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Labrador (Canada) (search for this): chapter 1
the land which Biarni had found last. Then sailed they to the land, and cast anchor, and put off a boat, and went ashore, and saw there no grass. Mickle Great. glaciers were over all the higher parts; but it was like a plain of rock from the glaciers to the sea, and it seemed to them that the land was good for nothing. Then said Leif, We have not done about this land like Biarni, not to go upon it: now I will give a name to the land, and call it Helluland (flat-stone land). Perhaps Labrador, where flat stones abound, or Newfoundland. Then they went to their ship. After that they sailed into the sea, and found another land, sailed up to it, and cast anchor; then put off a boat, and went ashore. This land was flat, and covered with wood and broad white sands wherever they went, and the shore was low. Then said Leif, From its make Form. shall a name be given to this land; and it shall be called Markland (Woodland). Perhaps Nova Scotia. Then they went quickly down to the
Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
t could not be Greenland. They asked him whether he would sail to the land, or not. This is my counsel, to sail nigh to the land, said he. And so they did, and soon saw that the land was without fells, Mountains. This has been supposed to be Cape Cod. and wooded, and small heights on the land; and they left the land to larboard, and let the foot of the sail look towards land. i.e., sailed away from the land. After that, they sailed two days before they saw another land. They asked if Bind drove them up there, and broke the keel under the ship; and they dwelt there long, and mended their ship. Then said Thorvald to his companions, Now will I that we raise up here the keel on the ness, Cape. and call it Keelness; Possibly Cape Cod. and so they did. After that, they sailed thence, and coasted to the eastward, and into the mouths of the firths Bays. that were nearest to them, and to a headland that stretched out This was all covered with wood: here they brought the s
Gadsden (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
e Lucky. Leif was now both well to do and honored. . . . Now there was a great talk about Leif's Vinland voyage; and Thorvald, his brother, thought the land had been too little explored. Then said Leif to Thorvald, Thou shalt go with my ship, brother, if thou wilt, to Vinland. There has been much difference of opinion as to where Vinland was. Some think that it was Nantucket; others, the island of Conanicut in Narragansett Bay; and others, some place much farther north and east. See Costa's Pre-Columbian Discovery of North America, Anderson's Norsemen in America, Kohl's History of the Discovery of the East Coast of North America, published by the Maine Historical Society. IV.—Thorvald, Leif's brother, goes to Vinland. Now Thorvald made ready for this voyage with thirty men, with the counsel thereon of Leif, his brother. Then they fitted out their ship, and bore out to sea (A. D. 1002): and there is nothing told of their voyage before they came to Vinland, to Leif's b
North America (search for this): chapter 1
am of axe and spear; The sound of smitten shields I hear, Keeping a harsh and fitting time To Saga's chant and Runic rhyme. I.—how the Northmen discovered north America. [about the year 860, a Danish sailor named Gardar was driven upon the shores of Iceland, after which that island was settled by a colony from Norway. Abwas Nantucket; others, the island of Conanicut in Narragansett Bay; and others, some place much farther north and east. See Costa's Pre-Columbian Discovery of North America, Anderson's Norsemen in America, Kohl's History of the Discovery of the East Coast of North America, published by the Maine Historical Society. IV.—ThorvaNorth America, published by the Maine Historical Society. IV.—Thorvald, Leif's brother, goes to Vinland. Now Thorvald made ready for this voyage with thirty men, with the counsel thereon of Leif, his brother. Then they fitted out their ship, and bore out to sea (A. D. 1002): and there is nothing told of their voyage before they came to Vinland, to Leif's booths; and they laid up their ship, and<
Iceland (Iceland) (search for this): chapter 1
Northmen discovered north America. [about the year 860, a Danish sailor named Gardar was driven upon the shores of Iceland, after which that island was settled by a colony from Norway. About a hundred years later, Greenland was settled from IIceland; Eirek the red being the first to make the voyage. With him went one Heriulf, whose son Biarni had been in the habit of passing every other winter with his father, and then sailing on distant voyages. Then happened what follows.] That same summer (985 or 986) came Biarni with his ship to Eyrar (Iceland), in the spring of which his father had sailed from the island. These tidings seemed to Biarni weighty, and he would not unload his ship. Then asked his sailors i.e., his sailorfrost in the winter, and little did the grass fall off there. Day and night were more equal there than in Greenland or Iceland. . . . But when they had ended their house-building, then said Leif to his companions, Now let our company be divided in
Norway (Norway) (search for this): chapter 1
er sky: Each broad, seamed breast has cast aside Its cumbering vest of shaggy hide: Bared to the sun, and soft warm air, Streams back the Norseman's yellow hair. I see the gleam of axe and spear; The sound of smitten shields I hear, Keeping a harsh and fitting time To Saga's chant and Runic rhyme. I.—how the Northmen discovered north America. [about the year 860, a Danish sailor named Gardar was driven upon the shores of Iceland, after which that island was settled by a colony from Norway. About a hundred years later, Greenland was settled from Iceland; Eirek the red being the first to make the voyage. With him went one Heriulf, whose son Biarni had been in the habit of passing every other winter with his father, and then sailing on distant voyages. Then happened what follows.] That same summer (985 or 986) came Biarni with his ship to Eyrar (Iceland), in the spring of which his father had sailed from the island. These tidings seemed to Biarni weighty, and he would not
Nantucket (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
r wind until they saw Greenland, and the fells Mountains. under the glaciers. . . . After that he was called Leif the Lucky. Leif was now both well to do and honored. . . . Now there was a great talk about Leif's Vinland voyage; and Thorvald, his brother, thought the land had been too little explored. Then said Leif to Thorvald, Thou shalt go with my ship, brother, if thou wilt, to Vinland. There has been much difference of opinion as to where Vinland was. Some think that it was Nantucket; others, the island of Conanicut in Narragansett Bay; and others, some place much farther north and east. See Costa's Pre-Columbian Discovery of North America, Anderson's Norsemen in America, Kohl's History of the Discovery of the East Coast of North America, published by the Maine Historical Society. IV.—Thorvald, Leif's brother, goes to Vinland. Now Thorvald made ready for this voyage with thirty men, with the counsel thereon of Leif, his brother. Then they fitted out their shi
Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Mountains. under the glaciers. . . . After that he was called Leif the Lucky. Leif was now both well to do and honored. . . . Now there was a great talk about Leif's Vinland voyage; and Thorvald, his brother, thought the land had been too little explored. Then said Leif to Thorvald, Thou shalt go with my ship, brother, if thou wilt, to Vinland. There has been much difference of opinion as to where Vinland was. Some think that it was Nantucket; others, the island of Conanicut in Narragansett Bay; and others, some place much farther north and east. See Costa's Pre-Columbian Discovery of North America, Anderson's Norsemen in America, Kohl's History of the Discovery of the East Coast of North America, published by the Maine Historical Society. IV.—Thorvald, Leif's brother, goes to Vinland. Now Thorvald made ready for this voyage with thirty men, with the counsel thereon of Leif, his brother. Then they fitted out their ship, and bore out to sea (A. D. 1002): and there is
Dutch (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
aid. Now came the Skraelings to the place where Karlsefni had thought should be the battle; and now there was a battle, and many of the Skraelings fell. There was one large and handsome man among the Skraelings; and Karlsefni thought he might be their leader. Now one of the Skraelings had taken up an axe, and looked at it a while, and struck at one of his fellows, and hit him, whereupon he fell dead; then the large man took the axe, and looked at it a while, and threw it into the sea as far as he could. But after that they fled to the wood, each as fast as he could; and thus ended the strife. Karlsefni and his companions were there all that winter; but in the spring Karlsefni said he would stay there no longer, and would fare to Greenland. Now they made ready for the voyage, and bare thence much goods, namely, grape-vines and grapes and skin-wares. Now they sailed into the sea, and came whole with their ships to Eireksfirth, and were there that winter. Dutch man-of-war.
Gardar (North Dakota, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
eir iron-armed and stalwart crew: Joy glistens in each wild blue eye Turned to green earth and summer sky: Each broad, seamed breast has cast aside Its cumbering vest of shaggy hide: Bared to the sun, and soft warm air, Streams back the Norseman's yellow hair. I see the gleam of axe and spear; The sound of smitten shields I hear, Keeping a harsh and fitting time To Saga's chant and Runic rhyme. I.—how the Northmen discovered north America. [about the year 860, a Danish sailor named Gardar was driven upon the shores of Iceland, after which that island was settled by a colony from Norway. About a hundred years later, Greenland was settled from Iceland; Eirek the red being the first to make the voyage. With him went one Heriulf, whose son Biarni had been in the habit of passing every other winter with his father, and then sailing on distant voyages. Then happened what follows.] That same summer (985 or 986) came Biarni with his ship to Eyrar (Iceland), in the spring of whi
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