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The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1860., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for English Stone or search for English Stone in all documents.

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. A fire, involving the destruction of property valued in the aggregate at over half a million of dollars, broke out in New York soon after midnight of Saturday, in the large brown-stone warehouse at the corner of Church street, occupied by E. Stone & Co., dry goods dealers and importers. A number of fire companies were at the moment passing through Broadway, on their return from a fire in Front street, and as quickly as possible they got to work. The intense cold, however, made their opewas insured for $35,000 only, in various city and country companies. Considerable quantities of their stock was saved, though in a greatly damaged condition. The second, third, fourth and fifth stories of the same building were occupied by E. Stone & Co., whose loss amounts to about $50,000; fully insured. Johnston, Shepherd & Saunders, importers of dry goods, conducted their business on the first floor of No. 27 Murray street and No. 31 Warren street. Their loss on stock is probably