occupied by half-breeds, with a sprinkle here and there of such dons and caballeros as we .find in the streets and bilin his fivescore years the Spaniards have come and gone, the Mexicans have risen and fallen. Living under many flags, he has been a thrall of Spain, a citizen of Mexico, a vassal of California, an outcast of the United States. To him these changes have been like an evil dream, of which the sense escaped his mind, while the pang converts now? Too many of them are scattered to the woods, or laid beneath the grass. What other order or society has ever put out hand to help these people? Mexico dispersed their teachers, and divided the common lands. In five or six years those lands were gone. A free man, holding an estate, can sell it; and the only use
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 14: Jesuits' pupils. (search)
as told me in a chalet of Penitentia Creek, where we rest our horses for an hour, and eat some excellent Californian trout. According to my friend, life is too ardent in these settlements for lads in Padre Varsi's school to have a chance. In Mexico the fathers might do better with their scholars, but the radicals of Mexico will not let them open schools. Do many pupils at Santa Clara act as you have done? Yes, more than yoa would think; though few have gone my length. Some slip thMexico will not let them open schools. Do many pupils at Santa Clara act as you have done? Yes, more than yoa would think; though few have gone my length. Some slip the noose-go wild-and turn their freedom to a curse; while others, after tasting liberty awhile, slink back into their chains. A few remain outside, wearing their gifts like men. A good example lends us strength, and we have always good examples in our sight. If I am ever tempted, out of weakness, to fall back, I fix my thoughts on some such point as Yale in New Haven, or the Inner Temple in London. Then my fainting of the heart goes by. Of course the Jesuits have cut you off? Not openly.