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Newport (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 28
is prolongation of my days on earth is so precious that I ought not to cease for one moment to thank God for it. I enjoy my reading as much as ever, but I do feel very much the narrowing of my personal relations by death. How rich was I in sisters, brothers, elders! it seems to me now as if I had not at all appreciated these treasures of affection.... July 31. have writ notes of condolence to Mrs. Barthold Schlesinger and to M. E. Powel. I remember the coming of Mrs. Powel's family to Newport sixtyfive years ago. The elders used to entertain in the simple ways of those days, and my brother Henry and I used to sing one duet from the Matrimonio Segreto, at some of their evening parties. In the afternoon came the ladies of the Papeterie; had our tea in the green parlor, which was pretty and pleasant. .. to Laura Oak Glen, August 3, 1900. ... I grieve for the death of King Umberto, as any one must who has followed the fortunes of Italy and knows the indebtedness of the countr
Galveston (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 28
ial in the extreme. The audience and chorus gave me the Chautauqua salute, and as I left the platform, the girl chorus sang the last verse of my Hymn over again, in a subdued tone, as if for me alone. The point which I made, and wished to make, was that, our flag should only go forth on errands of justice, mercy, etc., and that once sent forth, it should not be recalled until the work whereunto it had been pledged was accomplished. This with a view to Pekin. ... September 13.... The Galveston horror A terrible storm and tidal wave which had nearly destroyed the city. was much in my mind yesterday. I could not help asking why the dear Lord allowed such dreadful loss of life. ... October 25. My last writing at this time in this dear place. The season, a very busy one, has also been a very blessed one. I cannot be thankful enough for so much calm delight — my children and grandchildren, my books and my work, although this last has caused me many anxieties. I cannot but
Sunset Ridge (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 28
wine as red as hearts, not grapes, its drops had shed. drink deep, my Christ, I offer thee the ransom of Humanity. J. W. H. though Jesus, Alas! is as little understood in doctrine as followed in example. For he has hitherto been like a beautiful figure set to point out a certain way, and people at large have been so entranced with worshipping the figure, that they have neglected to follow the direction it indicates. J. W. H. the winter of 1898-99 saw the publication of from Sunset Ridge; poems old and New. this volume contained many of the poems from later Lyrics (long out of print), and also much of her later work. It met with a warm recognition which gave her much pleasure. late in 1899 appeared the reminiscences, on which she had been so long at work. These were even more warmly received, though many people thought them too short. Colonel Higginson said the work might have been spread out into three or four interesting octavos; but in her hurried grasp it is s
Bristol, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 28
ed Mrs. Wilson. this brief speech brought upon her a shower of letters, mostly anonymous, from persons who saw only the anti-negro side of this matter, so dreadful in every aspect. These letters were often denunciatory, sometimes furious in tone, especially one addressed to Mrs. Howe, Negro Sympathizer, Boston. this grieved her, but she did not cease to lift up her voice against the evil thing whenever occasion offered. July 7. Oak Glen.... my son and his wife came over from Bristol to pass the day. He looks as young as my grandsons do. At fifty, his hair is blond, without gray, and his forehead unwrinkled. July 16.... while in church I had a new thought of the energy and influence of Christ's teaching. ask and ye shall receive, etc. These little series of commands all incite the hearers to action: ask, seek, knock. I should love to write a sermon on this, but fear my sermonizing days are over, alas! August 7. determined to do more literary work daily than I h
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 28
ment of our own liberties, to the New Testament of liberty for all the world? --came to me on the spur of the moment.. .. January 16. .. Dickens party at the New England Woman's Club. I despaired of being able to go, but did manage to get up a costume and take part. many very comical travesties, those of Pickwick and Captain as her eightieth Birthday drew nigh, her friends vied with one another in loving observance of the time. The festivities began May 17 with a meeting of the New England Women's Press Association, where she gave a lecture on patriotism in literature and received eighty beautiful pink roses for my eighty years. next came the annual meeting and lunch of the New England Woman's Club. This took the character of a pre-celebration of my eightieth Birthday, and was highly honorific. I can only say that I do not think of myself as the speakers seemed to think of me. Too deeply do I regret my seasons of rebellion, and my shortcomings in many duties. Yet am I
The Hague (Netherlands) (search for this): chapter 28
almost if not quite bouffe. Sembrich's singing marvellous, the acting of the other characters excellent, and singing very good, especially that of de Reszke and Campanari. I heard the opera in New York more than seventy years ago, when Malibran, then Signorina Garcia, took the part of Rosina. December 31. ... Advertiser man came with a query: what event in 1899 will have the greatest influence in the world's history? I replied, the Czar's Peace Manifesto, leading to the Conference at the Hague. November, 1899, saw the birth of another Institution from which she was to derive much pleasure, the Boston Authors' Club. Miss Helen M. Winslow first evolved the idea of such a Club. After talking with Mmes. May Alden Ward and Mabel Loomis Todd, who urged her to carry out the project, she went to see the Queen of Clubs. go ahead! said our mother. call some people together here, at my house, and we will form a Club, and it will be a good one too. the Journal of November 23 says
Tuskegee (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 28
und of hope. February 7.... I hope to take life more easily now than for some time past, and to have rest from the slavery of pen and ink. February 28. .... was interviewed by a Miss X, who has persevered in trying to see me, and at last brought a note from--. she is part editor of a magazine named success, and, having effected an entrance, proceeded to interview me, taking down my words for her magazine, thus getting my ideas without payment, a very mean proceeding... . March 21. Tuskegee benefit, Hollis Street Theatre. this meeting scored a triumph, not only for the performers, but for the race. Bishop Lawrence presided with much good grace and appreciation. Paul Dunbar was the least distinct. Professor Dubois, of Atlanta University, read a fine and finished discourse. Booker Washington was eloquent as usual, and the Hampton quartet was delightful. At the tea which followed at Mrs. Whitman's studio, I spoke with these men and with Dunbar's wife, a nearly white Woma
Pekin (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 28
the heat and the burden of years. The Journal is mostly in a minor key.] July 16. took up a poem at which I have been working for some days, on the victims in Pekin; a strange theme, but one on which I feel I have a word to say. Wrote it all over.... July 19. was much worn out with the heat. In afternoon my head gave out a., Mother. August 17.... In the evening I was seized with an attack of verse and at bedtime wrote a rough draft of a Te Deum for the rescue of the ministers in Pekin. August 20.... Got my poem smooth at some expense of force, perhaps. I like the poem. I think that it has been given me. This Te Deum was printed in the Chds of justice, mercy, etc., and that once sent forth, it should not be recalled until the work whereunto it had been pledged was accomplished. This with a view to Pekin. ... September 13.... The Galveston horror A terrible storm and tidal wave which had nearly destroyed the city. was much in my mind yesterday. I could not
Minneapolis (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): chapter 28
. W. H. Spoke remarkably well.. .. March 30. .. had a special good moment this morning before rising. Felt that God had granted me a good deal of heaven, while yet on earth. So the veil lifts sometimes, not for long. April found her in Minneapolis and St. Paul, lecturing and being delightfully entertained. May 8. Minneapolis. spoke at the University, which I found delightfully situated and richly endowed. Was received with great distinction. Spoke, I think, on the fact that it takMinneapolis. spoke at the University, which I found delightfully situated and richly endowed. Was received with great distinction. Spoke, I think, on the fact that it takes the whole of life to learn the lessons of life. Dwelt a little on the fact that fools are not necessarily underwitted. Nay, May be people of genius, the trouble being that they do not learn from experience.... on leaving she exclaims:-- farewell, dear St. Paul. I shall never forget you, nor this delightful visit, which has renewed (almost) the dreams of youth. In the car a kind old grandmother, with two fine little boy grands.... the dear old grandmother and her boys got out at
Julia (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 28
breast hurts me a little to-day. Have written Wesselhoeft about it. 4.50 P. M. He has seen it and says that it is probably cancerous; forbids me to think of an operation; thinks he can stop it with medicine. When he told me that it was in all probability a cancer, I felt at first much unsettled in mind. I feared that the thought of it would occupy my mind and injure my health by inducing sleeplessness and nervous excitement. Indeed, I had some sad and rather vacant hours, but dinner and Julia's Julia Ward Richards. company put my dark thought to flight and I lay down to sleep as tranquilly as usual. [whatever this trouble was, it evidently brought much suffering, but finally disappeared. We learn of it for the first time in this record; she never spoke of it to any of her family.] Oak Glen. June 21. here I am seated once more at my old table, beginning another villeggiatura, which May easily be my last. Have read a little Greek and a long article in the New world. I
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