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any H—Privates E. Hall, F. Medicis, M. Sanchez, J. J. Vinzant. Company I—Lieutenant J. W. Hall, Privates W. Belote, E. H. Tomblin, William Stringheard. Company K—Privates H. C. Grosventine, L. F. Walker, R. N. Batten, W. Hodge. Company L—Privates T. H. Sutton, E. Dampier. Company M—Lieutenant J. D. Perkins, Sergeant J. Betton, Privates Herndons B. M. Hora, S. Dimmock, R. W. Sirles, H. C. Billingsby, W. W. Shuman, N. A. Armstrong, P. Conniff. Fifth Florida. Company A—Lieutenant G. L. Odum, Privates R. H. McClelland, D. M. Claytor, M. D. Pratton, B. H. Lee, Robert Potts, John F. Cooper. Company B—Privates J. R. Richard, J. Niblack, P. Morgan, John Field, T. S. Geer, M. Coon. Company C—Privates Wiley Atkinson, D. C. Isler, J. R. Sutton, W. D. Smith, H. Norris, J. W. French, J. W. Howell, H. Stanford, C. Allegood, M. Dudley. Company D—Lieutenant J. A. Shaw, Privates G. F. Devane, A. D. Dutton, J. R. Robertson, J. M. Hindley, J. N. Morgan. Company E
William Slaughter (search for this): chapter 1.31
. Fifth Florida. Company A—Private D. W. Scott. Company B—Private R. R. Barnes. Company C—Privates S. H. White, Arvin Oliver, Elias Barimna. Company D—Private James Burney. Company E—Lieutenant J. A. Jenkins, Privates S. H. Calhoun, R. C. Cash, R. Hudson, B. Sincoe, H. Linton. Company F—Captain John Frink. Company G—Private John Baugh. Company I—Private J. C. Cox. Company K—Lieutenant J. C. Blake, Private Thomas Mumford. Eighth Florida. Company C—Privates William Slaughter, C. B. Griffin. Company F—Private John Rowe. Company G—Private Thomas Galloway. Company I—Private S. Crews. Wounded—Second Florida. Major W. R. Moore. Company A—Captain W. D. Ballantine, Corporals J. T. Luckie, W. D. Keenedy, Privates W. H. Phillips, W. C. Bryan, A. W. Keyser, A. Villar, W. T. Sills, G. Flournoy. Company B—Sergeant S. J. Sanchez, Corporal J. H. Boyt, Privates T. J. Finley, W. E. Stroble, J. F. Bleach, B. Jones. Compa
S. R. Jenkins (search for this): chapter 1.31
W. W. Johnson, G. F. Cox, M. Lambert, J. Russell. Company C—Privates H. Sutar,——McQueen, P. Hatch. Company D—Privates A. Dial, M. L. Baker, John Irving, C. Othello, T. Harper, E. Paget, C. Harper, A. Gonzales, J. Prior. Company E—Lieutenant W. W. Wilson, Corporal A. G. Kilgore, Privates James Wilkerson, John Welsh, F. E. Savage, E. D. Tucker, R. Kidd, J. Croome. Company F—Privates E. Williams, W. Crews. Company G—Captain J. Mizell, Privates G. F. Simon, W. G. Cox, E. W. Wiggins. Company H—Captain T. B. Livington, Private H. Dice. Company I—Privates R. Osteen, B. Hicks, H. Bryant, H. Parish. The following wounded, whose companies are not known, were left on the field: F. Walker, A. Cumba,——Winegall, S. R. Jenkins, G. Bucran, F. C. Burrows, R. Brown, G. Garrison, E. W. Wiggins. Killed, 2d Florida, 14; 5th Florida, 17; 8th Florida, 5; Total killed, 36. Wounded, 2d Florida, 62; 5th Florida, 76; 8th Florida 65; Total wounded, 203.
yres, M. C. McFall, B. Hinman, J. Bryant. Eighth Florida. Company A—Lieutenant H. Bruce, Privates W. H. Newman, W. Barnier, S. Barinton, J. M. Laughton, J. Chasin, P. Hall, William Campbell, B. Gibson, H. Love, W. Andrews, F. M. Bryant. Company B—Captain T. R. Love, Lieutenants E. R. Dismukes, John Malone, Privates H. S. Stone, W. W. Johnson, G. F. Cox, M. Lambert, J. Russell. Company C—Privates H. Sutar,——McQueen, P. Hatch. Company D—Privates A. Dial, M. L. Baker, John Irving, C. Othello, T. Harper, E. Paget, C. Harper, A. Gonzales, J. Prior. Company E—Lieutenant W. W. Wilson, Corporal A. G. Kilgore, Privates James Wilkerson, John Welsh, F. E. Savage, E. D. Tucker, R. Kidd, J. Croome. Company F—Privates E. Williams, W. Crews. Company G—Captain J. Mizell, Privates G. F. Simon, W. G. Cox, E. W. Wiggins. Company H—Captain T. B. Livington, Private H. Dice. Company I—Privates R. Osteen, B. Hicks, H. Bryant, H. Parish. The following wounded, whos
D. C. Isler, J. R. Sutton, W. D. Smith, H. Norris, J. W. French, J. W. Howell, H. Stanford, C. Allegood, M. Dudley. Company D—Lieutenant J. A. Shaw, Privates G. F. Devane, A. D. Dutton, J. R. Robertson, J. M. Hindley, J. N. Morgan. Company E—Privates W. Carson, J. W. Johnson, Isaiah Jones, B. W. Moseley, E. Hudson, D. E. Wethington, P. Bowers. Company F—Privates R. W. Hillhouse, A. Rawles, E. W. Dempsey, J. G. Ash. Company G—Captain Wm. Bailey, Privates L. Long, Geo. Dice, G. w. Cole, S. M. Johnson, James Milton, J. P. Strickland, K. Ward. Company H—Private B. F. Wood. Company I—Private M. B. Swearinger. Company K—Captain R. M. Gardner, Privates L. W. Shine, W. H. Arnell, M. W. Baggett, A. F. Berry, W. B. Barney, J. C. Folkel, J. M. Grambling, T. J. Isler, J. W. Nash, A. H. Wheeler. Company L—Privates R. Faircloth, R. W. Ashmore, J. F. Herring, J. Jenkins, S. C. Revell. The following of the 5th Florida were reported wounded and left on the field: S
pass beyond the wagons and close up on the troops in front. After this, the division was posted in the following order, two miles in rear of Gettysburg, viz: Wilcox on the right; then Perry, Wright, Posey and Mahone. We remained in this position until Longstreet's cops arrived on the following morning. Pender and Heth had the day before (i. e., the 1st) driven the enemy to his stronghold on the heights back of town, with considerable loss on both sides, our loss being confined chiefly to Archer's brigade. When Longstreet arrived, we were advanced to the front and posted on the right of town, in full view of the enemy's batteries, strongly posted beyond an open field, one mile in our front. While taking this position, Wilcox engaged three or four regiments of the enemy posted in a wood on our right, but after a fight of ten or fifteen minutes, the 9th Alabama drove them back, and we received orders to hold our position, without pressing the enemy, until Longstreet could come into
J. M. Laughton (search for this): chapter 1.31
y, J. C. Folkel, J. M. Grambling, T. J. Isler, J. W. Nash, A. H. Wheeler. Company L—Privates R. Faircloth, R. W. Ashmore, J. F. Herring, J. Jenkins, S. C. Revell. The following of the 5th Florida were reported wounded and left on the field: S. M. Sutton, J. M. Merritt, A. J. White, J. D. Russell,—— Wentworth, Lieutenant George Walker, J. S. Ayres, M. C. McFall, B. Hinman, J. Bryant. Eighth Florida. Company A—Lieutenant H. Bruce, Privates W. H. Newman, W. Barnier, S. Barinton, J. M. Laughton, J. Chasin, P. Hall, William Campbell, B. Gibson, H. Love, W. Andrews, F. M. Bryant. Company B—Captain T. R. Love, Lieutenants E. R. Dismukes, John Malone, Privates H. S. Stone, W. W. Johnson, G. F. Cox, M. Lambert, J. Russell. Company C—Privates H. Sutar,——McQueen, P. Hatch. Company D—Privates A. Dial, M. L. Baker, John Irving, C. Othello, T. Harper, E. Paget, C. Harper, A. Gonzales, J. Prior. Company E—Lieutenant W. W. Wilson, Corporal A. G. Kilgore, Privates J
W. W. Johnson, G. F. Cox, M. Lambert, J. Russell. Company C—Privates H. Sutar,——McQueen, P. Hatch. Company D—Privates A. Dial, M. L. Baker, John Irving, C. Othello, T. Harper, E. Paget, C. Harper, A. Gonzales, J. Prior. Company E—Lieutenant W. W. Wilson, Corporal A. G. Kilgore, Privates James Wilkerson, John Welsh, F. E. Savage, E. D. Tucker, R. Kidd, J. Croome. Company F—Privates E. Williams, W. Crews. Company G—Captain J. Mizell, Privates G. F. Simon, W. G. Cox, E. W. Wiggins. Company H—Captain T. B. Livington, Private H. Dice. Company I—Privates R. Osteen, B. Hicks, H. Bryant, H. Parish. The following wounded, whose companies are not known, were left on the field: F. Walker, A. Cumba,——Winegall, S. R. Jenkins, G. Bucran, F. C. Burrows, R. Brown, G. Garrison, E. W. Wiggins. Killed, 2d Florida, 14; 5th Florida, 17; 8th Florida, 5; Total killed, 36. Wounded, 2d Florida, 62; 5th Florida, 76; 8th Florida 65; Total wounded, 203.
George Pooser (search for this): chapter 1.31
uth and early manhood, and with whom, up to that time, he had served as a soldier since the commencement of the war. Appendix G—pp. 121-4. casualties of Perry's brigade at the battle of Gettysburg, July 2-3, 1863. Killed—Second Florida. Company A—Lieutenant H. F. Riley, Privates D. Knight, Thos. Flowers, W. Bond. Company B—Lieutenant R. S. Jenkins. Company C—Lieutenant P. Shealy. Company D—Sergeant C. W. Johnson. Company E—Captain W. E. McCaslan. Company F—Lieutenant George Pooser, Private S. D. Phretchard. Company I—Sergeant William W. McLeod. Company K—Corporal G. Reddick. Company M—Lieutenant E. L. Hampton, Sergeant A. Williams. Fifth Florida. Company A—Private D. W. Scott. Company B—Private R. R. Barnes. Company C—Privates S. H. White, Arvin Oliver, Elias Barimna. Company D—Private James Burney. Company E—Lieutenant J. A. Jenkins, Privates S. H. Calhoun, R. C. Cash, R. Hudson, B. Sincoe, H. Linton. Co
John W. Starke (search for this): chapter 1.31
steamer, he entered, in July, 1860, upon the study of law, in the office of his brother, Louis J. Fleming, in Jacksonville, Florida. In consonance with his instincts he was also a member of a local military company—the Minute Men. In April, 1861, in the momentous call of the period, he assisted in raising a company to form a part of the Second Florida infantry, designed as a representative regiment of his State, for service in Virginia. It was organized at Pulatka, early in May, with John W. Starke as captain, C. Seton Fleming, first lieutenant, Alexander Mosely (son of ex-Governor Mosely), senior second lieutenant and John E. Caine, a native of South Carolina, as junior second lieutenant. The Second Florida infantry entered the field by going into encampment at Yorktown, Va., on the 17th September, 1861. In the sight of Yorktown, in the spring of 1862, the Second Florida, received its baptism of fire in a sortie in conjunction with the Second Mississippi battalion, made to di
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