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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23.,
Medford turnpike
Corporation. (search)
speeding their horses by and in front of him, compelling him to be almost smothered by the dust raised by their horses' feet. Our townsman stood the annoyance until forbearance ceased to be a virtue with him. Then he placed an order with a horse dealer for a horse to beat the crowd at whatever cost. He got what he wanted, and took no more dust from anyone. We never heard of the toll-gatherer being robbed of a busy day's receipts, as was the case in other places, but the turnpike road was once the scene of a sensational highway robbery, when Major Bray was held up and robbed by the notorious highwayman, Mike Martin. It is said that on Mrs. Bray's handing over her watch, the knight of the road immediately returned it, saying he never robbed a lady. It was quite a common sight to see Colonel Samuel Jaques of the Ten-hills farm, bugle in hand, ride up and down the road to and from the hunting grounds mounted on his hunting horse and followed by a pack of hounds. John H. Hooper.
shown by fragments remaining and folded over the edges, and fly-leaves securely pasted over them. On the first of the latter, in the upper left-hand, appears (in pencil), 3 Qr. $1.50. Following the transcript of the charter is a copy of advertisement in the Centinel, calling the first meeting to be held on April 11, 1803, at the tavern of Hezekiah Blanchard, Jr. Benjamin Hall was its moderator, and Luther Stearns clerk, continuing as such until 1821. This is the book referred to by Mr. Hooper in this issue. Since his article was written there has been published a work entitled, The Turnpikes of New England. Its author, a civil engineer, in preparing a report on some public utility, ventured (as he says) into the historical side of the matter. Search in an extensive library, under the head of turnpikes, yielded him nothing but in one instance, and that a work of fiction. Nothing daunted, he began to gather authentic facts, with a magazine article in prospect. The work grew
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23., The mills on the Medford turnpike. (search)
orner of Medford into Mystic river. The latter is now mostly subterranean at Tufts park. The former has lately been before our Board of Aldermen for alleged misconduct. Its source is on the southern slope of College (Walnut Tree) hill, near Broadway, and its course through the Tufts athletic field can easily be traced, but often innocent of water Passing beneath the railroad its course (when it has any, as in recent years) is changed somewhat, See register, Vol. XIX, p. 13, Com. of J. H. Hooper. but returns to the old, before crossing the highway, and at the turnpike widens, and is the Canal cut from Medford river wherein a lighter can come up, See register, Vol. XVI, p. 77. once belonging to Isaac Royall. It does not appear that Captain Adams developed any water power from Two-penny brook; it was more likely that his action was in the interest of his brick yards near by. But in 1813, in July, signed by Peter C. Brooks, president (and the seal of the corporation), on the
rsuit and arrived at the station before the engine could be started up. After the arrival of the party, which had walked to the pumping station, the mayor was informed of the action of the employees. He was asked if it was his intent that all the sewage should be passed through the filter beds, and he answered yes. Then said one of the selectmen of Medford, Stop up the sewer so that no unpurified sewage will pass into the pond, and thus compel all the sewage to be pumped into the filter beds. Turning to the city engineer, the mayor said, How would that do, Mr.——? It would not do at all, was the answer. The mayor made no reply. The city of Boston never did, and never intended to purify all the sewage before discharging it into the pond. The condition of matters was never satisfactory to Medford people until the completion of the Metropolitan system of sewerage. After the Metropolitan Water Board was established, Mystic pond was abandoned as a water supply. John H. Hooper
nd no reference to the waterworks in the Boston dailies, and have discovered (as yet) no intimation of any ceremonies attendant upon the depositing of the box, which was probably on October 1 or 2 of 1863. The Charlestown Enterprise and Bunker Hill Aurora of next previous date were accompanied by the Enterprise of Saturday, October 4, 1862, containing an interesting column regarding the exercises of breaking ground on the preceding Saturday See register, Vol. XX, p. 30, article by J. H. Hooper.for the reservoir on Walnut hill. By the courtesy of Superintendent Kiliam we are enabled to present the Historical Society with a type-written copy of the same. The pumping station, which since 1900 has been used only for storage and recently in the war work of the Radio company, is to be utilized as a workshop and garage by the Metropolitan Commission. Formerly it was a place of interest to visitors. Mr. Bernard Born, who came from New York to set up the first pumping engines, r
the bridge over the Branch, to have sketched such a view, all of which were plainly visible. As I look at the illustration, the four-horse team is on Mystic avenue, or the Turnpike of those days. Note the wide expanse of land between the road and the river, without any road or building intervening. Without doubt that is the salt marsh, which occupied the entire space between the road and the river. I lived on the turnpike in the year 1843 (not far from where the boy appears to be standing), and I have seen just that view times without number, and I confidently assert that there is no other place where such a view could have been taken except in that vicinity. Of course, when one learns that the illustration is intended to represent Medford, it is not difficult to point out what the author of the article deemed to be the most prominent buildings, but were it not for the word Medford applied to the illustration, I should never suspect it was our good old town. John H. Hooper.
Editorial Comment. Referring to Mr. Hooper's letter, it is clearly evident that Medford in its corporate capacity never availed itself of the legislative permission to build a grist-mill. In usi was not our intention to claim any municipal construction or ownership. By interview we find Mr. Hooper is of the opinion that the very suitable place a little above Mistick bridge was on the presenthe following, which is a copy of the deed of Joseph Prout to Jonathan Dunster referred to by Mr. Hooper. Middlesex Registry, Book 15, page 201. All that his millstead lying and being on Mistiaces Adjacent. We regret that at the time of the unearthing of the remains of that old mill Mr. Hooper was absent from town, and so never saw them. Had he, with his mechanical knowledge he could hnces and the site of the old Broughton mill we refer to our frontispiece and acknowledge the forethought and interest of Mr. Hooper in securing the two views of the mill site just before obliteration.