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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, The New world and the New book (search)
n the aristocratic sense of the term; Corresp. II. 294. and he described the beautiful English country-seats as paradises very perverting to the moral and politico-economical sense, and sure to pass away, one of these centuries, in the general progress of humanity. Ibid. II. 280. And he afterwards said the profoundest thing ever uttered in regard to our Civil War, when he said that it was not, in the ordinary sense, a military war, but a contest of two principles. Ibid. II. 82. Wendell Phillips once told me that as the antislavery contest made him an American, so Europe made Motley one; and when the two young aristocrats met after years of absence, they both found that they had thus experienced religion. When we pass to other great American authors, we see that Emerson lifted his voice and spoke even to the humblest of the people of the intrinsic dignity of man:— God said, I am tired of kings, I suffer them no more; Up to my ear each morning brings The outrage of the poor.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, V (search)
d is commonly valuable in proportion as the courts of preliminary jurisdiction have done their duty. The best preparation for going abroad is to know the worth of what one has seen at home. I remember to have been impressed with a little sense of dismay, on first nearing the shores of Europe, at the thought of what London and Paris might show me in the way of great human personalities; but I said to myself, To one who has heard Emerson lecture, and Parker preach, and Garrison thunder, and Phillips persuade, there is no reason why Darwin or Victor Hugo should pass for more than mortal; and accordingly they did not. We shall not prepare ourselves for a cosmopolitan standard by ignoring our own great names or undervaluing the literary tradition that has produced them. When Stuart Newton, the artist, was asked, on first arriving in London from America, whether he did not enjoy the change, he answered honestly, I here see such society occasionally, as I saw at home all the time. At this
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, VII (search)
VII On literary tonics some minor English critic wrote lately of Dr. Holmes's Life of Emerson: The Boston of his day does not seem to have been a very strong place; we lack performance. This is doubtless to be attributed rather to ignorance than to that want of seriousness which Mr. Stedman so justly points out among the younger Englishmen. The Boston of which he speaks was the Boston of Garrison and Phillips, of Whittier and Theodore Parker; it was the headquarters of those old-time abolitionists of whom the English Earl of Carlisle wrote that they were fighting a battle without a parallel in the history of ancient or modern heroism. It was also the place which nurtured those young Harvard students who are chronicled in the Harvard Memorial Biographies—those who fell in the war of the Rebellion; those of whom Lord Houghton once wrote tersely to me: They are men whom Europe has learned to honor and would do well to imitate. The service of all these men, and its results, giv
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, XXVII (search)
untered—the most interesting feature, after all, is the gradual evolution of all American. Wendell Phillips used to delight in testifying to the manner in which this process went on in this his classmate and friend, and also in himself. Both came out of Harvard College, Phillips said, the narrow aristocrats of a petty sphere; both—though he did not say this—handsome, elegant, accomplished, the prime favorites of the small but really polished circle of the Boston of that day. In case of Phillips, the emancipation was more rapid; and he too owed it in a sense to Europe, for it was there he metCivil War; and it must have been at the time of his arrival in this country in 1861 that he met Phillips with the ardent exclamation, as the latter used to repeat it, Phillips, you were right, and I wPhillips, you were right, and I was wrong!This may, however, have been when he visited home in 1858, for his dissatisfaction with the pro-slavery tendency of public affairs was manifest as early as 1855. Correspondence, i. 170, 26<
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, Index (search)
, 180, 208. O. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, 9, 27, 90, 96, 155, 176. Ossian, 52. Osten-Sacken, Baron, 173. Oxenstiern, Chancellor, 89. P. Palmer, G. H., 148. Paris, limitations of, 82. Paris, the world's capital, 77. Parker, Theodore, 42, 62, 115,155. Parkman, Francis, 60, 61. Parton, James, 13. Pattison, Mark, 50. Paul, Jean, see Richter. Pepys, Samuel, 42. Perry, Lillah Cabot, 219, Petrarch, Francesco, 172, 179, 185, 186, 187. Philip of Burgundy, 6. Phillips, Wendell, 7, 49, 62, 221, 222. Plato, 48, 114. Plot, the proposed abolition of, 135. Plutarch, 4, 174. Poe, E. A., 66, 155, 190, 219. Popkin, J. S., 117, 169, 171, 172, 174. Posterity, a contemporaneous, 51. Precision, weapons of, 192. Prescott, W. H., 59. Q. Quincy, Edmund, 22. Quintilian, 232. R. Racine, Jean, 92. Ramler, C. W., 90. Raphael da Urbino, 188. Rainsford, W. S., 79. Richter, J. P. F., 182. Rollo Books, the, 180. Roscoe, William, 216. Russe