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Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Will's valley on the western side of Lookout mountain, threatening Rome and Bragg's communications, thus forcing the evacuation of Chattanooga on the 9th day of September, Bragg's object being by a coup to crush the right wing of Rosecrans' army, which was moving into Georgia through the gaps south of Chattanooga, and then to turn suddenly upon its left, which occupied the city. Meanwhile, General Burnside having advanced into east Tennessee from Kentucky, General Buckner had evacuated Knoxville on the 25th of August, and joined Bragg with his division, commanded by General Preston, who with the Fifth Kentucky and some other troops came from southwest Virginia to reinforce General Bragg. Buckner was then placed in command of a corps consisting of the divisions of Gen. A. P. Stewart and General Preston, the latter embracing the troops of General Buckner's department, composed of Gracie's, Trigg's and Kelly's brigades. General Breckinridge's division, which had previously arrived
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ed across the Chattanooga road, assuming a line almost at right angles to its former position. Thus with his right broken up and bent back, and with renewed charges upon Thomas' breastworks and a fresh advance of Breckinridge, the entire Federal right was beaten back toward the foothills of Missionary Ridge in the rear. Lately published reminiscences of Charles A. Dana, assistant secretary of war, who was on the field, fully confirm this view. He says Rosecrans' defeat was a veritable Bull Run. There remained but one point of Federal resistance besides that of Thomas, and this was the wooded hills near McFarland's Gap and the key to the Federal position. General Preston, who had as a guide Dyer, whose house stood on the battlefield near by, and from whom he learned the nature of the topography in the front, followed after Hindman's and McLaws' divisions, which had met a heavy repulse, and moving up a ravine beyond Snodgrass' house, charged the flank of Granger and Steedman, po
Ringgold, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Stewart and General Preston, the latter embracing the troops of General Buckner's department, composed of Gracie's, Trigg's and Kelly's brigades. General Breckinridge's division, which had previously arrived from Mississippi, was placed in the corps of Gen. D. H. Hill. When General Bragg moved out of Chattanooga to attack Rosecrans' flanking corps, his Federal opponent thought he was in full retreat toward Rome. Crittenden's corps was therefore started after him and proceeded as far as Ringgold, when it was discovered that the report was false. Bragg's whole army was between the wings of Rosecrans', which were almost fifty miles apart. He tried to crush the right wing under Thomas at McLemore's Cove, but it evaded battle and with McCook's and Crittenden's corps turned toward Chattanooga for better security. Bragg then also moved towards Chattanooga, aiming to intercept Rosecrans and cut him off from his stronghold. On the afternoon of the 18th of September he crossed Chickamau
East Chickamauga Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
gold, when it was discovered that the report was false. Bragg's whole army was between the wings of Rosecrans', which were almost fifty miles apart. He tried to crush the right wing under Thomas at McLemore's Cove, but it evaded battle and with McCook's and Crittenden's corps turned toward Chattanooga for better security. Bragg then also moved towards Chattanooga, aiming to intercept Rosecrans and cut him off from his stronghold. On the afternoon of the 18th of September he crossed Chickamauga creek at Lee & Gordon's mill, with the view of throwing himself across the main road leading from Crawfish Springs to Chattanooga. Thomas, divining his purpose, crossed the creek at Crawfish Springs and by a night march parallel to Bragg, secured the position he occupied in the subsequent battle. The morning of the 19th found Bragg in the act of forming his line in a direction generally parallel with the road to Chattanooga, with his left wing resting on the Chickamauga at Lee & Gordon's
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ptember, Bragg's object being by a coup to crush the right wing of Rosecrans' army, which was moving into Georgia through the gaps south of Chattanooga, and then to turn suddenly upon its left, which occupied the city. Meanwhile, General Burnside having advanced into east Tennessee from Kentucky, General Buckner had evacuated Knoxville on the 25th of August, and joined Bragg with his division, commanded by General Preston, who with the Fifth Kentucky and some other troops came from southwest Virginia to reinforce General Bragg. Buckner was then placed in command of a corps consisting of the divisions of Gen. A. P. Stewart and General Preston, the latter embracing the troops of General Buckner's department, composed of Gracie's, Trigg's and Kelly's brigades. General Breckinridge's division, which had previously arrived from Mississippi, was placed in the corps of Gen. D. H. Hill. When General Bragg moved out of Chattanooga to attack Rosecrans' flanking corps, his Federal oppone
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ps and later by Preston's division, which drove all before them with great slaughter, until it became in the nature of a right wheel on the left center; and the greater part of the left wing advanced across the Chattanooga road, assuming a line almost at right angles to its former position. Thus with his right broken up and bent back, and with renewed charges upon Thomas' breastworks and a fresh advance of Breckinridge, the entire Federal right was beaten back toward the foothills of Missionary Ridge in the rear. Lately published reminiscences of Charles A. Dana, assistant secretary of war, who was on the field, fully confirm this view. He says Rosecrans' defeat was a veritable Bull Run. There remained but one point of Federal resistance besides that of Thomas, and this was the wooded hills near McFarland's Gap and the key to the Federal position. General Preston, who had as a guide Dyer, whose house stood on the battlefield near by, and from whom he learned the nature of the
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Chapter 17: Rosecrans flanks Chattanooga and Bragg Evacuates Burnside Enters East Tennessee and Buckner Joins Bragg movements of opposing armies preceding battle Longstreet Joins Bragg with his corps battle of Chickamauga Arrangement of lines of battle important part played by Kentucky officers and soldiers sevnd Colonel James Hewitt great Confederate victory Charles A. Dana's opinion Breckinridge, Buckner and Preston. The danger threatening Chattanooga and east Tennessee now called for the concentration of all the troops which could be made available for its defenses. Rosecrans advanced slowly and cautiously, while Bragg was a through the gaps south of Chattanooga, and then to turn suddenly upon its left, which occupied the city. Meanwhile, General Burnside having advanced into east Tennessee from Kentucky, General Buckner had evacuated Knoxville on the 25th of August, and joined Bragg with his division, commanded by General Preston, who with the
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
its defenses. Rosecrans advanced slowly and cautiously, while Bragg was busily engaged in fortifying at Chattanooga, through the months of July and August. Rosecrans, declining a direct attack, projected a heavy movement up Will's valley on the western side of Lookout mountain, threatening Rome and Bragg's communications, thus forcing the evacuation of Chattanooga on the 9th day of September, Bragg's object being by a coup to crush the right wing of Rosecrans' army, which was moving into Georgia through the gaps south of Chattanooga, and then to turn suddenly upon its left, which occupied the city. Meanwhile, General Burnside having advanced into east Tennessee from Kentucky, General Buckner had evacuated Knoxville on the 25th of August, and joined Bragg with his division, commanded by General Preston, who with the Fifth Kentucky and some other troops came from southwest Virginia to reinforce General Bragg. Buckner was then placed in command of a corps consisting of the divisi
Murfreesboro (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ing, but there was delay in perfecting his dispositions on the right in support of Cleburne, and to his left, and it was not until half-past 9 that the advance was made. The thick woods and generally level nature of the ground prevented the use of much artillery, and until positions were changed later in the day, but little was used. Bragg's plan of battle was that which characterized his other fights, to open on the right and swing on his left as a pivot. Rosecrans' policy was, as at Murfreesboro, waiting and defensive. Breckinridge's division was posted as follows: Helm's Kentucky brigade on the left, Stovall's in the center, and Adams' on the right. At the hour named the advance was made and in a few minutes the battle opened with great fury, extending to the right of Longstreet's line; but that part of the line which came upon the breastworks of Thomas met with heavy loss and was forced to fall back after having advanced within pistol shot of it. General Breckinridge in hi
Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
t Confederate victory Charles A. Dana's opinion Breckinridge, Buckner and Preston. The danger threatening Chattanooga and east Tennessee now called for the concentration of all the troops which could be made available for its defenses. Rosecrans advanced slowly and cautiously, while Bragg was busily engaged in fortifying at Chattanooga, through the months of July and August. Rosecrans, declining a direct attack, projected a heavy movement up Will's valley on the western side of Lookout mountain, threatening Rome and Bragg's communications, thus forcing the evacuation of Chattanooga on the 9th day of September, Bragg's object being by a coup to crush the right wing of Rosecrans' army, which was moving into Georgia through the gaps south of Chattanooga, and then to turn suddenly upon its left, which occupied the city. Meanwhile, General Burnside having advanced into east Tennessee from Kentucky, General Buckner had evacuated Knoxville on the 25th of August, and joined Bragg w
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