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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix no. 2: the work of grace in other armies of the Confederacy. (search)
nd West. On Sullivan's Island, near Charleston, S. C., there was a blessed work of grace, which powerfully checked the ordinary vices of the camp and brought many souls into the fold of the Good Shepherd. Speaking of this work, in a letter of October 9, Rev. E. J. Meynardie, chaplain of Colonel Keitts's Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers, says: On Thursday evening, 25th ult., the religious interest, which for some time had been quite apparent, became so deep and manifest that I determnd manoeuvring. Reached Versailles before daylight. Here I met Bishop Kavanaugh again. He and his noble wife showed me no little kindness during our six weeks in their State. We met several times. October 8. Marched for Lawrenceburg. October 9. At Lawrenceburg saw Morgan's Cavalry dashing through; heard the roar of cannon in our front; saw 400 Federal prisoners of Sill's Division. At night the camp-fires were grand. October 10. Aroused at midnight; marched to Harrodsburg, where