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George B. McClellan 695 1 Browse Search
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Auburn, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
ps-Hancock, Sedgwick, and Warren, 410; Sheridan appointed to command cavalry, 412; before Petersburg, 507; ceases to exist, 622. Army of Virginia formed by McDowell's, Fremont's, and Banks's armies, 168; absorbed into the Potomac army, 193. Auburn, Stuart bivouacks within Union lines at, 381; Caldwell attacked in rear at, 381. Austrian Aulic council and its Washington prototype, 96. Banks's (Department of the Shenandoah) position during McClellan's advance, 122; at Strasburg with 16, Stuart's capture of Catlett's Station, 176; raid into Pennsylvania, 226; succession to Jackson's command, 292; report of Jackson at battle of Chancellorsville, 293; his absence during movements on Gettysburg, 338; bivouacks within Union lines at Auburn, 381; killed at Yellow Tavern, Virginia, 459. Subsistence—see Commissariat. Sumner, General, in command of pursuit of Johnston, 112; at battle of Williamsburg, 118; at battle of Savage's Station, 156; report on his desire to occupy Frederic
Cemetery Hill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
ion of the army upon, 324; Lee's army countermarches towards, 326; approach of the two armies towards, 326; topography of the field, 329; the first day—Buford engaged with Hill's van, 328; error of covering too much ground, 333; Howard, General, faulty dispositions at Get. tysburg, 333; the Union centre pierced by Rodes—the troops fall back through Gettysburg, 334; Gettysburg Ridge, the position at, 335; Hancock arrests flight of First and Eleventh corps, 335; Hancock's line of battle on Cemetery Hill and Ridge, 336; Meade and Lee order up their entire forces, 337; both armies concentrated on Gettysburg, 338; the first day's results considered, 341; the second day, 342; positions at commencement of the second day, 342; Sedgwick's (Sixth) corps arrives, 343; Sickles' position on Emnmetsburg road, 344; Longstreet's attack on Sickles, 345; the fight for Little Round Top, 346; Warren saves the position at Little Round Top, 346; Hood's attack on Birney's front, 348; the struggle for the pe
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
aks, 139; strength, June 26, 1861, 142; Gaines' Mills battle, 149; right wing on the south bank of Chickahominy River, 153; retreat to the James commenced, 154; order of march across White Oak Swamp, 155; concentrated at Malvern Hill —the battle of, 160; withdraws from Malvern Hill to Harrison's Bar, 164: its bravery and endurance on the Peninsula, 166; number brought back to Harrison's Landing, 167; ordered to withdraw to Aquia Creek, 171; transferred to Aquia Creek and Alexandria, via Fortress Monroe, 174; Army of Virginia absorbed into, 193; movement towards Frederick, 197; moves towards Harper's Ferry, 201; arrives at South Mountain, 202; at Antietam, 208; position after battle of Antietam, 225; reorganization of operations after Antietam, 225; crossed the Potomac into Virginia, 226; McClellan removed and Burnside appointed to command, 227; its change of base to Fredericksburg, 230; reorganized by Burnside into three grand divisions, 231; moves from Warrenton, 233; the battle of F
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
g. Ewell rejoined Jackson after defeat of Bristoe Station, 180; advances into Maryland and Pennsylvania, 319; at Chambersburg, Carlisle, Gettysburg, and York, 320; at Mine Run, 391; his corps captun of Bermuda Hundred, 516. Jericho Ford—see North Anna. Jenkins' raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania, 319. Johnston, General, estimate of forces, 72; army removed to the Rapidan, 90; takes coorsville; strength of his army after Chancellorsville, 310; commissariat—reasons for invading Pennsylvania, 310; army reorganized into three corps, 310; force at opening of Gettysburg campaign, 310; mnandoah Valley, 315; on his effort to draw Hooker from his base, 318; whole army crossed into Pennsylvania, 320; countermarch of his army towards Gettysburg, 326; battle of Gettysburg—see Gettysburg; rate army in Maryland campaign, 224. Stuart's capture of Catlett's Station, 176; raid into Pennsylvania, 226; succession to Jackson's command, 292; report of Jackson at battle of Chancellorsville, <
Boydton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
Bottom's Bridge, purpose of throwing Potomac army on Richmond side of the Chickahominy, 121. Boydton plankroad, action of, 542. Braddock Road, origin of the name, 47. Brandy Station, cavalry 505; at Reams' Station, 535; movement towards Southside Railroad, 541; report of operations on Boydton plankroad, 546; leaves to organize new First Corps, and never rejoins his old command, 547. ompelled, 574; attack on Fort Steadman—see Fort Steadman; attack on Warren, on Grant's left, at Boydton plankroad, 590; announces his purpose to abandon Petersburg and Richmond, 603; hopes of escape, 541; Southside Railroad—Lee, his extreme line below Hatcher's Run, 541; Southside Railroad and Boydton plankroad, importance of to Lee, 541; Southside Railroad, plan of attack on Lee's right, 541; oe Railroad, Warren's turning movement across Hatcher's Run, 542; Hancock's isolated position on Boydton plankroad, 542; Hancock withdraws across Hatcher's Run, 546; losses on both sides, 546. Spot
Gaines Mill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
ical position after Gettysburg, 363. Fremont, General, assigned to Mountain Department of West Virginia, 93; (Mountain Department of West Virginia position during McClellan's advance, 122. Front Royal, Jackson's capture of garrison, 125. Gaines' Mill, map of battle of, 149; Magruder occupies McClellan's attention on south bank of Chickahominy, 151; Porter overwhelmed, and the retreat commenced, 152; French and Meagher cover Porter's retreat, 153; Porter's corps crosses to McClellan at nigh, and repulses Shields' advance, 127; strategic victories saved Richmond, 128; at Ashland, on McClellan's right wing, 144; withdrawal from Port Republic to co-operate with Lee, 144; passed Beaver Dam Creek, 146; description of Hood's charge at Gaines' Mill, 152; detached towards Pope, 173; battle of Cedar Mountain, and retreat to Gordonsville, 173; crossed the Rapidan towards Pope, 175: position and force at Gordonsville, 175; flank march on Pope's right, 177; at Manassas, his perilous position,
Pamunkey (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
osition on—his force, 172. Organization of armies—the division and the corps, 63. Overland route to Richmond, of the difficulties, 408; overland campaign commenced, 414; overland campaign, observations on, 489; Cold Harbor—see Cold Harbor; Pamunky crossed by the army, and communication secured with Chesapeake Bay, 478; casualties during the overland campaign, 491. Patterson, General, feeble operations against Winchester, 46; estimates by, of Johnston's strength, 46. Peach Orchard—seo Bottom's Bridge, 398. Wright, General, at battle of Cedar Creek, 561; credit due to at battle of Cedar Creek, 563. Yellow Tavern, Sheridan's victory at, 459. York River Railroad, supply line abandoned by McClellan, 154. York and Pamunky rivers, McClellan en route by, 120. York River, Franklin's ascension of, in pursuit of Johnston, 117. Yorktown, McClellan's advance arrived at, and Lee's Mills, 101; description and map of Confederate positions, 101; McClellan's plans—the n
North Anna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
ndred lines, 468; Bermuda Hundred, General Smith's force ordered from to Grant, 482; Grant's change of base to south of, 498; Bermuda Hundred, Smith's movement on Petersburg, 500; Butler's occupation of Bermuda Hundred, 516. Jericho Ford—see North Anna. Jenkins' raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania, 319. Johnston, General, estimate of forces, 72; army removed to the Rapidan, 90; takes command of Yorktown defences, 103; on unknown redoubts at Williamsburg, 115; withdrawal behind the Chickof, its object, 157 Newmarket, battle of, and defeat of Sigel, 468. Norfolk, General Huger evacuated, by orders from Richmond, to which garrison withdrew, 120; occupied by General Wool, 120. Norfolk Navy Yard, abandoned in 1861, 26. North Anna, the two armies head for, 472; the Union army arrives on north bank, and discovers Lee on south bank, 473; Warren crossed at Jericho Ford, and repulse of the enemy, 473; Chesterfield Bridge captured by Hancock, 475; extraordinary position of Co
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
in, 554 Sheridan at Cedar Creek, 559, Early once more ensconced at Fisher's Hill, 560; desolation of the, by Sheridan, 560; the battle of Cedar Creek—see Cedar Creek, 561; all operations ended in, 564; battle of Winchester—see Winchester. Sherman at Manassas (Stone Bridge), 53: given command at the West, and against Johnston, 405; advance on Atlanta compared with Grant's direct attack system, 495; capture of Atlanta, 566; march from Atlanta to Savannah, 566; crossed the Savannah into South Carolina, 566; reached Goldsboro, North Carolina, 568. Savage's Station, the battle of, 156. Sigel, plan of his operations in Shenandoah Valley, etc., 409; operations in the Shenandoah Valley, 468; superseded by General Hunter, 468. Smith, G. W., commanding Confederates, vice Johnston, wounded, 138. Smith, W. F., evidence on Burnside's orders at Fredericksburg, 245; and General Franklin's letter to the President proposing plan of campaign, 263; report on Grant's order at Cold Harbor,
Mine Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
3; Gettysburg campaign, 326; campaign of manoeuvres, 373; Mine Run move, 398; in winter-quarters, 398; overland campaign, th at Chambersburg, Carlisle, Gettysburg, and York, 320; at Mine Run, 391; his corps captured at Sailor's Creek, 610. Exter, 220; marched to rejoin Longstreet at Culpepper, 317; at Mine Run, 391; death of, 603. Hill, General D. H., bombastic re5; withdraws across the Rapidan, 388; line of defences at Mine Run, 391; his positions on the Rapidan, 391, 416; method of d in Mina Run move, 391; pedantic orders of Halleck after Mine Run, 398; army in winter-quarters, 398; his strength on comme, Colonel, brilliant service at Chancellorsville, 287. Mine Run move, the, 390; sketch of the battle of, 393; Meade's plaoperations against Johnston, 45. Sedgwick, General, at Mine Run, 395; his death at Spottsylvania, 447; see also Chancellole, 286; at Cedar Run, 381; at battle of Bristoe, 383; at Mine Run, 393-396; capture of Weldon Railroad, 532; at movement on
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