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Guildhall (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
l fountain of gladness, and once in a while he comes out with a thought so beautiful and poetical that it makes you wonder how such a soul ever got into such a body. . . . On April 12, 1840, he wrote again to Barrett, but this time from Guildhall, Vermont, whither he had gone to save money and continue his studies: I am glad to see, in your account of miscellaneous reading, authors of such inoppugnable orthodoxy as Coleridge and Carlyle. To Coleridge, though I have read but a moiety oucydides, and find some dozen passages, despite all my labor, utterly untranslatable. If I cannot find a translation and you have a copy of the original, I'll send them down for your consideration. On August 18, 1840, Dana wrote again from Guildhall to his friend Barrett: After a week of pleasure at Hanover, I find myself once more on the hither side of the North Pole, in safety as I trust of both mind and body. To me withdrawal from my daily studies and occupations is an event tha
Scituate (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ashion, naturally took to school-teaching. His first and only engagement seems to have been at Scituate, where he boarded with the family of Captain Seth Webb. His salary was twenty-five dollars a m modern languages was a useful equipment for the profession of journalism. The time spent at Scituate seems to have been both profitable and happy. He became fast friends with the family in which . .... After the 27th of November till the beginning of the next term, I shall be at Scituate, Massachusetts, engaged in cultivating the tender young idea. On November 21, 1840, he wrote to hisspent. I am now reading his Aids to Reflection.... I shall be for the next three months at Scituate, unless I should be turned out or suffer some other misfortune incident to school-masters. My amesake, and taught his winter school through to the end. On January 10, 1841, he wrote from Scituate to his friend Barrett: As to my German fancy, it still possesses me. If I hold my present
Lancaster, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
g-piece that hangs in the kitchen, and a little tinkering once in a while in the workshop. I am fed, warmed, lighted, and otherwise cared for, for about nothing — perhaps a dollar a week, and that unwillingly taken. Besides all this I am with my only sister, who is now about fifteen and whom I had not seen for more than eight years. To her young mind I may be of some assistance. This is the reason, in addition to what you justly call the causa causarum that I stay here rather than at Lancaster, where I have relatives and where I might have found agreeable society. From this, however, I am not wholly excluded, as I go thither three times a week to the post-office. Of true companions like yourself, I have but one--a young orthodox minister whose name is Burke. .. . With him I discuss philosophy, religion, and literature. In his religious dogmas I do not of course agree, and therefore with him I avoid all vain discussions. If it were not for him I should dwell in a sort of in
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 3
oing there and turn your attention to Hudson? I have quoted the foregoing extracts to show that the family belonged to the Orthodox Congregational Church of New England, and naturally viewed any departure from that faith as sure to lead downward. There seems to be no doubt that Charles early began to draw away from the religiodom of the Unitarian faith. The Cannings and the Ripleys, who were not only eloquent but liberal men of great learning, had already impressed themselves on the New England mind, and it would have been a curious circumstance if their sweetness and light had not won its way into the heart of the young and open-souled student. I fin before I return to Cambridge, which I mean to do in the latter part of August. What will it cost to keep me at Woodstock? . . . Your eulogy concerning your New England village girls, as I suspect goes a notch or so beyond the reality, but a little extravagance on this subject may be pardoned in any one, certainly in yourself,
Hanover (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
rly untranslatable. If I cannot find a translation and you have a copy of the original, I'll send them down for your consideration. On August 18, 1840, Dana wrote again from Guildhall to his friend Barrett: After a week of pleasure at Hanover, I find myself once more on the hither side of the North Pole, in safety as I trust of both mind and body. To me withdrawal from my daily studies and occupations is an event that occurs but seldom; but from its rarity it is the more highly enjy, and if I do not get your letters, why, the de'il is in it. Tell me what you think of Jones Very and I'll tell you something about the man. I had almost forgotten to say how much I owe you for a large share of the pleasure of my visit to Hanover, and to remind you of our bargain, to live together and write books. In the meanwhile, I trust no legal or other logicalities may obscure in us the love of the beautiful or the hatred of the Devil. Give my best remembrances to my namesake an
Concord (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
dly anything makes me regret the necessity for pedagogizing through the winter more than that I shall lose these lectures. Of new books I hear nothing. The next in Mr. Ripley's series of foreign literature are expected to be Neander's Church History, selections from Schiller's prose writing, and a volume of poems from Uhland and Korner. Apropos of Mr. Ripley, he leaves his church on the 1st of January as I am informed. He is to be one of a society who design to establish themselves at Concord, or somewhere in the vicinity, and introduce, among themselves at least, a new order of things. Their object is social reformation, but of the precise nature of their plans, I am ignorant. Whether the true way to reform this lead mass-society-be to separate from it and commence without it, I am in doubt. The leaders of this movement are Mr. Emerson and Mr. Alcott, and those who are usually called Transcendentalists. With these men are my sympathies. I honor as much as ever their bol
West Roxbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
upon your movements, I shall be thankful; we all want you should be with us; and the moment I can see the way clear you shall hear from me again. What precipitated his final action is not definitely known, but from the letter quoted above, it is evident that Dr. Ripley regarded him as a desirable acquisition, and therefore forced the necessary arrangements to receive him. The only definite explanation of his own made at the time is found in a letter to his sister, dated Brook Farm, West Roxbury, September 17, 1841. It runs as follows: I returned from Buffalo four weeks since, but as my eyes are not fully restored, although they are considerably improved, I have not returned to college. I am living with some friends who have associated themselves together for the purpose of living purely and justly and of acting from higher principles than the world recognizes. I study but little-only as much as my eyes will permit. I pay for my board by labor upon the farm and by givin
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
be longer. I have many things to say to you. This visit was made to Buffalo as intended, and although his friends while there showed him every attention, and gave him much pleasure by their society, and by the outdoor exercise and diversions they put in his way, he was compelled to write as follows to his friend Barrett on July 17, 1841: Nevertheless, my eyes improve so slowly that I fear I shall not be able to return to college for a year, in which case I propose to return to Massachusetts and work on a farm. Whatever I do you shall know of my location and of me. Unfortunately, his fears proved to be well founded, and in the absence of the means with which to secure scientific treatment, or even to give his eyes the rest they absolutely required, he returned to Cambridge after a short visit to his father in Ohio. He seems to have enrolled himself for the next year in the college catalogue as a member of the junior class. Instead, however, of resuming his studies, he
Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
heir great merit appears to me to be their suggestive character; they make me think. Thinking you would like to know something certain about Spinoza, I send you Mr. Ripley's last pamphlet which is devoted to the examination of his system. I think you will be convinced that the common charges against him are false, and that instead of having been an infidel, or pantheist in the ordinary sense of the term, he was in the highest sense a theist. On March 4, 1840, Dana wrote from Lancaster, New Hampshire, to James Barrett as follows: I have been at Cambridge one term, half a year, and have never passed time so pleasantly and profitably to myself. I entered without any difficulty, and was fortunate enough to be put into the highest of the three sections into which the class is divided, which division is made with regard to proficiency in Latin and Greek. Without working so hard or so constantly as formerly, I have been able to maintain a respectable standing in my class and d
Department de Ville de Paris (France) (search for this): chapter 3
me. If I hold my present purpose and can by hook or crook get two or three hundred dollars, I shall go in a year or two and you shall have letters from Germany ad contentum. But where am I to get the needful? Would it were as in the days of wise King Solomon, when gold and silver were to be had for the picking up. I do not, however, give myself much trouble about these things. I am fed and clad, and am permitted to learn something, and is not this enough? Said Erasmus, when a student at Paris, poor and in rags, I will first buy Greek books and then clothes. As for my present situation, it is laborious enough. My school numbers in all nearly eighty, and the average attendance is about sixty-five, most of whom are unruly sailors, who have to be managed with a strong hand. By dint of hard flogging I have got them into tolerable subjection, but still it is wearisome business. I am paid twenty-five dollars a month with my board in one family through the whole term. Of literary
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