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Samuel Gridley Howe 184 2 Browse Search
Theodore Parker 161 1 Browse Search
Charles Sumner 156 0 Browse Search
Maud Howe 128 0 Browse Search
Newport (Rhode Island, United States) 80 2 Browse Search
Julia Romana Howe 80 0 Browse Search
Samuel Ward 77 5 Browse Search
Dominican Republic (Dominican Republic) 74 0 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips 72 0 Browse Search
Ralph Waldo Emerson 68 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899.

Found 4,548 total hits in 1,852 results.

... 181 182 183 184 185 186
Block Island (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
12. Greeks, Dr. Howe's labors for, 85, 86, 313, 319. Green Peace Estate, The, 152. Green, J. R., the historian, 412. Greene, George Washington, American consul at Rome, helps Dr. Howe, 123; accompanies the Howes to the papal reception, 125. Greene, Gen., Nathanael, 7, 123. Greene, Mrs. N. R., cousin of Mrs. Howe's father, anecdote of, 6. Greene, William, governor of Rhode Island, 4. Greene, Mrs. William (Catharine Ray), an ancestress of Mrs. Howe, 3; her connection with Block Island families of service, 51. Greene, William B., colonel of the First Mass. Heavy Artillery, 271. Gregory XVI., Pope, receives the Howes, 125; anecdote of, 126, 127. Grey, Mrs., her interest in schools for girls of the middle class, 333. Grimes, Brother, a colored preacher, 263. Grimes, James W., senator from Iowa, 225. Grimes, Medora. See Ward, Mrs. Samuel. Grisi, sings at Lansdowne House, 101; in Semiramide, 104. Griswold, R. W., his Female Poets of America, 5. Gr
Lawton's Valley (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
circle of friends, 169, 170; his interest in prison reforms, 173; commissioner on the annexation of Santo Domingo, 181; visits Europe in 1850, 188; takes the water cure at Boppard, 189; his abolition sympathies, 218; trip to Cuba, 230; buys Lawton's Valley at Newport, 238; objects to his children attending the Parker meetings, 244; edits The Commonwealth, 252; his friendship with Gov. Andrew, 253; his judgment in military affairs, 269; averse to women speaking in public, 305; his interest in tdseer, Sir, Edwin, at the Rogers dinner, 99. Lane, Prof. George M., 402. Lansdowne, Marquis of, his courtesy to the Howes, 100, 101. Lansdowne, Marchioness of, 100. Lansdowne House, musical evening at, 100-102; dinner at, 103. Lawton's Valley, the Howes' summer home at Newport, 238. Lee, Henry, on Gov. Andrew's staff, 266. Lemonnier, M. Charles, editor, 413. Lemonnier, Mme., Elise, founder of industrial schools for women, 413. Leo XIII., consecrated: revives certain poi
... 181 182 183 184 185 186