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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 9: Capitan Vasquez. (search)
from which his mother sprang, among the ins and outs of which Leiva and Rosalia were at home. Some rival bands were in the district, led by Capitan Soto. On hearing that the rangers of Los Angeles were out, Vasquez joined his old leader, when a brush took place, in which the banditti were severely mauled. Vasquez fled across the frontier into Mexico, leaving Rosalia to her husband's care. On his return, after the death of Soto and the capture of Procopio, Vasquez rejoined Rosalia at Rock Creek, the caves and woods of which became his camp, proposing to avenge his slaughtered chief and captured friend. His plan was to announce his presence in the district by a sudden blow; a blow that should be echoed through the land. He had to rouse his people, and to show them they had still a leader in their front. A great crime, swiftly planned and promptly done, would tell his race what kind of man he was, and raise up friends for him in every wayside hut and every mountain pass. Ros
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 10: brigand life. (search)
reckon on adding the profit of money and horses, to the pleasure of revenge. Starting from Rock Creek, but leaving Rosalia at San Embro, the brigands rode down the San Benito Valley till they cames eyes were opened. Leiva began to watch his cousin and his wife. In going from San Embro to Rock Creek, he saw enough to satisfy him that his wife was false. He spake no word, but, like a hybrid cur, skulked about Rock Creek, living with his false wife and false friend, until he heard that Adams, sheriff of Santa Clara, and Rowland, sheriff of Los Angeles, were in the field, scouring the countalia on a mule, and bore her to a place of safety near Elizabeth Lake. Thence he rode back to Rock Creek, the camp where he had stalled his horses and concealed his goods. One day the rangers ran histolen from his arms. Riding down to the lake, and lifting her to his crupper, he set out for Rock Creek, as being the safest place he knew. No ranger had as yet been near the creek, for Leiva had n