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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 8: (search)
the papers of Sir Isaac Newton, both mathematical and relating to his office as Master of the Mint, with correspondence, etc.; and the other is the collection of Milton's papers, chiefly in his own handwriting, including Comus, Lycidas, Arcades, Sonnets, etc., and some letters, which have been bound up, and preserved here about a century. Nothing of the sort can be more interesting or curious, especially the many emendations of Milton's poems in his own hand. Twenty years ago I remember being shown, at Ferrara, the original manuscript of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, and the old librarian pointed out to me, at the bottom of a blotted page, these words, d following us to the gate of his College, gave us a sort of paternal benediction in the open street. We parted from him with great regret. A night passed at Milton, Lord Fitzwilliam's delightful place in Northamptonshire, where the kind hospitality of three years before was renewed, was followed by a course of cathedrals and