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J. D. Nance (search for this): chapter 39
onel D. Coleman. Culpeper's (S. C.) Battalion, Captain J. F. Culpeper. Longstreet's corps. army of Northern Virginia. Organization taken from return of that army for August 31, 1863. Pickett's division was left in Virginia. Major-General John B. Hood. McLaws' division. Brigadier-General J. B. Kershaw. Major-General Lafayette McLaws. Kershaw's brigade. Brigadier-General J. B. Kershaw. Second South Carolina, Lieutenant-Colonel F. Gaillard. Third South Carolina, Colonel J. D. Nance. Seventh South Carolina, Lieutenant-Colonel Elbert Bland, Major J. S. Hard, and Captain E. J. Goggans. Eighth South Carolina, Colonel J. W. Henagan. Fifteenth South Carolina, Colonel Joseph F. Gist. Third South Carolina Battalion, Captain J. M. Townsend. Wofford's brigade. Longstreet's report indicates that these brigades did not arrive in time to take part in the battle. Brigadier-General W. T. Wofford. Sixteenth Georgia. Eighteenth Georgia. Twenty-fourth Georgia.
A. S. Hutchinson (search for this): chapter 39
el M. P. Lowrey. Sharpshooters, Major A. T. Hawkins and Captain Daniel Coleman. Polk's brigade. Brigadier-General L. E. Polk. First Arkansas, Colonel J. W. Colquitt. Third and Fifth Confederate, Colonel J. A. Smith. Second Tennessee, Colonel W. D. Robison. Thirty-fifth Tennessee, Colonel B. J. Hill. Forty-eighth Tennessee, Colonel G. H. Nixon. Deshler's brigade. Brigadier-General James Deshler-Colonel R. Q. Mills. Nineteenth and Twenty-fourth Arkansas, Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Hutchinson. Sixth, Tenth, and Fifteenth( Thirty-third Alabama.) Texas, Colonel R. Q. Mills and Lieutenant-Colonel T. Scott Anderson. Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-fifth Texas,( Thirty-third Alabama.) Colonel F. C. Wilkes, Lieutenant. Colonel John T. Coit, and Major W. A. Taylor. Artillery. Major T. R. Hotchkiss-Captain H. C. Semple. Calvert's Battery, Lieutenant Thomas J. Key. Douglas's Battery, Captain J. P. Douglas. Semple's Battery, Captain H.
J. H. McGaughy (search for this): chapter 39
hton Smith. Carnes's (Tennessee) Battery, Captain W. W. Carnes. Scogin's (Georgia) Battery, Captain John Scogin. Scott's (Tennessee) Battery, Lieutenants J. H. Marsh and A. T. Watson. Smith's (Mississippi) Battery, Lieutenant William B. Turner. Stanford's Battery, Captain T. J. Stanford. Hill's corps. Lieutenant-General Daniel H. Hill. Cleburnes's division. Major-General P. R. Cleburne. Wood's brigade. Brigadier-General S. A. M. Wood. Sixteenth Alabama, Major J. H. McGaughy and Captain F. A. Ashford. Thirty-third Alabama, Colonel Samuel Adams. Forty-fifth Alabama, Colonel E. B. Breedlove. Eighteenth Alabama Battalion, Major J. H. Gibson and Colonel Samuel Adams.( Thirty third Alabama.) Thirty-second and Forty-fifth Mississippi, Colonel M. P. Lowrey. Sharpshooters, Major A. T. Hawkins and Captain Daniel Coleman. Polk's brigade. Brigadier-General L. E. Polk. First Arkansas, Colonel J. W. Colquitt. Third and Fifth Confederate, Colonel J.
D. M. Donnell (search for this): chapter 39
. Vaughan, Jr., and Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Pitman. Twenty-ninth Tennessee, Colonel Horace Rice. Dawson's Battalion ( Composed of two companies from the Eleventh Tennessee, two from the Twelfth and Forty-seventh (consolidated), and one from the One Hundredth and Fifty-fourth Senior Tennessee.) Sharpshooters, Major J. W. Dawson and Major William Green. Wright's brigade. Brigadier General Marcus J. Wright. Eighth Tennessee, Colonel John H. Anderson. Sixteenth Tennessee, Colonel D. M. Donnell. Twenty-eighth Tennessee, Colonel S. S. Stanton. Thirty-eighth Tennessee and Murry's (Tenn.) Battalion, Colonel J. C. Carter. Fifty-first and Fifty-second Tennessee, Lieutenant-Colonel John G. Hall. Strahl's brigade. Brigadier-General O. F. Strahl. Fourth and Fifth Tennessee, Colonel J. J. Lamb. Nineteenth Tennessee, Colonel F. M. Walker. Twenty-fourth Tennessee, Colonel J. A. Wilson. Thirty-first Tennessee, Colonel E. E. Tansil. Thirty-third Tennessee,—— —— A
-General Goode Bryan. Tenth Georgia. Fiftieth Georgia. Fifty-first Georgia. Fifty-third Georgia. Hood's division. Major-General John B. Hood. Brigadier-General E. M. Law. Jenkins's brigade. did not arrive in time to take part in the battle. Jenkins's brigade assigned to the division September 11th, 1863. Brigadral M. Jenkins. First South Carolina. Second South Carolina Rifles. Fifth South Carolina. Sixth South Carolina. Hampton Legion. Palmetto Sharpshooters. Law's brigade. Brigadier-General E. M. Law—Colonel J. L. Sheffield. Fourth Alabama. Fifteenth Alabama, Colonel W. C. Oates. Forty-fourth Alabama. Forty-seventhBrigadier-General E. M. Law—Colonel J. L. Sheffield. Fourth Alabama. Fifteenth Alabama, Colonel W. C. Oates. Forty-fourth Alabama. Forty-seventh Alabama. Forty-eighth Alabama. Robertson's brigade. served part of the time in Johnson's provisional division. Brigadier-General J. B. Robertson-Colonel Van H. Manning. Third Arkansas, Colonel Van H. Manning. First Texas, Captain R. J. Harding. Fourth Texas, Colonel John P. Bane and Captain R. H. Bassett. Fifth Tex
John K. Jackson (search for this): chapter 39
of the army of Tennessee, General Braxton Bragg, Confederate States army, Commanding, at the battle of Chickamauga. compiled from the reports when not otherwise indicated. Compiled by the War-Records Office. [Corrections earnestly solicited.] Right wing. Lieutenant-General Leonidas Polk. Cheatham's division. of Polk's corps. Major-General B. F. Cheatham. Escort. Second Georgia cavalry, Company G Captain T. M. Merritt. Jackson's brigade. Brigadier-General John K. Jackson. First Georgia (Confed.), Second Georgia battalion, Major J. C. Gordon. Fifth Georgia, Colonel C. P. Daniel. Second Georgia Battalion (S. S.), Major R. H. Whiteley. Fifth Mississippi, Lieutenant-Colonel W. L. Sykes and Major J. B. Herring. Eighth Mississippi, Colonel J. C. Wilkinson. Maney's brigade. Brigadier-General George Maney. First and Twenty-seventh Tennessee, Colonel H. R. Feild. Fourth Tennessee (Prov. Army), Colonel J. A. McMurry, Lieutenant- C
F. M. Walker (search for this): chapter 39
een. Wright's brigade. Brigadier General Marcus J. Wright. Eighth Tennessee, Colonel John H. Anderson. Sixteenth Tennessee, Colonel D. M. Donnell. Twenty-eighth Tennessee, Colonel S. S. Stanton. Thirty-eighth Tennessee and Murry's (Tenn.) Battalion, Colonel J. C. Carter. Fifty-first and Fifty-second Tennessee, Lieutenant-Colonel John G. Hall. Strahl's brigade. Brigadier-General O. F. Strahl. Fourth and Fifth Tennessee, Colonel J. J. Lamb. Nineteenth Tennessee, Colonel F. M. Walker. Twenty-fourth Tennessee, Colonel J. A. Wilson. Thirty-first Tennessee, Colonel E. E. Tansil. Thirty-third Tennessee,—— —— Artillery. Major Malanchton Smith. Carnes's (Tennessee) Battery, Captain W. W. Carnes. Scogin's (Georgia) Battery, Captain John Scogin. Scott's (Tennessee) Battery, Lieutenants J. H. Marsh and A. T. Watson. Smith's (Mississippi) Battery, Lieutenant William B. Turner. Stanford's Battery, Captain T. J. Stanford. Hill's corps. Lieutenant-
Bushrod R. Johnson (search for this): chapter 39
der P. Stewart. Johnson's brigade. part of Johnson's provisional division. Brigadier-General B. R. Johnson. Colonel J. S. Fulton. Seventeenth Tennessee, Lieutenant-Colonel Watt W. Floyd. ir's. September 19th attached to Longstreet's corps, under Major-General Hood. Brigadier-General Bushrod R. Johnson. Gregg's brigade. Brigadier-General John Gregg. Colonel C. A. Sugg. Thirdy-seventh Alabama. Forty-eighth Alabama. Robertson's brigade. served part of the time in Johnson's provisional division. Brigadier-General J. B. Robertson-Colonel Van H. Manning. Third Arkde. Colonel A. A. Russell. Fourth Alabama.( Two regiments of the same designation. Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson commanded that in Roddey's brigade.) First Confederate, Colonel W. B. Wade. Wigginadier-General P. D. Roddey. Fourth Alabama,( Two regiments of the same designation. Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson commanded that in Roddey's brigade.) Lieutenant-Colonel William A. Johnson. Fifth A
C. G. Tucker (search for this): chapter 39
and Thirty-seventh Tennessee, Colonel R. C. Tyler, Lieutenant-Colonel R. D. Frayser, and Captain R. M. Tankesley. Twentieth Tennessee, Colonel T. B. Smith and Major W. M. Shy. Brown's brigade. Brigadier-General J. C. Brown. Colonel Edmund C. Cook. Eighteenth Tennessee, Colonel J. B. Palmer, Lieutenant-Colonel W. R. Butler, and Captain Gideon H. Lowe. Twenty-sixth Tennessee, Colonel J. M. Lillard and Major R. M. Saffell. Thirty-second Tennessee, Colonel E. C. Cook and Captain C. G. Tucker. Forty-fifth Tennessee, Colonel A. Searcy. Twenty-third Tennessee Battalion, Major T. W. Newman and Captain W. P. Simpson. Clayton's brigade. Brigadier-General H. D. Clayton. Eighteenth Alabama, Colonel J. T. Holtzclaw, Lieutenant-Colonel R. F. Inge, and Major P. F. Hunley. Thirty-sixth Alabama, Colonel L. T. Woodruff. Thirty-eighth Alabama, Lieutenant-Colonel A. R. Lankford. Artillery. Major J. W. Eldridge. First Arkansas Battery, Captain J. T. Humphreys. T. H.
R. W. Anderson (search for this): chapter 39
P. F. Hunley. Thirty-sixth Alabama, Colonel L. T. Woodruff. Thirty-eighth Alabama, Lieutenant-Colonel A. R. Lankford. Artillery. Major J. W. Eldridge. First Arkansas Battery, Captain J. T. Humphreys. T. H. Dawson's Battery, Lieutenant R. W. Anderson. Eufaula Artillery, Captain McD. Oliver. Ninth Georgia Artillery Battalion, Company E, Lieutenant W. S. Everett. Preston's division. Brigadier-General William Preston. Gracie's brigade. Brigadier General A. Gracie, Jr.lonel Van H. Manning. Third Arkansas, Colonel Van H. Manning. First Texas, Captain R. J. Harding. Fourth Texas, Colonel John P. Bane and Captain R. H. Bassett. Fifth Texas, Major J. C. Rogers and Captains J. S. Cleveland and T. T. Clay. Anderson's brigade. did not arrive in time to take part in the battle. Jenkins's brigade assigned to the division September 11, 1863. Brigadier-General George T. Anderson. Seventh Georgia. Eighth Georgia. Ninth Georgia. Eleventh Georgia. Fift
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