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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 7: Hybrids. (search)
ith an amazing spirit. Still keep it up? Yes, keep it up. The practice of selling young Indian girls to White men is still so common, that in some adjoining counties a Red man cannot get a squaw. From Santa Barbara to San Juan, from Santa Clara to San Francisco, things were much the same as in the mountains; like causes producing everywhere like effects. Living in a savage waste, surrounded by native tribes, the Franciscan fathers were obliged to lodge some soldiers at each Missiofrom the great Franciscan Commonwealth. About Los Angeles he gathered in the refuse from San Diego and Santa Barbara; about Santa Cruz he gathered in the refuse of San Carlos, San Juan, and Soledad; about San Jose he gathered in the refuse of Santa Clara and San Francisco. Within these camps the veterans and their savage progeny were to dwell, but they were not to wander from their limits, under penalty of stripes, imprisonment and death. Some strangers joined the settlers in these Free To
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 9: Capitan Vasquez. (search)
have been riding with the mail that day. The cause is simple, he explains, so simple that it never fails. You know, we English and Americans are strangers in the land. No traveller can trust his fellow. Each of the seven persons inside the coach that day, believed the other six passengers were members of the band. Before we knew the truth, their thongs were on our wrists, their rifles at our heads. At twenty-eight, Capitan Vasquez was already the talk of every dancing-room from Santa Clara to Los Angeles. I did it all myself, by my own valour; I, the bravest of the brave! he says. Dark eyes looked up to him, and dusky arms were clasped about his neck. Leiva, his cousin, followed him like a dog. Soto implored him to rejoin the band, horse-lifting for the Mexican markets being a profitable trade. By turns he played each game; now stealing horses from the herd, now robbing store and stage; but always squandering his ill-gotten gains on dice and drink. No scruple as t
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 10: brigand life. (search)
raptures due to his great deed. Rosalia's rapture was the ruin of his gang. Tipsy with love and joy, the brigand's mistress was so indiscreet in her caresses that her husband's eyes were opened. Leiva began to watch his cousin and his wife. In going from San Embro to Rock Creek, he saw enough to satisfy him that his wife was false. He spake no word, but, like a hybrid cur, skulked about Rock Creek, living with his false wife and false friend, until he heard that Adams, sheriff of Santa Clara, and Rowland, sheriff of Los Angeles, were in the field, scouring the country in pursuit of the assassins. Then he slipped away unseen, riding from point to point, ready to give himself up, and, on a promise of blood-money, to lead the rangers straight into the robber's lair. On finding his lieutenant gone, Vasquez put Rosalia on a mule, and bore her to a place of safety near Elizabeth Lake. Thence he rode back to Rock Creek, the camp where he had stalled his horses and concealed hi
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 12: Catholic missions. (search)
ed the southern counties of California from Santa Clara to San Diego. Men less heated than the pSan Jose peep out the capulas and spires of Santa Clara; once a seat of the Franciscan friars, a cecloister, in the cells of which the city of Santa Clara had her birth. Slouching at the college e land of which he was once a prince. At Santa Clara lay the camp and refuge of a band of brethr. Reports were sent from other missions to Santa Clara; every rescript and command was issued from Santa Clara. Santa Clara was the court and capital of this Franciscan Commonwealth. The brethSanta Clara was the court and capital of this Franciscan Commonwealth. The brethren of St. Francis failed to establish a sacred Commonwealth in Upper California, and their work haeen hundred converts in this valley of I 2 Santa Clara, living on the soil, more or less settled, s, and goats. The other missions were like Santa Clara; each had her colony of converts, and her wnaked or clothed in rags. No fiscal from Santa Clara ever told a truer and a darker story of wha[5 more...]
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 13: the Jesuits. (search)
s Padre Varsi, Principal of the Jesuit College in Santa Clara, and an eminent member of his company. A tall, San Francisco rival Brooklyn and New York. Even Santa Clara has ceased to be a Catholic town. Where Rome wasp of Monterey is a Gaul, the cure is a Swiss. At Santa Clara the professional chairs are held by English, Irishow to till his soil and gather in his grain. At Santa Clara we have other things to do. The native race, for . My predecessor, Padre Giovanni Nobili, came to Santa Clara shortly after the gates were opened to our exiles? Nobili counselled peace. The brethren quitted Santa Clara, having lost their means of doing good. Seeking e. These Jesuit fathers understand their age. At Santa Clara we find a printing-press, a photographic studio, icons, translations, and the customary cribs. At Santa Clara the path of learning is not paved with spikes. o be popular. A Jesuit planted the first vine in Santa Clara, a Jesuit pressed the first grapes in California.
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 14: Jesuits' pupils. (search)
and soberly festive as the Jesuit College m Santa Clara looks to those who stroll about gardens andive the college something of a liberal air, Santa Clara opens her door to lads of every race and crship, and the only exercises of religion at Santa Clara are those of Rome. Compared with Christ right of free communication with a youth at Santa Clara. Smoking is prohibited, in and out of colle Jesuits succeeded in their aim of fencing Santa Clara from the world, and raising up an army of tnian bar. Young Delmas stayed some years at Santa Clara, passing through all his stages with applau Senior Delmas heard of his son's return to Santa Clara, he leaped, with all a Mexican's jealousy oee that man for man advocates brought up at Santa Clara will not be strong enough to hold their ownoffence. I suffered too, for I was fond of Santa Clara, and a sort of favourite in the place. Whadies were essential to success. My leaving Santa Clara was an act of self-defence: but all the sam[7 more...]
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 15: Bay of San Francisco. (search)
of cypresses and gum trees,--such is the Bay of San Francisco, as her lines are swept from Belmont Hill. The lordship of this inland sea is written on her face, as plainly as the legend on a map. The villages of saintly names, San Rafael, Santa Clara, San Leandro, and the rest, all nestle near the water's edge, while on the higher grounds, among the creeks and caions, nearly all the settlements have English names. Searsville, Crystal Springs, and School House Station, cover Santa Clara, SSanta Clara, San Mateo, and San Bruno on these western heights, while Dublin, Danville, and Lafayette cover San Lorenzo, San Antonio, and San Pablo on those eastern heights. White settlers seize the water edges in all places where a pier is wanted or a factory can be built. They clasp the Bay in railway lines, adorn the tide with sailing ships, pollute the shore with smoking chimneys, bridge the narrows with ferry boats. Where water pays, they hug the shore, defying chills and fevers for the sake of gain
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 20: White Indians. (search)
anged in many ways, from dress and manner upwards into modes of thought. In other times, the Church was all in all. Brigham was king and pope; the Twelve were princes of the blood. A bishop was a peer. Not to be an elder was to live outside the court. A Gentile was of less account in Main Street than a Sioux or Snake, who kept, although in darkness, some traditions of a sacred code. A railway train has done it all. The change in Zion, since the railway opened, is like that from Santa Clara under the Franciscan friars to that of Denver under Bob Wilson and the young Norse gods. Much evil pours into the town, as well as good; the sharper and his female partner coming with the teacher and divine; the people who open hells and grogshops treading on the heels of those who open colleges and schools. Everyone is free to come. As yet, the Saints retain possession of the real estate; no less than seven-eighths of the city, nineteen-twentieths of the territory, says Daniel Wells,
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 22: Indian seers. (search)
d puts the sinner under spells and charms. The same things happen to a Mormon, who believes that sickness is a sign of sin, and that a member who appears to be unsound in either mind or body is possessed of a bad spirit. A bishop is a doctor, and his remedies are prayers and invocations; his object in crying to the heavens being to cast out the demon which torments his brother's flesh. Every one who comes into the Indian country finds these notions on the soil and in the air. At Santa Clara, Fray Tomas found a medicineman ruling the people by divine and patriarchal right, as seer and father of his tribe. Fray Tomas took his place, but left the law on which that seer and patriarch reigned untouched. A change of person introduced no change of plan. Each governed with despotic sway. Though chosen to his post, the Indian ruled in the name and with the power of his Great Spirit. The rule was priestly and the kingdom was of God. Fray Tomas governed in the name of his Great S