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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Belmont. (search)
e had been notified that there was a force of about three thousand Confederates on the St. Francis river, Arkansas, about fifty miles from Cairo, and had sent Colonel Oglesby there, with a force equal to that of the Confederates, to oppose them and hold them in check. Learning that General Polk was about to detach a large force frved down the river and to reinforce General Price, he had orders to prevent this movement. He then ordered a regiment under Colonel W. H. L. Wallace to reinforce Oglesby, and ordered General C. F. Smith to move all the troops he could spare from Paducah directly against Columbus. Added to these, he took all the troops which couldseverely criticised in the North as a wholly unnecessary battle, barren of results; or the possibility of them from the beginning. If it had not been fought, Colonel Oglesby would probably have been captured or destroyed with his three thousand men. Then I would have been culpable indeed. After the retreat of the Union forces f
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Newbern, 67. Newcomer, Corporal, 159. New Hope. W. Va., 214 New Madrid, 97. New Orleans Picayune, 418, 446, 451. New River, 67. Ninety-six, 12, 13. Nitre Bureau of the C. S. A., 288. Norris, Major, Wm. 9, 92, 93, 98. Northern Neck Soldier's Reunion, 109. Northrup, Col. L. B., 273. Northwest Territory, 432. Nott, Dr. J. C., 307. Obenchain, President W. A., 36. O'Cain, Major, 120. Oconee, 18. O'Donnell, M. S., 418. Ogden, Hon. H. D, 448. Ogin, Dr. T. L., 396. Oglesby, Col , 81. Olney, Lt. H. B., 185 Openchain, Lt. F. G., 60. Ord, Gen. E. O. C., 68. Orr's Rifles, 19. Ordnance, Manufacture of, by the C. S. A., 287; from England, 172. O'Sullivan, Hon. J. L., 274. Otey, Capt J M., 402, 407. Ould, Hon., Robert, 273. Owens, W. L., 175. Owl Creek, 303. Ox Hill, Battle of, 20 Paducah, Ky., 31. Page, Major, 228. Page, Major R. C. M., diary of, 58, 61, 68. Palmer, Capt., 399. Palmer, Col W. H., 296 Palmetto Regiment, 15, 19. Parker