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Waterville, N.Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
July 15. We marched at 6 a. m. across Antietam Bridge, passed through Keedersville, and halted at Ruersville for the night. This was a hard day; from twenty-six to twenty-eight miles had been covered, under a boiling sun, and there were many cases of sunstroke. July 16. At 6 a. m. we set out for Berlin's Station, close to the Potomac, and ten miles away. Here we remained until July 18, when we crossed the river into Virginia. That night, after a march of twelve miles, we were at Waterville. This seemed to be a Quaker settlement. The next day we moved on ten miles to Hamilton. July 20. Up at 2 a. m. Moved at 5 o'clock; crossed many small streams and forded Goose Creek, which was about one hundred yards wide, and in some places four feet deep. We marched about twenty-five miles, and at 5.30 halted at Middleburg. July 22. Moved at 7 p. m., and marched all night; halted at 3 a. m. in White Plain. Here we slept four hours, and at 7 a. m. —July 23—pushed on to Warring
Boxford (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ned officers stepped from the ranks as their names were called: John H. Dusseault, first sergeant; Edward A. Hale, second sergeant; Edwin Mills, third sergeant; Judson W. Oliver, fourth sergeant; Richard J. Hyde, fifth sergeant; and the usual number of corporals, viz., D. P. Bucknam, Elkanah Crosby, William M. Carr, Melvin C. Parkhurst, Charles E. Fitcham, George Van De Sande, William A. Baker, and Leslie Stevens. The company remained at Prospect Hill until September 2 when they went to Boxford, and there joined the rest of the regiment (the Thirty-ninth Massachusetts), and came on the right of the line,—first place. Colonel Phineas Stearns Davis, of Cambridge, was in command, and September 6 the regiment left for Washington, D. C. Amid the cheers of throngs of people, we departed from Boston in first-class cars, but before we reached our destination we were riding in cattle cars. This was due, of course to the congested condition of transportation, as everything at that time wa
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
nd arrived at 11 a. m. at Warrington Junction. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon we marched again, and reached Bristow station at 10 o'clock that night. October 14. Marched at 7 a. m., and reached Centerville at noon. At 4 p. m., we set out for Bull Run, which was not far away. We saw the famous battlefield several times in the course of this season. The entire regiment was ordered on picket, and Company E was ordered to follow the Run until they met the pickets of the Sixth corps (Sedgwick'sn. After that no one ever heard a word uttered against this officer; not many majors in the service would have done as much for their men. October 15. The pickets were drawn in at 11 a. m., and we marched to Cub Run. Orders came for our regiment to take a position to support the pickets on our front, as heavy firing was going on in close proximity to the picket line. It will be remembered that this came near to being a third Bull Run, but we had the better position and the enemy withdrew.
Roxbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
rched back towards Washington, eight miles to Seneca, where we camped about a week, thence to Muddy Branch, where we remained until November 13. On the way back, at Offert's Cross Roads, death entered our ranks for the first time, and we lost Private Sumner P. Rollins, who had enlisted with his half-brother, Illiot Kenneston. While we were at this place, Second Lieutenant Kinsley was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant, company H (from Dorchester). Sergeant-Major T. Cordis Clark, of Roxbury, was assigned to the vacancy in company E. December 21 found us at Poolsville again, where we went into winter quarters. The night of our arrival was a very cold one, so cold that the water which spilled from our canteens would freeze on our clothing. This was a hard march, and many of the boys fell out by the way. Three hundred or four hundred of us were packed away in a small schoolhouse, thick as sardines. The next morning some of the party got over into the town and visited the gr
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 3
t Hill, and a flagstaff erected, which stood until the hill was dug down, some fifteen years later. The company was filled quickly, and our historian was one of the first to enlist. There was the usual round of duties, drilling, and keeping guard. The days passed quickly, and the boys fared sumptuously. For, in addition to the usual rations, they received bountiful contributions from the larders of the patriotic matrons of the town. On August 12 the company was mustered into the United States service, and on that day the non-commissioned officers stepped from the ranks as their names were called: John H. Dusseault, first sergeant; Edward A. Hale, second sergeant; Edwin Mills, third sergeant; Judson W. Oliver, fourth sergeant; Richard J. Hyde, fifth sergeant; and the usual number of corporals, viz., D. P. Bucknam, Elkanah Crosby, William M. Carr, Melvin C. Parkhurst, Charles E. Fitcham, George Van De Sande, William A. Baker, and Leslie Stevens. The company remained at Pros
Rappahannock (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ur feet deep. We marched about twenty-five miles, and at 5.30 halted at Middleburg. July 22. Moved at 7 p. m., and marched all night; halted at 3 a. m. in White Plain. Here we slept four hours, and at 7 a. m. —July 23—pushed on to Warrington, a distance of fifteen miles, and reached there that afternoon. For the first time we encamped in line of battle, as the enemy were not more than three or four miles away. Both armies, it must be remembered, were having a grand race for the Rappahannock river. At Warrington the nine-months' men above referred to left us, as their time was out, and we were put in another brigade, with the Thirteenth Massachusetts, Sixteenth Maine, Ninety-fourth New York, and One Hundred and Seventh Pennsylvania. July 25. We moved early, and went fourteen miles that morning—four miles of it was out of our way—and six miles more that afternoon and evening. It rained hard all the way, and at 1 o'clock in the morning, July 26, we reached Bealton station.
Hagerstown (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
setts militiamen, all serving for nine months, and their term of service was nearly ended. We were now a part of the Army of the Potomac. Sunday, July 12. We left Maryland Heights at 10 a. m. to report to General Mead, who was on his way from Gettysburg, and was now following up the Confederate army, which was still on the Maryland side, but farther up the river. We marched all night, and halted at six in the morning for breakfast. At 3 p. m. we joined the army at Funkstown, near Hagarstown, Md., having made thirty miles in twenty-nine hours. Much of the march had been over a very rough road. To be explicit, ours was the Fourth brigade, Second division, First army corps, and under General John Newton. We were an extra brigade. July 13. We skirmished all day. July 14. Though being ordered to move early, we did not get under way until 2 p. m. We passed over the rebels' works, now deserted, and after a distance of seven miles, halted at Williamsport. Here our Somerville
Middleburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
he Potomac, and ten miles away. Here we remained until July 18, when we crossed the river into Virginia. That night, after a march of twelve miles, we were at Waterville. This seemed to be a Quaker settlement. The next day we moved on ten miles to Hamilton. July 20. Up at 2 a. m. Moved at 5 o'clock; crossed many small streams and forded Goose Creek, which was about one hundred yards wide, and in some places four feet deep. We marched about twenty-five miles, and at 5.30 halted at Middleburg. July 22. Moved at 7 p. m., and marched all night; halted at 3 a. m. in White Plain. Here we slept four hours, and at 7 a. m. —July 23—pushed on to Warrington, a distance of fifteen miles, and reached there that afternoon. For the first time we encamped in line of battle, as the enemy were not more than three or four miles away. Both armies, it must be remembered, were having a grand race for the Rappahannock river. At Warrington the nine-months' men above referred to left us, as t
Maryland Heights (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
o change had taken place in our company, except that Lieutenant J. J. Giles was left in Washington on detached duty at the provost-marshal's office. I remember that we reached our destination one night about dark, and were marched off to Maryland Heights, two miles or more, and over an exceedingly rough road. Here we were brigaded with the Eighth, Forty-sixth, and Fifty-first Massachusetts militiamen, all serving for nine months, and their term of service was nearly ended. We were now a part of the Army of the Potomac. Sunday, July 12. We left Maryland Heights at 10 a. m. to report to General Mead, who was on his way from Gettysburg, and was now following up the Confederate army, which was still on the Maryland side, but farther up the river. We marched all night, and halted at six in the morning for breakfast. At 3 p. m. we joined the army at Funkstown, near Hagarstown, Md., having made thirty miles in twenty-nine hours. Much of the march had been over a very rough road.
Warrington, Fla. (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
laces four feet deep. We marched about twenty-five miles, and at 5.30 halted at Middleburg. July 22. Moved at 7 p. m., and marched all night; halted at 3 a. m. in White Plain. Here we slept four hours, and at 7 a. m. —July 23—pushed on to Warrington, a distance of fifteen miles, and reached there that afternoon. For the first time we encamped in line of battle, as the enemy were not more than three or four miles away. Both armies, it must be remembered, were having a grand race for the Rappahannock river. At Warrington the nine-months' men above referred to left us, as their time was out, and we were put in another brigade, with the Thirteenth Massachusetts, Sixteenth Maine, Ninety-fourth New York, and One Hundred and Seventh Pennsylvania. July 25. We moved early, and went fourteen miles that morning—four miles of it was out of our way—and six miles more that afternoon and evening. It rained hard all the way, and at 1 o'clock in the morning, July 26, we reached Bealton s
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