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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 16., Volume II of Medford records. (search)
The school-house, however, was finally built as recommended on what is now High street, on the southerly side, next easterly of Meeting House Brook. This building supplied the wants of the town for educational purposes for over forty years. By vote of town meeting, in December, 1720, two schools were to be established during the coming winter, one in the easterly and one in the westerly part of the town, and on December 26th the committee appointed to arrange for the same reported that Caleb Brooks had been engaged to keep a writing school in the west end for three months at forty shillings per month, and Henry Davison for the easterly part of the town for three months for four pounds and what he could obtain from the scholars. The vote to establish a school during the winter months became an annual custom, but some peculiarities of different years are noted. In 1722 it was voted that persons who send their children to school shall pay the town three pence per week per scholar, a