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May 22nd, 1691 AD (search for this): chapter 12
glish, 20s. per wolf, and one killed by an Indian, 10s., is £ 52. 10s. . . . Paid one half the charge of Cambridge Great Bridge, £ 26. 7s. 6d.. And in 1696, the Treasurer was allowed twelve pence in the pound of all collections and disbursements; Grand Jurors were paid two shillings per day for attendance; no allowance was made for travel, but the county paid for their dinners at one shilling each. Seventy-six wolves had been killed, and 13s. 4d. per head was allowed in compensation. May 22, 1691. Upon the death of John Green, late Marshal General, in the beginning of the last Court of Assistants, Mr. Samuel Gookin being appointed by said Court to supply that vacancy, and sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty in that place, the said Samuel Gookin is hereby confirmed in the said office of Marshal General of this Colony. Mass. Col. Rec., VI. 184. June 17, 1700. The General Court granted five pounds, to aid in repairing the road to Connecticut, especially betwixt Woost
December 1st, 1712 AD (search for this): chapter 12
he bell for their meeting-house he has given them. Twenty-one years after their establishment as a precinct, the Farmers, according to their original design, sought to be entirely separated from the town of Cambridge, and to be a township by themselves. This separation was readily obtained on terms satisfactory to both parties. The Cambridge records show that,— At a meeting of the inhabitants belonging to the meeting house in the Body of the town of Cambridge, orderly convened the 1st December 1712, Capt. Thomas Oliver was chosen Moderator. And whereas the Farmers, at their public meeting on the 28th of October last, appointed a committee to petition the town that they may be dismissed from the town, and be a township by themselves, as appears by their petition bearing date the 6th November, 1712, which has been now read; voted, That Capt. Thomas Oliver, Mr. Jonathan Remington, and Andrew Bordman, be a Committee to treat with the Committee appointed by the Farmers aforesaid; and
October 28th (search for this): chapter 12
armers, according to their original design, sought to be entirely separated from the town of Cambridge, and to be a township by themselves. This separation was readily obtained on terms satisfactory to both parties. The Cambridge records show that,— At a meeting of the inhabitants belonging to the meeting house in the Body of the town of Cambridge, orderly convened the 1st December 1712, Capt. Thomas Oliver was chosen Moderator. And whereas the Farmers, at their public meeting on the 28th of October last, appointed a committee to petition the town that they may be dismissed from the town, and be a township by themselves, as appears by their petition bearing date the 6th November, 1712, which has been now read; voted, That Capt. Thomas Oliver, Mr. Jonathan Remington, and Andrew Bordman, be a Committee to treat with the Committee appointed by the Farmers aforesaid; and that the articles to be proposed to the said Committee, as terms of their dismission, are their paying a part toward
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