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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 8., The Whitmores of Medford and some of their descendants. (search)
Timothy Wheeler, and west and northwest by land already owned by John Whitmore. The latter is authorized at all times and from time to time, to quietly enjoy and posess the above land. He also owned land in Charlestown and Billerica. John Whitmore married Rachel, daughter of Francis Eliot of Cambridge and widow of John Poulter of Cambridge. John and Rachel Whitmore had three children. John Whitmore was interested in town affairs, and in the Indian difficulties of that time. He went to Saco against them under Major Swayne. How long he remained is not told, but his wife Rachel petitioned the General Court to release him, and here is a copy of her petition. To the Honorable Simon Bradstreet Governor, and the rest of the Honorable body now sitting in Boston, the humble petition of Rachel Whitmore, wife of John Whitmore. Whereas your petitioner's husband was impressed into the country's service against the Indian enemy, and is now with Major Swayne at Newchawanick, and yo