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Mount Auburn (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
er and bread shop, or a house of public entertainment; but on the first of October, 1671, his son Andrew, then residing in Hartford, Conn., purchased of Sarah Beal, widow of Deacon Thomas Beal, an estate at the northeast corner of Brighton and Mount Auburn streets, where the sign of the Blue Anchor was soon afterwards displayed. Mr. Belcher was licensed for the last time in April, 1673, in which year he probably died. In April, 1674, license was granted to his widow Elizabeth Belcher, and afteth a right of way to Harvard Street by a passage forty feet wide. For more than half a century this ground was used as a public burying-place, chiefly by the inhabitants of Cambridgeport and East Cambridge. Meantime the beautiful cemetery at Mount Auburn was consecrated by solemn religious services, Sept. 24, 1831, and the less extensive but scarcely less beautiful and attractive Cambridge Cemetery was in like manner consecrated, Nov. 1, 1854. In one or the other of these cemeteries many of t
South River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
uel Whittemore a suitable house for that purpose. Voted, That said Committee purchase the house and land belonging to said Whittemore, take a deed for the same for the town, and that the Treasurer be directed to give security for the same, or hire the money to pay for it. Voted, that the Selectmen take care of the said house, and appoint some discreet person as Overseer. The estate consisted of a dwelling house and twenty-five square rods of land on the northeasterly corner of Brighton and South streets, and was conveyed to the town by deed dated March 29, 1779. For some reason this estate proved unsatisfactory; and the town voted, March 1, 1785, that Mr. Caleb Gannett, Stephen Dana, Esq., Capt. John Walton, Deac. Aaron Hill, and William Winthrop, Esq., be a committee to inquire whether there is any person who is desirous to purchase the house and land belonging to the town, situate near the causeway, which was bought for a workhouse and almshouse, and what price it will fetch; an
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 16
a rape; a negro man for burning a house at Northampton; and a negro woman who burnt two houses at Roxbury, July 12, in one of which a child was burnt to death. The negro woman was burnt to death, —the first that has suffered such a death in New England. It is devoutly to be hoped that the woman who thus expiated her crime at Cambridge, in 1755, was the last that has suffered such a death in New England. Ye have the poor with you always; and the judicious relief of their wants is an imporNew England. Ye have the poor with you always; and the judicious relief of their wants is an important but often a very perplexing duty. For several years, as will be related in chapter XV., the church assumed this duty, and made suitable provision for the destitute and distressed. It does not distinctly appear at what time the management of this charity passed into the hands of the town. The earliest reference to this subject which I find on the Town Records is under date of June 29, 1663: Jane Bourne [or Bowen] making her complaint to the selectmen, that she can find none in the town t
Charles (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
rly side of Main Street, nearly opposite to Osborn Street, which was occupied until a new Almshouse was erected at Riverside. The town purchased, Dec. 9, 1836, of Amos Hazeltine, for $5,600, eleven and a quarter acres of land, bordering on Charles River, and extending from Western Avenue nearly to River Street, together with two acres and three quarters on the opposite side of Western Avenue, extending from the river to Putnam Street. A committee reported in April, 1838, that a brick Almshon of Cambridge may be divided, and that that part thereof lying westerly of Lee Street and a line drawn in the direction of said street northerly to the boundary line of Somerville, and southerly to Watertown Turnpike, and by said Turnpike to Charles River, may be incorporated as a distinct town, by the name of Cambridge. Legislative action was postponed until the next General Court, when a supplementary petition was presented, identical with the former, with slight verbal changes, except t
Middlesex Village (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
Chapter 14: civil History. Shire-Town of Middlesex. half shires. Records removed to Charlestown; the General Court orders their return. removal and return., II. 38. the courts continued to be held in Cambridge, as the shire-town of Middlesex. As the business of the courts there is much increased, it was ordered, Oct.-90, that Capt. Laurence Hammond deliver to the order of the County Court for Middlesex the records of that county; that is to say, all books and files by him formerfice for the registry of deeds was open in Cambridge, being the shire-town of Middlesex; the Representative of Charlestown insisted that his town was the shire; and c office for registering of deeds and conveyances of lands for the County of Middlesex be forthwith opened and kept at the shire-town of Cambridge. Mass. Prov. R55. Wee, whose names are underwritten, being appoynted by the County Cort of Middlesex to provide a house of Correction, with a fit person to keep the same, do make
Dorchester, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ablishment of counties, as one of the four towns in which Judicial Courts should be held. Having until that time exercised the whole power of the Colony, both legislative and judicial, the General Court ordered, March 3, 1635-6, That there shall be four courts kept every quarter; 1. at Ipswich, to which Neweberry shall belong; 2. at Salem, to which Saugus shall belong; 3. at Newe Towne, to which Charlton, Concord, Meadford, and Waterton shall belong; 4th, at Boston, to which Rocksbury, Dorchester, Weymothe, and Hingham shall belong. Every of these Courts shall be kept by such magistrates as shall be dwelling in or near the said towns, and by such other persons of worth as shall from time to time be appointed by the General Court, so as no court shall be kept without one magistrate at the least and that none of the magistrates be excluded, who can and will intend the same. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 169. And when the Colony was divided into counties, May 10, 1643, Ibid., II. 38. the
Dearborn (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
s reported, Nov. 5, 1812, that Mr. Bowers was entitled to $210.55, for labor and materials, and that materials had been furnished by subscribers, amounting to $38.39. They also estimated that it would cost $81.00 additional to complete the coving, furnish posts and railings around the house, steps to each door, One door was at the south end, and one on the east side. raising the earth around it, providing benches, cleaver, block, and additional hooks, painting the building, and procuring Dearborn's patent Balance, with a scale attached thereto, that will weigh from half a pound to five hundred and forty weight. To defray the whole cost, amounting to $329.94, and to provide a fund for repairs, a joint stock was established of forty shares, valued at ten dollars, each, which were immediately taken as follows: Oliver Wendell, three shares; Caleb Gannett, two; John Mellen, two; Josiah Moore, two; Samuel Bartlett, two; Israel Porter, two; Sidney Willard, one; Henry Ware, one; William
Concord (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
four courts kept every quarter; 1. at Ipswich, to which Neweberry shall belong; 2. at Salem, to which Saugus shall belong; 3. at Newe Towne, to which Charlton, Concord, Meadford, and Waterton shall belong; 4th, at Boston, to which Rocksbury, Dorchester, Weymothe, and Hingham shall belong. Every of these Courts shall be kept by ts were continued for many years, and a court house and jail were erected in that town. At a later date, courts were established and similar buildings erected in Concord, and also, at a comparatively recent day, at Lowell. All these places were regarded as half-shires ; but the County Records were never removed from Cambridge, as meal times, or upon lawful business, what time their occasions shall require. —Mass. Col. Rec., II. 100. yet so necessary were they considered, that the town of Concord was presented by the grand jury, June 19, 1660, for not having a common house of entertainment, and was enjoined to present a meet person to be allowed at the nex
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
orth and sister of Deputy Governor Thomas Danforth; their son, Andrew Belcher, Jr., was a member of the Council, and his son, Jonathan Belcher, was Governor of Massachusetts and of New Jersey. It does not appear where he first opened a beer and bread shop, or a house of public entertainment; but on the first of October, 1671, his died, June 26, 1680. She was succeeded by her son Andrew Belcher, who was licensed in 1681 and 1682. Capt. Belcher's son Jonathan, after-wards Governor of Massachusetts, was born Jan. 8, 1681-2, and probably in this house. In September, 1682, Capt. Belcher sold the estate to his brother-in-law Jonathan Remington, who performedidge, who presented to the General Court a petition, dated Dec. 15, 1842, as follows:— To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The undersigned inhabitants of the westerly part of Cambridge, being that part of the town usually called Old Cambridge, respectfully represent,—
Dana Hill (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
easant streets. This edifice was subsequently purchased and converted into the present City Hall. For the space of forty years after the erection of West Boston Bridge, Cambridgeport was an isolated village, separated from Old Cambridge by a belt of land half a mile in width, almost wholly unoccupied by buildings. East Cambridge was even more completely separated from the other two villages by the Great Marsh. In 1835, the heirs of Chief Justice Dana sold the tract of land now called Dana Hill, having laid it out into streets and lots; and they sold other portions of the same estate, in 1840, extending, on the northerly side of Harvard Street, as far westerly as Remington Street. Buildings were soon erected on this territory, so that, within a few years, Old Cambridge and Cambridgeport became one continuous village, and the original parish line would not be observed by a stranger. East Cambridge also, though more slowly, approached Cambridgeport, especially on Cambridge Street
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