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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address of honorable R. T. Bennett, late Colonel 13th North Carolina Infantry, C. S. A. (search)
aments to our hearts. Standing here, encouraged by the living and hearkening to voices from the tomb, let us baptize ourselves afresh in the name of liberty. The most perfect oration which has been rescued from the rigor of time is that of Pericles over the dead who perished in the first campaign of Peloponesian war. These men, like our comrades in the great war, fell short of success. What is it that gave to these countrymen of Pericles their imperishable renown? The philosophy, thePericles their imperishable renown? The philosophy, the science, the literature and intellect of ancient Greece may be traced in their influence on all after ages of the western world. But the memory of this dead resists annihilation by the force of a greater power than all these. It is by force of this principle: That bravery never goes out of fashion. Margaret, of Richmond, the mother of Henry the Seventh, would often say: That if the Princes of Christendom would combine themselves and march against the common enemy, the Turk, she wou