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Chickamauga, Battle of, 155, 360. Chisholm, Alexander Robert, 32. Christian, Hon. George L., 250, 340. City Battalion, Richmond, 25th Infantry, officers of 303. Cleburne, General P. R., sketch of, 151; death of 160; advocated enlistment of negroes 215. Cold Harbor, Battle of, 61. Company C, 37th Va Infantry Roll of 185. Confederate Capital, Last, 80, 334; cabinet last meeting of the, 336; necessities and privations of the, 38, 237; organization of the army in the South in 1862 293; number of,303; pay of officers and privates, 369; number of Generals and Lieutenant-Generals, 190; currency, the notes issued, 145; Navy, monitors Scorpion, Wivern and Virginia or Merrimac, 71, privateer Jefferson Davis captures the Echo, 53, 54; torpedo boat David, 880; flag, its evolution, 68; ex-Generals in the U. S. Congress and Senate, 84; civilities between the and the Federal, 24; chemicals and medicines, how obtained 100. Conrad, Major, Holmes, 253. Cooper, General S., his po
Index. Abbott, Dr., Lyman, 97. Adams, Hon. C. F., His defense of R. E. Lee, 89. Alabama, Mississippi, Department of, in 1864, 48; closing scenes in, 49. Allan, Colonel, William, 34. Anderson, Captain 49th Va., wounded, 26; Captain J. R., 177. Antietam or Sharpsburg, Battle of, 32; U. S. and C. S. forces engaged in, 36. Appomattox, C. H., 284, 347. Artillery. The Light, 297. Ashe, Captain S. A., 357. Atkinson, Colonel, John Wilder, 141. Bassinger, Major S. W., 134. Baylor, Captain, George, 365. Beauregard, General P. G. T., 76; unjustly blamed at Shiloh. 310. Benham Major Calhoun, 216. Benton, T. H., his eulogy of Lee, 87. Berkeley, Captain F. N. 14. Bethel, Battle of, 347. Bobbitt B. Boisseau, 339. Bond Captain, W. R., 235. Boteler, Hon. A. R., his house burned, 267. Bradford, U. S. Navy Admiral, 333. Breckinridge, General John C., 306. Bright. Captain R. A., 228, 356. Brooke, Colonel John M.,327. Brunswick Guards, Company H,
. Simpson Colonel B. L., 14, 19. Sims, C. S. N., Captain Charles. 827. Slaves and Masters congenial, 368. Smith, Major Frank killed, 139; Colonel George W., 12; Goldwin, 87; Capt. James Power, 204. South Carolina, The Prostrate State, 1866-9, 5; opinion in that war would not follow secession, 76; rifle clubs, 75. South Mountain, Battle of, 32. Speer, Judge Emory 95. Spotsylvania C. H., Battle of, 283. Stage of Life, The, 170. Starke, General W. E., killed, 33. Staual R. Lindsay, 277; General W. H. T., 217. Walthall, General E. C., 169. Warrenton Springs, Fight at, 273. Warwick, John M., 205. Washington Light Infantry, sketch of, 1; its charitable Association, its officers, 2, 3, 4, 5; roster of, 1860-6, 7, 8; obelisk to its dead, 10. Washington, Col. Wm. A., his widow, 2. Welsman, James T., 5. Wharton, Gen. G. C., 176, 204. Wheeler, General, Joseph. 85. White, Gen., Julius, 32; Major Robert, 12. Wilcox, General C. M 232. Winchester,
eral J. D., 11; officers of his brigade, 12. Jackson Dr. R. D., 372; General T. J., 318. James, Captain George S., 74. Jones, Captain A. K.. 56; Captain Catesby, 327; D. D., Rev. J. Wm., 192; Capt. Mack, killed, 128. Johnston, General A. S., killed, 306; offered command of U. S. Army, 327; General R. D., 205 Keiley, Bishop B. J., 47. Kemper, General J. L, wounded, 234. Kenesaw, Assault of, 159. Kenna, Hon. J. E., 86. Kennon, Lieut, Beverley, 360. Lafayette, Visit of in 1825, 2. Lane, General J. H., 352. Lee, General E. J.. 267; General Fitzhugh, 191; Captain Francis D., 330; General G. W. C., 129; General R. E., his statue in Statuary Hall, 81; prescience and self-sacrifice and magnanimity of, 52, 234; on battle of Gettysburg, 358, the sword of, 208. Lee, Captain R E. 40. Letcher, Governor, John, 267. Levy, Colonel W. M., 50. Logan's Cross Roads, or Mill Creek, Battle of, and forces engaged at, 166; monument and cemetery at, 170. Longstreet, Gener
t of 87, 88. Selph, Captain, Colin McRae, 70. Sharpsburg, Battle of, 32, 36, 279; troops engaged, 32. Sheridan, General P. H., 61. Shiloh, Battle of 298; troops engaged in, 808, 804; causes of Confederate failure, 316; losses in, 312, 314. Simpson Colonel B. L., 14, 19. Sims, C. S. N., Captain Charles. 827. Slaves and Masters congenial, 368. Smith, Major Frank killed, 139; Colonel George W., 12; Goldwin, 87; Capt. James Power, 204. South Carolina, The Prostrate State, 1866-9, 5; opinion in that war would not follow secession, 76; rifle clubs, 75. South Mountain, Battle of, 32. Speer, Judge Emory 95. Spotsylvania C. H., Battle of, 283. Stage of Life, The, 170. Starke, General W. E., killed, 33. Staunton Artillery, 11. Steaman Capture of Fort, 19. Stevens, Prize Master, 54. Strother, Sergeant, Sidney, killed, 277. Success in war, what dependant on, 318. Sumter. Evacuation of Fort, 76. Sutherlin, Major W. T., 80, 886. Tatnall, Commodo
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