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highways leading through Medford, viz.: the highway now known as Grove street, the highway from Medford bridge to Woburn (part of High street and all of Woburn street) and the Highway to Malden (Salem street). So far as we know the house of Mr. Caleb Brooks, and possibly the house of Captain Timothy Wheeler, afterwards that of Mr. Ebenezer Prout, and still later that of Messrs. John and Stephen Francis, were the only houses on the first named highway at that date, and there is no evidence that uel Wade. Under date of December 26, 1743, Colonel Royall advertised as follows: any person beforehanded so as to lay in a good stock of liquors and other necessaries for a Tavern, may meet with proper encouragement from Isaac Royall Esq. (from Brooks' History of Medford.) This advertisement was answered by Mr. John Bradshaw, who was a few years prior to this date the owner and landlord of the Royal Oak Tavern. Mr. Bradshaw was landlord of the Admiral Vernon from the year 1744 to about the mid
d back. John Wade owned the house where Mr. George H. Bean the florist lives now. Major Wade's tannery was just east of this house, and family tradition says that he built the last named dwelling and two others opposite for his operatives. Mr. A. D. Puffer's mansion, remodelled and moved back from the street, was the home of Major Samuel Swan and his son Joseph. This house was originally the Ebenezer Brooks mansion. Previous to 1812 the house was occupied by his half brother, Captain Caleb Brooks, who was guardian of his nephew Ebenezer. Jonathan Porter's house, a few years ago demolished, was the home of William Furness. This house was formerly the residence of Parson Turell. The next and nearest neighbor was Cherry Bucknam, so called because he made such excellent cherry rum. This house made way for Grace Church rectory. Next came the house of William Roach and, beyond, the Samuel Train house. This house was once the property of one Mr. Wyman, who preceded Mrs. Rowson
le. There is another clause in the will of Isaac Royall, senior, which has given rise to ingenious surmising as to the identity of his wife. He leaves certain property to my daughter-in-law, Ann Oliver, the wife of Robert Oliver of Dorchester. Brooks (History of Medford) and Harris (New England Royalls) state that Isaac Royal married Elizabeth, daughter of Asaph Elliot of Boston, which is undoubtedly correct. Harris further states that this Elizabeth had been previously married to one Olivermer husband, Ann Brown, married (also in Antigua), February 3, 1721, Robert Oliver. This seems more reasonable than to suppose that a widow Oliver should have been married a second time under her maiden name of Elliot, for so the record stands. Brooks speaks of the suspicion that naturally fell upon our Isaac Royall on account of his affiliation with the Vassalls of Cambridge. Penelope Royall's husband was Henry Vassall of Cambridge, who died about 1769. His brother John, who built the Longf