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Robert E. Lee 204 0 Browse Search
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South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.55
chool Books, 361. Secession, Right of 87, 88. Selph, Captain, Colin McRae, 70. Sharpsburg, Battle of, 32, 36, 279; troops engaged, 32. Sheridan, General P. H., 61. Shiloh, Battle of 298; troops engaged in, 808, 804; causes of Confederate failure, 316; losses in, 312, 314. Simpson Colonel B. L., 14, 19. Sims, C. S. N., Captain Charles. 827. Slaves and Masters congenial, 368. Smith, Major Frank killed, 139; Colonel George W., 12; Goldwin, 87; Capt. James Power, 204. South Carolina, The Prostrate State, 1866-9, 5; opinion in that war would not follow secession, 76; rifle clubs, 75. South Mountain, Battle of, 32. Speer, Judge Emory 95. Spotsylvania C. H., Battle of, 283. Stage of Life, The, 170. Starke, General W. E., killed, 33. Staunton Artillery, 11. Steaman Capture of Fort, 19. Stevens, Prize Master, 54. Strother, Sergeant, Sidney, killed, 277. Success in war, what dependant on, 318. Sumter. Evacuation of Fort, 76. Sutherlin, Majo
Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.55
352. Lee, General E. J.. 267; General Fitzhugh, 191; Captain Francis D., 330; General G. W. C., 129; General R. E., his statue in Statuary Hall, 81; prescience and self-sacrifice and magnanimity of, 52, 234; on battle of Gettysburg, 358, the sword of, 208. Lee, Captain R E. 40. Letcher, Governor, John, 267. Levy, Colonel W. M., 50. Logan's Cross Roads, or Mill Creek, Battle of, and forces engaged at, 166; monument and cemetery at, 170. Longstreet, General, James, 231, 352. Lookout Mountain, Battle of 129. Louisiana in 1861, 13th Infantry and officers of, 118. Lownes, Wm., 2. Lowrance, Colonel, 356. Lowry, General, Robert, 156. Lucal, Major J. J., 75. Mabie, Hamilton W., 97. McCabe, W. Gordon 372. McClanahan, Captain John H., 12. McCausland, General, John, 266. McClellan General G. B., For Peace,, 45. McClure, Colonel A. K., 86. McDaniel, C. S. N., Master, 330. McGrath, General, John, 103. McGuire, Dr., Hunter, statue to, 249,362. Merritt, Genera
Petersburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.55
, James, 380; Lieut. Robert, 275: Captain Thomas, 275. Englehard, Major J. A., 354. Ewing, Master, 330; General Thos. C., 88. Federal, Vessels destroyed, 53, 330 831; Union a compact, 87; vandalism, 27. First shot of the war, 73. Fisher's Creek, Battle of, 166. Five Forks Battle of, 284. Flag, C S., Evolution of 68. Forrest, General 318. Forts, Battery Nine, 20; Grigg, assault of and its defenders , 60, 370; Haskell, McGilvery, Meikei, Morton, Morris Island, Sedgwick, 20; Stedman, 19. Franklin, Battle of, 160. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 282, Friend Thomas R., 356. Fusileer Francaise, 2. Garland, General S., killed, 199. Garnett, Captain James M.. 32, 61. Gettysburg, Battle of, 191, 200, 228, 288, 349. Georgia, Independent flag of, 236. Gibbes, Major, Wade Hampton, 73. Gibson, General R. L., 109. Gilchrist, Major R. C., 6. Gillem, General A. C., 125. Gilmor, Major, Harry, 12. Gilmore, J. R., 53. Gilmer, Colonel, 125. Gladden. Genera
Sailor's Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.55
Pratt, Captain, Julian, 15. Purcell, Colonel John B., 177. Rains, Gen. G. J., 330. Rank in U. S. and C. S. Armies, 369. Red Strings, skulks, 26. Richardson Col. Charles, 286; Lt. Charles H., wounded, 18. Richards, Sergeant G. W., 372. Richmond, closing scenes of War about, 129; evacuation of, 130; local troops of, 137, 303; retreat from, 129. Ringgold Gap, Battle of, 156. Robertson, Major James E., 141. Roosevelt's tribute to Lee, 87. Ryan, Father A. J., 208. Sailor's Creek, Battle of 142. Scharf, Lieutenant, J. Thos., 333. Scorpion, C. S. Monitor 71. Scully, Colonel John W., 128. School Books, 361. Secession, Right of 87, 88. Selph, Captain, Colin McRae, 70. Sharpsburg, Battle of, 32, 36, 279; troops engaged, 32. Sheridan, General P. H., 61. Shiloh, Battle of 298; troops engaged in, 808, 804; causes of Confederate failure, 316; losses in, 312, 314. Simpson Colonel B. L., 14, 19. Sims, C. S. N., Captain Charles. 827. Slaves and M
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.55
Dr., Hunter, statue to, 249,362. Merritt, General, Wesley, 66. McKelway, St. Clair, 97. Mallett, Prof. John W., 100. Manassas, Second Battle of, 278. Mangam, Lt. John H., 217. Manning, Colonel, Wade Hampton, 73. McNeill, Rangers of Captain John H., 12; Jesse. 12. Maryland's claims in the war, 209. Maury M. F., 326; Col. R. L., 326. Maxwell, John, 330. Miles, Colonel D. S., killed, 32. Miller, Captain, Wm. A., 2. Minor's Battery, 16; Captain Robert D., 327. Missionary Ridge, Battle of, 155. Mitchell, Geo. E., 124. Montague, Gov. A. J., 253. Morgan, General John H., killing of, 125. Murfreesboro, Battle of, 154. Napier on war, Lord, 318. Naval Brigade, 137. Negroes in the C. S. Army, 215, 365. New Market Battle of, commemorated at the V. M. I., 173; race-field, 20. North Carolina and Virginia in the War, 340; troops furnished by each, 343. Northern Va., Army of, its accomplish-ments, 280. O'Brien, Captain, wounded, 142. Otey,
Sharpsburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.55
yman, 97. Adams, Hon. C. F., His defense of R. E. Lee, 89. Alabama, Mississippi, Department of, in 1864, 48; closing scenes in, 49. Allan, Colonel, William, 34. Anderson, Captain 49th Va., wounded, 26; Captain J. R., 177. Antietam or Sharpsburg, Battle of, 32; U. S. and C. S. forces engaged in, 36. Appomattox, C. H., 284, 347. Artillery. The Light, 297. Ashe, Captain S. A., 357. Atkinson, Colonel, John Wilder, 141. Bassinger, Major S. W., 134. Baylor, Captain, George, 365. n, Father A. J., 208. Sailor's Creek, Battle of 142. Scharf, Lieutenant, J. Thos., 333. Scorpion, C. S. Monitor 71. Scully, Colonel John W., 128. School Books, 361. Secession, Right of 87, 88. Selph, Captain, Colin McRae, 70. Sharpsburg, Battle of, 32, 36, 279; troops engaged, 32. Sheridan, General P. H., 61. Shiloh, Battle of 298; troops engaged in, 808, 804; causes of Confederate failure, 316; losses in, 312, 314. Simpson Colonel B. L., 14, 19. Sims, C. S. N., Capt
Washington county (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.55
; devastated, 17. Virginia, Her contribution of great men, 91; a battle ground, 346. V. M. I., Cadets of, heroes at New Market, 173; crosses of honor for, 176; burned by Federals, 267. Walker, General James A., 30; General R. Lindsay, 277; General W. H. T., 217. Walthall, General E. C., 169. Warrenton Springs, Fight at, 273. Warwick, John M., 205. Washington Light Infantry, sketch of, 1; its charitable Association, its officers, 2, 3, 4, 5; roster of, 1860-6, 7, 8; obelisk to its dead, 10. Washington, Col. Wm. A., his widow, 2. Welsman, James T., 5. Wharton, Gen. G. C., 176, 204. Wheeler, General, Joseph. 85. White, Gen., Julius, 32; Major Robert, 12. Wilcox, General C. M 232. Winchester, Battle of forces engaged in, 61. Wise Captain John S., 176. Wood, Captain, J. Taylor, 27. Wright, Mrs., D. Giraud, 209. Young. Col. Bennett H., 165; Chas. P., 275; Captain Louis G., 353. Zollicoffer, Gen. Felix K., 165; killed, 167. Zollicoffer's Oak, 165.
Mill Creek (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.55
ault of, 159. Kenna, Hon. J. E., 86. Kennon, Lieut, Beverley, 360. Lafayette, Visit of in 1825, 2. Lane, General J. H., 352. Lee, General E. J.. 267; General Fitzhugh, 191; Captain Francis D., 330; General G. W. C., 129; General R. E., his statue in Statuary Hall, 81; prescience and self-sacrifice and magnanimity of, 52, 234; on battle of Gettysburg, 358, the sword of, 208. Lee, Captain R E. 40. Letcher, Governor, John, 267. Levy, Colonel W. M., 50. Logan's Cross Roads, or Mill Creek, Battle of, and forces engaged at, 166; monument and cemetery at, 170. Longstreet, General, James, 231, 352. Lookout Mountain, Battle of 129. Louisiana in 1861, 13th Infantry and officers of, 118. Lownes, Wm., 2. Lowrance, Colonel, 356. Lowry, General, Robert, 156. Lucal, Major J. J., 75. Mabie, Hamilton W., 97. McCabe, W. Gordon 372. McClanahan, Captain John H., 12. McCausland, General, John, 266. McClellan General G. B., For Peace,, 45. McClure, Colonel A. K., 86
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.55
; Col. R. L., 326. Maxwell, John, 330. Miles, Colonel D. S., killed, 32. Miller, Captain, Wm. A., 2. Minor's Battery, 16; Captain Robert D., 327. Missionary Ridge, Battle of, 155. Mitchell, Geo. E., 124. Montague, Gov. A. J., 253. Morgan, General John H., killing of, 125. Murfreesboro, Battle of, 154. Napier on war, Lord, 318. Naval Brigade, 137. Negroes in the C. S. Army, 215, 365. New Market Battle of, commemorated at the V. M. I., 173; race-field, 20. North Carolina and Virginia in the War, 340; troops furnished by each, 343. Northern Va., Army of, its accomplish-ments, 280. O'Brien, Captain, wounded, 142. Otey, Bishop James H., 163. Palfrey, Gen F. W., 36. Parke, Gen. John G., 31. Parker, Captain W. H., 331. Pearce, Major S. A., 78. Pemberton. Charles, killed, 279. Perry, Lt., Thos. 39. Peters, Colonel W. E., noble conduct of, 270. Petersburg, Battles around. 284. Pettigrew at Gettysburg 345. Pickens, Douschka, 79.
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.55
tle of, 166. Five Forks Battle of, 284. Flag, C S., Evolution of 68. Forrest, General 318. Forts, Battery Nine, 20; Grigg, assault of and its defenders , 60, 370; Haskell, McGilvery, Meikei, Morton, Morris Island, Sedgwick, 20; Stedman, 19. Franklin, Battle of, 160. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 282, Friend Thomas R., 356. Fusileer Francaise, 2. Garland, General S., killed, 199. Garnett, Captain James M.. 32, 61. Gettysburg, Battle of, 191, 200, 228, 288, 349. Georgia, Independent flag of, 236. Gibbes, Major, Wade Hampton, 73. Gibson, General R. L., 109. Gilchrist, Major R. C., 6. Gillem, General A. C., 125. Gilmor, Major, Harry, 12. Gilmore, J. R., 53. Gilmer, Colonel, 125. Gladden. General A. H., killed, 306. Glassell, U. S. N. Lieutenant, 330. Goldsborough, Lieut. Robert 135. Gordon, A. C., poem of, 183; Gen. John B., 19, 349. Govan, General D. C., 156. Granberry Gen. H. B., 156. Gregg, Fort, Assault and defenders of, 60,
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