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Louisa Cabell Carrington (search for this): chapter 1.39
ho were deeply distressed by their loss, Colonel Carrington relinquished the practice of law, and deis patriotism, in the spring of 1861. Colonel Carrington was opposed to secession, but when the dst from Charlotte county. In May, 1861, Colonel Carrington was commissioned by Governor Letcher lieer and a Southern patriot. Afterwards Colonel Carrington served with gallantry in every campaign,fore the battle of Second Manassas, when Colonel Carrington, his wound not yet healed, rejoined his through that great battle. Here, again, Colonel Carrington was severely wounded, and the command ofa, where, in the early winter of 1862-3, Colonel Carrington returned and resumed his command. ColonColonel Carrington was in command at Fredericksburg, and there, as he had ever done, acted well his part neral Burnside met disastrous defeat. Colonel Carrington commanded the 18th Virginia Regiment in 265 were killed, wounded and missing. Colonel Carrington was a number of times by his superior of[4 more...]
ded. At once assuming command, Colonel Carrington continued in brilliant style one of the most successful charges made during that bloody campaign, for the battle of Drewry's Bluff was, indeed, one of the most hotly contested battles of the war, and resulted in a glorious victory for the Confederacy. Soon after the fight at Drewry's Bluff, Colonel Carrington was sent with his regiment to rejoin its own (Hunton's) brigade, then north of James river. It had for several months served with Corse's Brigade in North Carolina and around Petersburg. Under Hunton it had fought at second Cold Harbor and around Richmond, until late in June, when Pickett's Division (to which Hunton's Brigade belonged), was sent to the trenches around Petersburg, and fronting General Grant's army. For months after, although in feeble health, Colonel Carrington, with his regiment, stuck nobly to his duty, sometimes repelling assaults upon Lee's lines; at all times under fire and exposed to deadly peril.
George E. Pickett (search for this): chapter 1.39
t the battle of Seven Pines he was very painfully wounded while with his regiment under one of the hottest fires and dangerously exposed positions during the war. He joined immediately after his convalescence, and was again wounded quite severely at the battle of Second Manassas. He has stuck to his regiment religiously, although he has suffered much from sickness. He is an officer of much modesty and merit. I think he is very deserving of promotion, and conscientiously recommend him. G. E. Pickett, Major-General Commanding Division. After a captivity of nearly ten months, Colonel Carrington rejoined his command on the morning of the 19th day of May, 1864, just after the regiment had entered upon Beauregard's celebrated charge upon Butler's Federal forces, and just as the major commanding had fallen, desperately wounded. At once assuming command, Colonel Carrington continued in brilliant style one of the most successful charges made during that bloody campaign, for the battle
May, 1861 AD (search for this): chapter 1.39
day. He continued farming until the alarms of war fired his patriotism, in the spring of 1861. Colonel Carrington was opposed to secession, but when the die was cast, when Virginia decided to withdraw from the Union, like a true son, he determined to follow the fortunes of his mother State and was the first to volunteer his services from his native county. The Charlotte Rifles, a company of the 18th Virginia Infantry, was the first organized body to enlist from Charlotte county. In May, 1861, Colonel Carrington was commissioned by Governor Letcher lieutenant-colonel of the 18th Virginia. On the night before his departure for the fields of battle, in the parlor of Ingleside, his parental home, a scene which yet lingers in the memories of those who witnessed it, and marked the character of the man and patriot. Before taking leave of parents and friends, the church rector, an inmate of the house, was requested to appear before the assembled family and friends, and there and t
September 13th, 1832 AD (search for this): chapter 1.39
Colonel H. A. Carrington, C. S. Army. [from the times-dispatch, Feb. 28, 1904.] A sketch of his life and services. By Colonel Geo. C. Cabell, late Lieutenant-Colonel 18th Virginia Infantry. Henry Alexander Carrington, son of Henry and Louisa Cabell Carrington, was born at Ingleside, Charlotte county, Va., on the 13th day of September, 1832. His ancestors on both sides had been distinguished in the annals of Virginia history. He was educated at the Virginia Military Institute and the University of Virginia, at which last institution he commenced the study of law, intending to make that his profession. His plans, however, were changed by the death of his brother, the lamented William Cabell Carrington. Yielding to the entreaties of his parents, who were deeply distressed by their loss, Colonel Carrington relinquished the practice of law, and devoted himself to agricultural pursuits upon his patrimonial estate, Retirement, a mile from his father's residence. He was marri
January 29th, 1856 AD (search for this): chapter 1.39
of Virginia, at which last institution he commenced the study of law, intending to make that his profession. His plans, however, were changed by the death of his brother, the lamented William Cabell Carrington. Yielding to the entreaties of his parents, who were deeply distressed by their loss, Colonel Carrington relinquished the practice of law, and devoted himself to agricultural pursuits upon his patrimonial estate, Retirement, a mile from his father's residence. He was married on January 29, 1856, to Charlotte Elizabeth Cullen, daughter of Dr. John Cullen, of Richmond, one of the most brilliant women of her day. He continued farming until the alarms of war fired his patriotism, in the spring of 1861. Colonel Carrington was opposed to secession, but when the die was cast, when Virginia decided to withdraw from the Union, like a true son, he determined to follow the fortunes of his mother State and was the first to volunteer his services from his native county. The Charlotte
February 28th, 1904 AD (search for this): chapter 1.39
Colonel H. A. Carrington, C. S. Army. [from the times-dispatch, Feb. 28, 1904.] A sketch of his life and services. By Colonel Geo. C. Cabell, late Lieutenant-Colonel 18th Virginia Infantry. Henry Alexander Carrington, son of Henry and Louisa Cabell Carrington, was born at Ingleside, Charlotte county, Va., on the 13th day of September, 1832. His ancestors on both sides had been distinguished in the annals of Virginia history. He was educated at the Virginia Military Institute and the University of Virginia, at which last institution he commenced the study of law, intending to make that his profession. His plans, however, were changed by the death of his brother, the lamented William Cabell Carrington. Yielding to the entreaties of his parents, who were deeply distressed by their loss, Colonel Carrington relinquished the practice of law, and devoted himself to agricultural pursuits upon his patrimonial estate, Retirement, a mile from his father's residence. He was marri
After the surrender, Colonel Carrington returned to his once beautiful, but now desolated, home and to those who were left of those so dear to him. Many fearful changes had taken place in and around his native place. Broken in fortune, but not in spirit, he commenced again the successful practice of law at Charlotte Courthouse, Va., greatly aiding his people by his wise and conservative course and advice as they struggled through the horrors of the so-called days of reconstruction. In 1870 Colonel Carrington was made clerk of the courts of Charlotte county and so remained an invaluable official to the day of his death. The disease contracted while a prisoner at Johnson's Island made such inroads upon his health that he became an invalid for four years before he succumbed. During this period he would often discourse upon the war and the events which came under his observation. His descriptions of campaigns and battles were particularly interesting. His great conception of mi
January 22nd, 1885 AD (search for this): chapter 1.39
rs and fine command of language, made him a most charming authority upon all such subjects. Colonel Carrington was very handsome and commanding in appearance, and his conduct and bearing impressed all who came in contact with him that he was every inch the soldier. He exercised a superb control over his men, who were greatly devoted to him, not so much through stern military discipline as through the confidence and love inspired by just actions and brave deeds. He died on the 22d day of January, 1885. His body rests in Richmond, near the honored dead of his family—his spirit survives in the vale of Valhalla, the home of redeemed heroes. At Charlotte Courthouse a camp of Confederate veterans was formed some years ago, and called H. A. Carrington Camp, C. V., in honor of Colonel Carrington, and a monument erected there since will aid to keep in grateful remembrance the life, service and character of a noble patriot, who was in every relation of life true to his family, his count
May 19th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 1.39
. He joined immediately after his convalescence, and was again wounded quite severely at the battle of Second Manassas. He has stuck to his regiment religiously, although he has suffered much from sickness. He is an officer of much modesty and merit. I think he is very deserving of promotion, and conscientiously recommend him. G. E. Pickett, Major-General Commanding Division. After a captivity of nearly ten months, Colonel Carrington rejoined his command on the morning of the 19th day of May, 1864, just after the regiment had entered upon Beauregard's celebrated charge upon Butler's Federal forces, and just as the major commanding had fallen, desperately wounded. At once assuming command, Colonel Carrington continued in brilliant style one of the most successful charges made during that bloody campaign, for the battle of Drewry's Bluff was, indeed, one of the most hotly contested battles of the war, and resulted in a glorious victory for the Confederacy. Soon after the fig
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