Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Manchester (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Manchester (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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ed and thirty-two students have matriculated in the Medical Department of the University of Nashville, Tenn., the present session. The schooner Fleetwood arrived at New York, Monday, from Para, bringing a family of fourteen anacondas. A Chinese Baptist Church has been organized at Sacramento, California, and nine other new churches have been recognized. Lieut. James H Moore, attached to the U. S. sloop of-war Lancaster, died at Lima, Peru, on the 19th of October. David Sparrow, convicted of felony in Marion co., Va., has been sentenced to be caged for five years in the penitentiary. Prof. J. Cobb, M. D., for a number of years connected with the Louisville Medical University, died at Manchester, Mass., Friday. Wm. Croghan Jesup, eldest son of the late Major General Jesup, U. S. Army, recently died at Elkton. Ky. A school census of San Francisco gives 154,000 children under eighteen years. Wm. M. Randolph has been elected Sheriff of Hardy co, Va.