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Reana James (search for this): chapter 37
in 1635 owned one shop, with garden plot, about half a rood, at the N. E. corner of Brighton and Mount Auburn streets. He rem. to Hartford, where he was Constable in 1642, and Selectman in 1744. He was a man of great energy, and an original settler. In 1657, he was appointed Captain of the first troop of Horse ever raised in the Colony. . . . . After several years spent in Hartford he removed to New London, where he died.—Hinman Lowden, John, m. Sarah Stevenson 29 May 1682. Luxford, James, was an early inhabitant, and res. on the westerly side of Holyoke Street, on a lot which he sold to Mrs. Glover in 1639, and which became the site of the famous Old School-house. By his w. Elizabeth, he had Elizabeth, b. Sept. 1637, living in 1658; Reuben b. Feb. 1639-40. It would seem that Luxford left a wife in England, and during her life-time iniquitously contracted a second marriage here. The General Court, being informed of the fact shortly before the second child was born, took me
Nicholas Fessenden (search for this): chapter 37
sister Albon, Albone, or Olbon. I conjecture that her name before marriage was Olbon or Albone; that she resumed it for herself and her children when her marriage was annulled by the Court; and that, at some period subsequent to 1645 (when she is called sister Albone), she m.——Cole (perhaps the father of Arthur Cole, and died before 1668. This conjecture is partly founded on the fragment of a Church Record commenced by Rev. Mr. Mitchell, who d. in 1668. Under the name of John Fezington (Fessenden) he says: In his family is Reuben Luxford, alias Olbon, who, together with his sister Elizabeth, were baptized in this church, being the children of our Sister Olbon (lately Cole), now deceased. The original record was thus written; but subsequently the words—Luxford alias—were erased. 2. Reuben, s. of James (1), resumed the name Luxford, and m. Margaret ——at Lancaster 22 June 1669; she d. 31 Aug. 1691, and he m. Lydia——. His chil. were Margaret, b. 27 July 1673, m. John Patt
John Haynes (search for this): chapter 37
Lockwood, Edmund, was among the more prominent of the first company of inhabitants. He was appointed Constable by the General Court, May 1632; and, at the same session, it was ordered that there should be two of every Plantation appointed to confer with the Court about raising of a public stock; Mr. Lockwood and Mr. Spencer for New Town. He died before 3 March 1634-5, when the Court Ordered, that Ruth Lockwood, widow, shall bring all the writings that her husband left in her hands to John Haynes, Esq., and Simon Bradstreete, on the third day of the next week, who shall detain the same in their hands till the next Court, when they shall be disposed of to those to whom they belong. It is not improbable that Mr. Lockwood removed to Wat. before his death, or that his widow removed there immediately afterwards; for by an order of Court 7 Ap. 1635, It is referred to the Church of Watertown, with the consent of Robert Lockwood, executor of Edmund Lockwood dec. to dispose of the childre
Thomas Hooker (search for this): chapter 37
or takes his hand out of his pocket, which is taken notice of; and indeed is ruler of the Town as well as College. Pres. Leverett res. on the northerly side of Harvard Street, nearly opposite to Holyoke Street, which was the former residence of Hooker, Shepard, and Mitchell, and afterwards of the Professors Wigglesworth; connected with his homestead were about seven acres of land, now the property of Harvard College. He m. 25 Nov. 1697 Margaret, dau. of President Rogers, granddau. of Gen. Da08; John, b. 21 June 1711, d. 4 July 1711. Rachel, m. Josiah Dana 31 Oct. 1782. Sally, m. Oliver Pratt 29 Sept. 1788. Lewis, William, was here in 1635, and res. at the N. W. corner of Winthrop and Holyoke streets. He rem. to Hartford with Hooker's company, and thence to Farmington, where he was a Sergeant in 1649; to train the men there. Lockwood, Edmund, was among the more prominent of the first company of inhabitants. He was appointed Constable by the General Court, May 1632; and,
John Leverett (search for this): chapter 37
w England Hist. Gen. Society. If it does not throw any light on the cause of President Leverett's death, it indicates the manner of medical practice a hundred and fifty years ago:— Feb. 23d 1721-2 to July 21 1722.The Estate of ye Honble Mr. John Leverett Dr. Imps visit bleeding & dressing his armes£ 0.4.6 Feb. 23d 1721-2 to July 21 1722.Visit Extt dent. & dressing another ulcer that wanted digestion0.4.6 Feb. 23d 1721-2 to July 21 1722.Visit & dressing boath armes0.3.0 Feb. 23d 1721-2 to arms, when consulting, making very low obeisance to him when they take their leave of him. He not so much as touches his hat, or takes his hand out of his pocket, which is taken notice of; and indeed is ruler of the Town as well as College. Pres. Leverett res. on the northerly side of Harvard Street, nearly opposite to Holyoke Street, which was the former residence of Hooker, Shepard, and Mitchell, and afterwards of the Professors Wigglesworth; connected with his homestead were about seven acr
Josiah Dana (search for this): chapter 37
all by his first w., were Margaret, b. 30 Sept. 1698, d. 22 Nov. 1702; Sarah, b. 12 Nov. 1700, m. Rev. Edward Wigglesworth 15 June 1726, and d. 9 Nov. 1727; Mary, b. 29 Oct. 1701; m. Major John Denison of Ipswich 9 Ap. 1719, and Rev. Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich 25 Dec. 1728; John, b. 26 Sept. 1703, d. 31 Oct. 1704; Payton, b. 4 Aug. 1704, d. 7 Dec. 1704; Margaret, b. 31 July 1705, d. 16 June 1716; Anne, b. 5 July 1708, d. 30 July 1708; John, b. 21 June 1711, d. 4 July 1711. Rachel, m. Josiah Dana 31 Oct. 1782. Sally, m. Oliver Pratt 29 Sept. 1788. Lewis, William, was here in 1635, and res. at the N. W. corner of Winthrop and Holyoke streets. He rem. to Hartford with Hooker's company, and thence to Farmington, where he was a Sergeant in 1649; to train the men there. Lockwood, Edmund, was among the more prominent of the first company of inhabitants. He was appointed Constable by the General Court, May 1632; and, at the same session, it was ordered that there should be two o
Edmund Lockwood (search for this): chapter 37
able that Mr. Lockwood removed to Wat. before his death, or that his widow removed there immediately afterwards; for by an order of Court 7 Ap. 1635, It is referred to the Church of Watertown, with the consent of Robert Lockwood, executor of Edmund Lockwood dec. to dispose of the children and estate of the said Edmund Lockwood (given to them), to such persons as they think meet, etc. Of these children, only one name appears on the record of births, viz. John, b. Nov. 1632. 2. Robert, prob. Edmund Lockwood (given to them), to such persons as they think meet, etc. Of these children, only one name appears on the record of births, viz. John, b. Nov. 1632. 2. Robert, prob. brother of Edmund (1), res. in Wat. and by w. Susan had Jonathan, b. 10 Sept. 1634; Deborah, b. 12 Oct. 1636; Joseph, b. 6 Aug. 1638; Daniel, b. 21 Mar. 1640; Ephraim, b. 1 Dec. 1641; Gershom, b. 6 Sept. 1643. Hinman says Robert the f. removed to Norwalk, Conn., as early as 1649. Longhorn, Thomas (otherwise written Longhorne and Langhorne), was a butcher and the town drummer. In 1652 he purchased the homestead previously owned by Simon Crosby, at the southerly corner of Brattle Street and
Robert Lockwood (search for this): chapter 37
bring all the writings that her husband left in her hands to John Haynes, Esq., and Simon Bradstreete, on the third day of the next week, who shall detain the same in their hands till the next Court, when they shall be disposed of to those to whom they belong. It is not improbable that Mr. Lockwood removed to Wat. before his death, or that his widow removed there immediately afterwards; for by an order of Court 7 Ap. 1635, It is referred to the Church of Watertown, with the consent of Robert Lockwood, executor of Edmund Lockwood dec. to dispose of the children and estate of the said Edmund Lockwood (given to them), to such persons as they think meet, etc. Of these children, only one name appears on the record of births, viz. John, b. Nov. 1632. 2. Robert, prob. brother of Edmund (1), res. in Wat. and by w. Susan had Jonathan, b. 10 Sept. 1634; Deborah, b. 12 Oct. 1636; Joseph, b. 6 Aug. 1638; Daniel, b. 21 Mar. 1640; Ephraim, b. 1 Dec. 1641; Gershom, b. 6 Sept. 1643. Hinman say
n Clark of Boston 15 July 1725, after whose death she contracted a fourth marriage 6 May 1731, becoming the wife of Rev. Benjamin Colman, and d. 24 Ap. 1744, a. 71. His children, all by his first w., were Margaret, b. 30 Sept. 1698, d. 22 Nov. 1702; Sarah, b. 12 Nov. 1700, m. Rev. Edward Wigglesworth 15 June 1726, and d. 9 Nov. 1727; Mary, b. 29 Oct. 1701; m. Major John Denison of Ipswich 9 Ap. 1719, and Rev. Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich 25 Dec. 1728; John, b. 26 Sept. 1703, d. 31 Oct. 1704; Payton, b. 4 Aug. 1704, d. 7 Dec. 1704; Margaret, b. 31 July 1705, d. 16 June 1716; Anne, b. 5 July 1708, d. 30 July 1708; John, b. 21 June 1711, d. 4 July 1711. Rachel, m. Josiah Dana 31 Oct. 1782. Sally, m. Oliver Pratt 29 Sept. 1788. Lewis, William, was here in 1635, and res. at the N. W. corner of Winthrop and Holyoke streets. He rem. to Hartford with Hooker's company, and thence to Farmington, where he was a Sergeant in 1649; to train the men there. Lockwood, Edmund, was among the m
Daniel Denison (search for this): chapter 37
takes his hand out of his pocket, which is taken notice of; and indeed is ruler of the Town as well as College. Pres. Leverett res. on the northerly side of Harvard Street, nearly opposite to Holyoke Street, which was the former residence of Hooker, Shepard, and Mitchell, and afterwards of the Professors Wigglesworth; connected with his homestead were about seven acres of land, now the property of Harvard College. He m. 25 Nov. 1697 Margaret, dau. of President Rogers, granddau. of Gen. Daniel Denison, and wid. of Capt. Thomas Berry. She d. 7 June 1720, a. 54, and he m. 5 Ap. 1722 Sarah, wid. of William Harris, who survived him, and m. Hon. John Clark of Boston 15 July 1725, after whose death she contracted a fourth marriage 6 May 1731, becoming the wife of Rev. Benjamin Colman, and d. 24 Ap. 1744, a. 71. His children, all by his first w., were Margaret, b. 30 Sept. 1698, d. 22 Nov. 1702; Sarah, b. 12 Nov. 1700, m. Rev. Edward Wigglesworth 15 June 1726, and d. 9 Nov. 1727; Mary,
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