Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903. You can also browse the collection for James W. Tufts or search for James W. Tufts in all documents.

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just beyond the abutment, and carried on a milk farm there. He has descendants still living in: town. Oliver lived in the old Lee house, and carried on his farm till his death in 1883. Leonard, who lived in Charlestown, was the father of James W. Tufts, who was at one time an apothecary in Somerville avenue, near the Bleachery. Mr. Tufts has since become well-known as a manufacturer of soda-water apparatus. Asa lived in Boston, and was the father of Mrs. Franklin Henderson and the late WiMr. Tufts has since become well-known as a manufacturer of soda-water apparatus. Asa lived in Boston, and was the father of Mrs. Franklin Henderson and the late William Sumner Tufts. Joseph Tufts was the third son of Peter of Winter Hill, and was born in 1760. He married a daughter of James and Tabitha (Binford) Tufts, of Medford, and had eleven children. Joseph inherited the homestead of his father, and lived in it till his death in 1819. He was a representative to the General Court in 1814, and, a selectman for the years 1815-16-17. His eldest son was a graduate of Harvard College, and a lawyer of Charlestown within the Neck. Sons Bernard and A
harles, II.—21, 22. Tufts, Charles, home of, III.—15. Tufts, Daniel, II.—22. Tufts, Edmund, Printer, son of Joseph, I.—25; II.—24; III.—21. Tufts, Elizabeth, wife of Ebenezer Smith, I.—24. Tufts, Captain, Francis, IV.—22. Tufts, Hannah, daughter of Peter, II.—22. Tufts, Isaac, II.—22. Tufts, Isaac, son of Timothy and Anne Adams, II.—25. Tufts, Isaiah, son of Nathaniel, I.—22, 23. Tufts, James, son of Peter, I.—21. Tufts, James, of Medford, II.—23, 24. Tufts, James W., son of Leonard, II.—24. Tufts, Joel, son of Peter of Winter Hill, II.—22. Tufts, John, of Charlestown and Maiden, I.—21. Tufts, John 2nd, son of William, I.—23 Tufts, John 2nd, son of Nathaniel, I.—23. Tufts, John, son of Peter of Milk Row, II.—21. Tufts, John, son of Peter of Winter Hill, II.—23. Tufts, John, Jr., son of John and Elizabeth, II.—23. Tufts, Jonathan, of Medford, I.—21. Tufts, Jonas, II.—25. Tufts, Jo